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A House full of Treasures - Ένα Σπίτι Γεμάτο Θησαυρούς

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The other day I had the pleasure to visit a friend of mine who lives in a very old farmhouse.  In fact, she told me some parts of the house are about 250 years old.  And her house is full of rare treasures.  She was kind enough to allow me to photograph these beauties. 

Τις προάλλες είχα την χαρά να επισκεφθώ μια φίλη μου που ζει σε  ένα  πολύ   παλιό αγροτικό σπίτι. Μάλιστα, μου είπε πως κάποια μέρη του σπιτιού είναι περίπου  250 ετών. Και το σπίτι της είναι γεμάτο από σπάνιους θησαυρούς. Είχε την καλοσύνη να μου επιτρέψει να φωτογραφίσω αυτές τις ομορφιές.

Fireplace mantel, A house full of treasures - The Boondocks blog
Byzantine Icon, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks Blog
I felt like a little  kid in a candy shop.  So much to see…what would I photograph first?  This old copper pot used for holding wood?

Ένιωσα σαν ένα μικρό παιδί μέσα σε ζαχαροπλαστείο. Τόσα πολλά να δω. Τι θα φωτογράφιζα πρώτα;  Αυτό το παλιό χάλκινο σκεύος που κρατάει ξύλα;

 Copper pot used as wood holder , A house full of treasures - the Boondocks Blog
The farmhouse is full of rustic beauty. Here is a detail of a door, which is nestled into the wall.. a very thick wall indeed. 

Η αγροικία είναι γεμάτη ρουστίκ ομορφιά. Εδώ είναι μια λεπτομέρεια μιας πόρτας, η οποία είναι φωλιασμένη μέσα στον τοίχο.

Old wooden door, A house full of tresures - The Boondocks Blog
Just look at that wooden ceiling!  Swoon worthy!

Κοιτάξτε αυτό το ξύλινο ταβάνι!  

Σου παίρνει την ανάσα! 
Wooden ceiling, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks Blog
A huge mirror.  Just look at the carvings on the frame.


Ένας τεράστιος καθρέφτης. Κοιτάξτε τα σκαλιστές λεπτομέρειες.
Large mirror with scrollwork on frame, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks Blog
Detail of large mirror, A house full of tresures - the Boondocks blog
Large mirror, A house full of treasures, The Boondocks Blog
Below the  mirror is a marble topped table.  Let’s admire that scrollwork. 

Κάτω από τον καθρέφτη είναι ένα τραπέζι με μάρμαρο. Ας θαυμάσουμε τις λεπτομέρειες  επάνω  στο ξύλο.

Detail of marble table, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks blog
Detail of scrollwork on table, A house full of tresures - the Boondocks blog
Detail of scrollwork on table leg, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks Blog
A parade of elephants is underway…on the table.

Η παρέλαση ελεφάντων είναι σε εξέλιξη … πάνω στο τραπέζι.
Elephants on table, A ho use full of tresures - the boondocks blog
Elephants on table, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks blog
The handsewn tapestry has beading, tiny mirrors, crocheting, crewel embroidery… pretty much a feast for the eyes!  

Το χειροποίητο ταπισερί έχει χάντρες, μικροσκοπικά κάτοπτρα, βελονάκι και κεντήματα … λίγο πολύ μια γιορτή για τα μάτια!

A handsewn tapestry, w ith keys and elephants on the table, A house full of tresures - The Boondocks blog
More elephants, this time hanging.

Περισσότεροι ελέφαντες, αυτή τη φορά κρέμονται. 
Elephants hanging from the wall, A house full of tresures - the Boondocks Blog
Moving on we find this intricately carved buffet table. 

Προχωρώντας βλέπουμε αυτό το περίτεχνα σκαλισμένο τραπέζι μπουφέ.

A wooden buffet table, with wood carvings, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks Blog
An antique version of a pressure cooker in brass?

Μια αντίκα χύτρα ταχύτητας σε χαλκό.

A brass pot, A house full of tresures - The boondocks blog
 This is an unusual plant stand made of wood. 

Μια ασυνήθιστη βάση για φυτά κατασκευασμένο από ξύλο.

A wooden plant stand, A house full of tresures - The boondocks blog
A desk and chair, 

Ένα γραφείο με καρέκλα,

An old w ooden desk, A house full of tresures - the Boondocks blog
A w ooden chair with cain seating, A ho use full of tresures - the Boondocks blog
with a fan-like shell.

με ένα κοχύλι που μοιαζει με ανεμιστήρα.

A fanlike shell resting on the desk - A house full of tresures - the boondocks blog
A clock not touched by time!

Ένα ρολόι που ο χρόνος δεν το αγγίζει!
Details of an old wall clock, A house full of tresures - the Boondocks blog
Details of a wall clock, A house full of treasures - the Boondocks blog
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A table full of silver objects and an unexpected modern twist… the painting. 

Ένα τραπέζι γεμάτο ασημένια αντικείμενα και μια απροσδόκητη σύγχρονη ζωγραφιά.

A modern painting and a table full of silver objects , A house full of treasures - the Boondocks blog
When I visited the Christmas tree was still up.  The red ornaments held their own in a room full of treasures.

Όταν επισκέφθηκα το Χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο ήταν ακόμα στολισμένο. Τα κόκκινα στολίδια κάνανε την παρουσία τους αισθητή σε ένα δωμάτιο γεμάτο θησαυρούς.

Christas tree decorated with red , A house full of treasures - the Boondocks blog
I hope  you enjoyed viewing this exquisite house full of treasures.  I want to thank my dear friend for  inviting me and allowing me to photograph all of her treasures. Maybe I’ll get lucky and she’ll invite me again to photograph some more of that amazing farmhouse. What was your favorite treasure?

Ελπίζω να σας άρεσε που είδατε αυτό το εξαιρετικό σπίτι γεμάτο θησαυρούς. Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω την αγαπητή φίλη μου για την πρόσκληση της και που μου  επετρεψε  να φωτογραφίσω όλους τους θησαυρούς της. Ίσως θα βρεθώ τυχερή και  θα με καλέσει ξανά να φωτογραφίσω περισσότερο από αυτό το εκπληκτικό σπίτι. Ποιος ήταν ο αγαπημένος σας θησαυρός;

A house full of treasures and antiques, #photography #photoessay #Greece #antiques #housefulloftreasures #treasures #antiquefullhouse #scrollwork #elephants #art #woodfurnishings
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I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​

Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.

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Marilyn Lesniak

Saturday 21st of September 2019

Congratulations! Your post was my Most Clicked at #OverTheMoon this week. Visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please be sure to leave your link number or post title so we can be sure to visit!

Larissa ~ Prodigal Pieces

Thursday 14th of January 2016

What a gorgeous home! It's like touring a museum. Thank you for sharing!


Thursday 14th of January 2016

Yes Larissa. I really have to go back and explore some more.

Ellen Braunberger

Thursday 14th of January 2016

Must be wonderful to live with all the treasures!


Thursday 14th of January 2016

I can only imagine being surrounded by such beautiful objects.


Thursday 14th of January 2016

This is a beautiful farm house. The painting above the fireplace was amazing. I loved the door and the ceiling!


Thursday 14th of January 2016

The painting was a byzantine icon. And the wood gave unbelievable warmth and coziness to the large room.

Lynn Spencer

Thursday 14th of January 2016

Mary, what a treat! I'm sure you were pinching yourself the whole time. I would absolutely love to live there, or at least visit it. And I really appreciate that your photos really showed us some of the detail of her furnishings. Have a wonderful Thursday, Lynn


Thursday 14th of January 2016

Lynn I was so happy to be there, and the hostess was so gracious. I really zoomed in on the details of the furnishings because you don't see things like that every day. So much to admire.

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