Sharing is caring!
The pomegranate is a fruit that is symbolic in the Greek culture. On New Year’s eve it is taken outside the threshold of the door and thrown down with force. If it breaks it means the household will have prosperity and fertility. As many seeds as there are in the fruit. The household occupants then re-enter the home with the right foot first for good luck.
I just popped in here quickly to wish all of you a very Happy New Year for tomorrow. I hope you all have health, happiness and anything else your hearts desire. I personally look forward to some weight loss and peace of mind. Everything else is icing on the cake for me. I am looking forward to the new year with lots of ideas and new adventures or even misadventures to explore and share with you.
Again from the bottom of my heart, Happy New Year!!
Και το ρόιδι εχει την θέση του στην Ελλάδα. Την παραμονή της Πρωτοχρονιάς όλοι βγαίνουν έξω από την εξώπορτα του σπιτιού και σπάνε ένα ρόδι στο πάτωμα με δύναμη. Εάν σπάσει, αυτό σημαίνει ότι το νοικοκυριό θα έχει την ευημερία και γονιμότητα, όσοι σπόροι υπάρχουν στο φρούτο. Στη συνέχεια, όλοι μπαίνουν ξανά το σπίτι με το δεξί πόδι πρώτα, για καλή τύχη.
Απλά θέλω να ευχηθώ σε όλους σας ένα πολύ Ευτυχισμένο Νέο Έτος για αύριο. Ελπίζω όλοι να έχετε υγεία, ευτυχία και ότι άλλο η καρδιά σας επιθυμεί. Προσωπικά ελπίζω σε απώλεια βάρους και ηρεμία. Όλα τα άλλα είναι το κερασάκι στην τούρτα για μένα. Ανυπομονώ για τη νέα χρονιά με πολλές ιδέες και νέες περιπέτειες ή ακόμη και αναποδιές για να εξερευνήσω και να μοιραστώ μαζί σας.
Και πάλι από τα βάθη της καρδιάς μου, Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος και Καλή Χρονιά!!
This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.
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Thursday 4th of January 2018
It's been a very interesting year for us both Mary, and I've enjoyed sharing it with you. May 2018 bring you many blessings. xxx
Thursday 31st of December 2015
Hello Mary, i wsh you a great Happy New Year ! many greetings Uwe
Monday 4th of January 2016
Happy New Year to you Uwe!! Hope you are having wonderful weather in your country!
Thursday 31st of December 2015
Mary, that's a neat tradition to smash a pomegranate outside your door!! Beautiful picture by the way!!! Excellent job!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year!!!! :)
Monday 4th of January 2016
Thanks Keri, I'm a little late answering because I was resting up but all that is behind me now. We are off to a bright and busy new year!!
Thursday 31st of December 2015
Wishing you a great, prosperous, blissful, healthy, bright, delightful, energetic, terrific and extremely happy 2016!
Monday 4th of January 2016
Margaretha, I think you covered me ! All I really want is peace of mind ! Everything else is good ! Happy New Year my friend !
Thursday 31st of December 2015
Happy New Year! I actually have two large pomegranates sitting in my kitchen waiting to be eaten. I had better slam them down hard on the deck outside- no sense in taking a chance.
Monday 4th of January 2016
Krista, you had me on the floor ! ! I can tell lit's gonna be a great year for all of us! I just need to recover from holiday food overdose! lol