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Five Minutes to a Pretty clock πέντε λεπτά για ένα όμορφο ρολόι

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It is August, and that is usually the time of year we go on vacation or in my case, since I live near the beach, just relax a bit more.  But not this year!  This year I am busy working my fingers off to come up with fun posts for all of you folks who come here to see what I am up to in this crazy heat. Today I am going to show you a quick  upcycle that I did right after I finished my doily top side table. Because, really it is too, too hot to do much more (and you all must be sick of hearing me complain about the heat). And so  five minutes to a pretty clock.

Είναι Αύγουστο, και είναι συνήθως η εποχή που πάμε για διακοπές ή στην περίπτωσή μου, αφού ζω κοντά στην παραλία, χαλαρώσω λίγο περισσότερο. Αλλά όχι αυτό το χρόνο! Φέτος είμαι απασχολημένη με αναρτήσεις για όλους εσάς που ερχόσαστε εδώ για να δείτε τι κάνω μεσα σε αυτήν την τρελή ζέστη. Σήμερα θα να σας παρουσιάσω μια γρήγορη ανακαίνιση που έκανα αμέσως μετά που τελείωσα το τραπεζάκι με σεμεδάκι μου. Διότι, πραγματικά είναι πολύ, πάρα πολύ ζεστή για να κάνω περισσότερα. Και γι ‘αυτό χρειαζομαι πέντε λεπτά για ένα όμορφο ρολόι. 

Clock Before, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
This is the location of my clock.  I have had it forever and it looked nice before when there was lots of black in the room, but I have been making a transition to a lighter look whichyou can see here and didn’t like the dark clock next to the now cream colored frame. 

Αυτή είναι η θέση του ρολογιού μου. Το εχω πολλά χρόνια, όταν υπήρχε πολυ μαύρο στο δωμάτιο, αλλά έχω κάνει μια αλλαγή σε μια ελαφρύτερη εμφάνιση που μπορείτε να δείτε εδώ και δεν μου άρεσε το σκοτάδι ρολόι δίπλα στο τώρα κρεμ κάδρο.

Location of clock on the wall before, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
In another lifetime, I had even painted this from its original blue color to black. 

Κάποτε το είχα βάψει από μπλε σε μαύρο. 

The black painted border of the clock, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
This served very well to hide a crack that was on the clock.  The clock worked, so why get rid of it?  

Αυτό χρησίμευσε πολύ καλά να κρύψει μια ρωγμή που ήταν στο ρολόι. Το ρολόι  λειτουργούσε, οπότε γιατί να το ξεφορτωθώ;

The crack on the clock, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
 While working on the doily top side table the other day I glanced over at the paper doilies and thought I could get more use out of the remaining ones I had.

Όπως δούλευα στο τραπεζάκι με σεμεδάκι την άλλη μέρα, κοίταζα τα χαρτάκια και σκέφτηκα ότι θα μπορούσα να τα χρησιμοποιήσω αλλού.

Paper doilies, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
And that is exactly what I did, I decoupaged them onto the black part of the clock.

Κι έτσι έκανα, τα κόλλησα πάνω στο μαύρο κομμάτι του ρολογιού.

Decoupaging the doily onto the clock face, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
Even my family did a double take when they came home and took a look at this brand new clock. 

Ακόμα και η οικογένειά μου έμεινε όταν ήρθαν στο σπίτι και είδαν αυτό το ολοκαίνουργιο  ρολόι.

 The finished clock, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
Because it was falling apart  just a bit, I added a bead and threaded it through a nylon cord.  This serves to keep the  plastic cover in place and it looks nice. 

Επειδή κοντευε να διαλύσει, προσθεσα μια χάντρα και την πέρασα μέσω  ενός νάιλον  σχοινιού. Αυτό χρησιμεύει για να κρατήσει το πλαστικό πρόσοψη στη θέση του και να φαίνεται ωραίο.

Using a bead to keep the plastic cover in place. Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links. If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.

The bead in place, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
I did the same for the bottom but with a faux pearl.

Έκανα το ίδιο από κάτω.

The bottom with a faux pearl, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
Here it is next to the cream colored picture frame. Doesn’t it look pretty?  Now the only problem is what to do with that black eye-sore of a phone.

Εδώ είναι δίπλα στη κρεμ κορνίζα. Δεν φαίνεται όμορφο; Τώρα το μόνο πρόβλημα είναι τι θα κάνω με αυτό το μαύρο τηλέφωνο.

The clock on the wall, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
A decoupaged clock, Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
This was so easy, five minutes to a pretty clock! Of course if you don’t want to bother with all of this you can just buy a new clock below.   And now I’m off for a nice glass of iced tea! Do you like my clock makeover? Do I deserve that glass of iced tea after my five minutes of hard work? 

Αυτό ήταν τόσο εύκολο, πέντε λεπτά για ένα όμορφο ρολόι! Και τώρα είμαι έτοιμη για ένα ωραίο ποτήρι παγωμένο τσάι!  Σας αρέσει η ανακαίνιση; Έχω δικαιωμα στο ποτήρι παγωμένο τσάι μετά από πέντε λεπτά σκληρή δουλειά;

A decoupaged clock, #upcycle #clockmakeover #decoupage #paperdoily Five Minutes to a Pretty Clock
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links and link to If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.​
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.

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Thursday 26th of April 2018

I love the makeover. It's amazing what you do with a doily. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.


Thursday 11th of August 2016

You did a great job on your is darling.


Friday 12th of August 2016

Thank you so much BJ. Anything is better than boring black.


Thursday 11th of August 2016

You most certainly deserve some ice tea! You truly transformed the clock into something that works for your home now. Well done! xxx


Friday 12th of August 2016

Right now I'm all about finding budget friendly solutions to all of my eyesores. Now the question is what will I do with that phone?? Have a great weekend Doreen.


Thursday 11th of August 2016

That is quite the difference Mary, the doilies really worked wonders! A fun idea! And enjoy that iced tea!


Friday 12th of August 2016

I am definitely enjoying the iced tea Katrin, all of that hard work, all five minutes worth... wheeew!


Thursday 11th of August 2016

It looks really good next to your painting.


Friday 12th of August 2016

Better than the black hole it was before. I'll get there eventually. Thanks Krista.

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