For the past few days I have been opening the facebook news feed and been bombarded with pumpkins and leaves and apples and all sorts of lovely Autumn things. And it upsets me because I do not have Autumn where I am. And so I give you my obligatory post in praise of autumn.
Τις τελευταίες μέρες όταν ανοίγω το Facebook έχω βομβαρδιστεί με κολοκύθες και φύλλα και μήλα και όλα τα όμορφα πράγματα του Φθινόπωρου.

Now this is all good and well, but I live in a coastal town. When I look out the window I have the beach to my left and the mountains to my right … And the worst is the trees here do not like to change color, they simply stay green and produce olives, lemons and oranges. Good for eating but not very good to put you in a Fall kind of mood.
Τώρα όλα αυτά είναι καλά, αλλά ζω σε μια παραλιακή πόλη. Όταν κοιτάζω έξω από το παράθυρο έχω την παραλία στα αριστερά μου και τα βουνά στα δεξιά μου … Και το χειρότερο είναι τα δέντρα εδώ δεν αλλάζουν χρώμα, απλά μένουν πράσινο και παράγουν ελιές, λεμόνια και πορτοκάλια. Καλό για φαγητό, αλλά για δεν είναι πολύ καλό για να μας βάλει σε Φθινοπωρινή διάθεση.

So you see that I have a problem. We do not do pumpkins here in Greece, we do Elections and lots of Drama! (For anyone who does not get that, we are having our third election in as many years.) Now back to my dilemma. What do I show you for my official Fall post? And why is this important – why because I am a Fall lover!
Έτσι μπορείτε να δείτε ότι έχω ένα πρόβλημα. Εμείς δεν κάνουμε κολοκύθες εδώ στην Ελλάδα, κάνουμε εκλογές! (Για όποιον δεν καταλαβαίνει, θα έχουμε τρίτη φορά εκλογές φέτος.) Τώρα πίσω στο δίλημμά μου. Τι μπορώ να σας δείξω επίσημα για το Φθινόπωρο; Και γιατί είναι σημαντικό – επειδή είμαι λάτρης του Φθινόπωρου!

And then while looking over Pretty Practical Home’s post it hit me. I may not have Fall at my feet, but I did last year.
Και ενώ κοιτούσα το Pretty Practical Home
με χτύπησε. Μπορεί να μην έχω το Φθινόπωρο στα πόδια μου, αλλά το είχα πέρυσι.

You see last year this time I was in New York, the home of the red and yellow leaves. This is where I grew up. This is home and I had gone to visit my sons. And I took a ton of pictures of … you guessed it… the leaves.
Βλέπετε πέρυσι αυτό το καιρό ήμουν στη Νέα Υόρκη, το μέρος με τα κόκκινα και κίτρινα φύλλα. Εκεί μεγάλωσα. Είχα πάει να επισκεφθώ τους γιους μου. Και πήρα ένα σωρό φωτογραφιες με … ναι, το μαντέψετε …τα φύλλα.

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I should point out that the color in these photos was not altered, they represent nature. This is why I love the Autumn. I would have exploded if I could not have done a tribute to my favorite season! And so ends my obligatory post in praise of Autumn.
If you’d like to see more photography go to my photo gallery here. You can also subscribe to my photos below. I now have a separate subscription for photos so if you haven’t subscribed you may miss out.
Θα ήθελα να επισημάνω ότι το χρώμα σε αυτές τις φωτογραφίες δεν αλλοιώθηκε, αντιπροσωπεύουν τη φύση. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που μου αρέσει το φθινόπωρο. Θα είχα εκραγεί αν δεν μπορούσα να κάνω ένα αφιέρωμα στην αγαπημένη μου εποχή!
Θα ήθελα να επισημάνω ότι το χρώμα σε αυτές τις φωτογραφίες δεν αλλοιώθηκε, αντιπροσωπεύουν τη φύση. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που μου αρέσει το φθινόπωρο. Θα είχα εκραγεί αν δεν μπορούσα να κάνω ένα αφιέρωμα στην αγαπημένη μου εποχή!
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We also have the beach and the mountains next to us. Amazing, as we have headed into a gorgeous spring here in Australia.
Happy Spring Paula! I cannot wrap my head around that!!
Wonderful! Thanks for joining the fun at Shadow Shot Sunday.
Thank you for visiting.
Lovely autumn photos!
Thank you, it is my favorite time of the year.
I love the autumn wreath
Thanks Fiona! It was a fun and easy one.
Gorgeous!! I just love fall!
Yes Tamar when it is fall it is awesome!
Living in Florida, I totally understand. It’s still 93 degrees F here and although a few deciduous trees will lose their leaves in the next 2 months, nothing is really colorful. Here’s a link to a funny video that you will understand
Thanks Carol it is a struggle to imagine fall in this coastal town.
Haha! I had seen that video too. It is spot on!
Well, we don’t get leaves changing here until November. It’s still nice and green and warm. sigh. I adore Fall and can’t wait for those crisp, cool days to arrive. Your pictures are stunning! Thanks for sharing a bit of Fall with us!
Thank you Cecilia. It is definitely my favorite time of the year.
gee whiz= such gorgeous fall colors. I was born in Brooklyn but moved west when I was 9 years old. So I don’t have that accent! Have a lovely week!
I don’t have it either, at least I think I don’t.
I love the beauty of fall as well. I’m so glad that you had these photos of your trip to NY to get you in the fall mood! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Thank you Jann. I am getting ready to take some more.
We live in connecticut and agree that autumn is the prettiest season. Although the leaves that have fallen on the ground do have to be raked up, and raked again. So that takes work, but the views of Fall are still lovely!
I guess you could say the raking is worth it.
Mary, these photos are gorgeous! I love the orange-yellow leaves in fall, with the sun shining on them it almost looks as if they are a flame. Stunning shots.
Fall is my favorite for warming foods, but I am not looking forward to the winter. Spring and Summer are my favorites, too bad we couldn’t swap a few days a week!
These were taken when I had gone to the States two years ago and I am so glad I took them. They serve as a vivid reminder of why I love Autumn so much.
So gorgeous!!
Thank you Tamar! I love those colors!
Beautiful photos Mary! I love it when the leaves start to change with all the beautiful colors. The part I hate is when they fall. Then the work of raking them up starts all over again.
Oh that part! I don’t think about the raking Linda.
I would miss the leaves changing color too. That is my favorite part of fall. When it isn’t caramel apples.
But it has been seasonably hot here. Today it is going to be 90 and it doesn’t feel right with the leaves. I have had the AC on for five straight days. TOMORROW IS THE FIRST OFFICIAL DAY OF FALL.
Sending you good fall wishes.
It’s going to be 90? We had this kind of weather a few days ago, it was awful. But now we have come to our senses and cooled off a bit. I mean enough with the 90 plus weather, we have had it since May.
Ah, Mary, the grass is always greener, isn’t it? (Sorry for the pun!) I adore fall, too, but it’s the harbinger of winter, which is too long for my taste around here. I am way more partial to summer. So while I do love the jewel tones of fall that you featured (beautiful!), I think I could be quite content with your green and blue view.
Kim I seriously think you and I should switch locations. I never knew just how much I hated the summertime till I moved here. One day you will come to visit and see what I mean. When I was younger I used to come to Greece for vacation. That kind of heat is okay in small doses but not when it’s never-ending. 🙂
I can understand your jealousy when you see all the fall posts on Facebook and other media. I too get that feeling when I see all the OCEAN and MOUNTAIN pictures!!! hahaha You really got some great photos while in NY. Just fabulous color.
🙂 gwingal
Thanks Nikki, I really had serious withdrawal symptoms when we first moved here. All that blue. Of course I have since come to appreciate the beauty of the light and sea but I still love Autumn.
Gorgeous tribute to Fall! Loved your beautiful photos! Sorry you do not have Fall delights there in Greece.
I live by the coast so it doesn’t really get cold but I am guessing in the mountainous regions they must have fall.
You have captured it perfectly! Have a lovely week!
Thanks Kelleyn!
Our trees also go from green to “blah” with very little autumn colors anywhere, so I hear you Mary. Your photos celebrating Autumn are so lovely and I can understand why someone would love it if you’re surrounded by those vibrant colors
It is a magical time for me Michelle. And it never gets boring.
I do love Autumn too Mary but I would gladly travel over to Greece when the weather is miserable
Ahh Amber I guess each region has its pluses. My little area is not so pretty in the winter unless it is sunny.
The leaves are really nice but I would trade you for sunny Greece any day.
Leanna let’s do it. It would be an adventure for me to live in the snow. 😉
Gorgeous shots! I love love autumn.
Autumn is my favorite season, and you’ve got some beautiful captures here.
Thanks for sharing at
Beautiful!! Growing up in New England fall has always been one of my favorite seasons and I often think if I could find somewhere that was fall-like year round I would be so happy.
I have the same problem here in New Zealand. Most of the trees are pine and the pumpkins are gray!!
I’m happy to see your link on ‘My Corner of the World’ this week! Thanks for linking up!
My Corner of the World
What beautiful photos of New York in the Fall!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
A park with fallen leaves and shadows here and there–could anything be more delightful?
…beautiful and I hope that you have post in praise of all the seasons!
Mary, I love this collection of autumn photos! I eagerly anticipate autumn each year–not a fan of summer! I’m celebrating the approach of autumn this week with a wonderful tea giveaway.
I lived in Greece for 20 years and missed fall terribly. It is so nice to have four seasons again and all that color.
I see from your recent post you’re in New York now, so I guess you’re getting your August fix :). Too bad we’re down south now or we could have planned a meet up.
This is the first autumn in my entire life when I won’t see the beautiful Fall colors!
Doreen, I am happy to hear that you are down south because you have lots to look forward. As do I now that I’m up north. I guess there is a season for everything. And remember I am much closer now than I was a month ago. As for the Autumn, you have a new type of Autumn to look forward to.
You’re way ahead of us in terms of fall color – we’ve just begun noticing a few leaves changing here and there. This is my favorite time of year, and your photos show why!
Thanks for linking up at
I have to totally agree with you, fall is putting on its best colors.
Gorgeous pictures, Mary! I’m in New England and we think that we do autumn up here like no one else can, but I’m thinking New York does pretty well!
And I really appreciated those pictures, because we’re having an unseasonable period of warmth here that is delaying my sweaters . . .
Yes Michele we do pretty well also, especially in the city where we can break up all that glass and steel with these beautiful colors. Time for sweaters!
lovely autumn images. You will have to come to the states again to enjoy our autumn. The leaves are slowly turning here in PA
I am right here Felicia as I write this and getting ready for a walk outside to see my beloved colors.
Beautiful fall colors. I’m glad you were able to enjoy them last year – and again this year online! Happy Autumn!
Lessandra I took a plane and flew here just to see them again!
Gorgeous shots of fall in NYC! I’m going to be passing through in a couple of weeks and I hope I’ll get to see some of the fall color you shared in this post. While I do hope to someday visit Greece, I can’t imagine life without the beauty of fall. At least you have your memories. And you can celebrate summer all year ’round! 🙂
Mandy I am not a summer person at all. The heat makes me wilt. That’s why I love fall so much. Enjoy your visit. I am also in NY.
I live in Missouri, and fall just arrived last night with rainy weather and cool temperatures. I’m sure many around here would enjoy your weather more. ~smile~ I love it though.
Your post made me smile. I came from the link on To Grandma’s House We Go. Just wondering…how did you end up in Greece? I’ve heard it’s lovely.
God bless you!
I grew up in NY but moved to Greece with my family 20 years ago to raise the children there because my husband and I were both born there. Having been the children of immigrants we wanted the family to have one home. Unfortunately because of the never ending economic crisis Greece does not afford a future for its youth and so my sons left a few years ago and now the rest of the kids are also moving back to NY. I am also going along to my hometown.
You just never know where you will end up Laura. Greece is great for the older person who does not have a lot of responsibilities. In fact it is a great place to retire to later in life but it is not good for the youth who want to have families and a career.
I can’t imagine not having a Fall season since I currently live in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. So glad you have a place to visit so you can see the leaves every once in a while. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty
Thank you Donna, it is the highlight of the year.
Beautiful photographs, Mary, and I loved the sentiments in this post. British autumn is lovely, but North America does it best, so I can understand missing that experience! I’m featuring this post at the Hearth and Soul Link Party this week. Hope to ‘see’ you there, and thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Community! Have a lovely week!
Really nice kai πολύ ωραίες φωτογραφίες. Hey its not all bed if all you see is mountains, sea and olives. What island do you live on?
Dori, thanks for sweet comment. I don’t live on an island, I live in Pelloponesos. It’s just that I really get homesick for those colors. They are prevalent in the mountains but I’m at sea level.
Mary ti yperoxo stefani!!! Love your wreath! Thanks for your visit, but I cannot answer you to your comments sweetie! Hugs. Monika
Μόνικα, Ευχαριστω για τα καλά σου τα λόγια! Εγώ, πάντως θα σε επισκέπτομαι γιατί μου δίνεις πολύ έμπνευση ! Hugs back!!
Really miss a fall-y scenery but these colors I can only see in my village up in the woods. Thanks for the tour!
Maria, you are lucky, because I am by the sea, and I don’t see them at all. Thanks for stopping by, I will come to see you as well.
Oh Wow, what beautiful pictures. I live in Florida so our trees don’t change very much, so I really enjoyed seeing all those beautiful trees
and leaves. Makes me want to go to N.C., where my daughter lives
as they have pretty trees like that, and we got to see them for a couple of days last year, but we had to leave before they had completely turned colors.
So nice you got to experience that in N.Y. last year……….but very
neat that you live in Greece…………..
Thanks for sharing your lovely pics with us.
Blessings, Nellie
Mary, I live in the Tropics in Australia, so no Fall to speak of here either. Well we get the cooler temperatures, but no pretty foliage. Your photos are just dreamy. I’m so glad you shared this post at Five Star Frugal. I get my Fall by proxy. Love, Mimi xxx
Mimi, we have the same problem, it is dull and drab here in the Fall and WInter, lots of rain and that’s about it. Not even a bit of snow. I so glad that you enjoyed them.
Nellie, I had replied days ago but it didn’t show up. Thanks for visiting and for all of your sweet comments. I can’t wait to go back to see those lovely Fall colors.
I can relate! I was born and raised in New Hampshire, which in my opinion, has the most beautiful autumn in the world. After college, though, I moved to Southern California for nearly a decade, and every fall, I would get so homesick.
Yup, that’s exactlly how I feel. I think where we grow up stays with us for the rest of our lives. Thanks for visiting.
Beautiful Autumn pics.
Thank you Latisha. Glad you enjoyed them.
Oh, I do love these colors!!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful fall photos at Together on Tuesdays 🙂
Thank you Lisa, for visiting and I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures.
Hi Mary & thanks so much for the beautiful photos… I miss fall too! Growing up in the north, we aways had the brilliant colors of leaves turning each fall. I enjoyed your post! Have a great weekend:)
Wendi, I hope it cheered you up a bit. Glad you came by for a visit.
Mary, what a lovely post! The pictures you took last year in NY are gorgeous. Maybe you could frame some for your fall decor? Sending you virtual pumpkins! 🎃🎃🎃
Aww thanks my Inspiration Person. Do you see why? That is a great idea to frame them… Accepting vitual pumpkins with joy!!!
Mary, this is such a beautiful post! I understand you completely, we don’t have trees changing colors either, ours stay green and produce almonds, oranges, and lemons… but you managed to get a fantastic fall mood. My oldest daughter is here with me and she says she loves the pictures of the park with all those colors, and so do I
Pili, I knew all of my European friends would understand this. Hugs to your daughter from me! And hugs to you who support me so much. Thanks!
Oh Mary this is just like I’m feelin!!! I live in Spain, so yah! I get ya!!! I’m sittin here with 29 degrees C, not fall~y at all!
I love the pictures you took! I miss Canada in the fall! It’s just like that!
Happy Fall!!!
Katrin, I knew you would understand me. And you just came back from Canada. It must have been gorgeous there. Thanks for the love!! And Happy Fall!
Fall is my favorite season, too! I also miss the east coast in fall & spring! Beautiful pictures!
Thank you Angelica, I look at them and go to my happy place!
Beautiful photos. i will be visiting the state of New York in two weeks. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos at Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. I can’t wait to see the Fall Colors…
Betty @ My Cozy Corner Co-Hostess at Katherines Corner
Betty you are going to love it. Thanks for visiting.
Wow, some really lovely photos there! Great eye. 🙂
Thank you Sarah, I just visited you and linked up! And I added this post to your party as well. Thanks for visiting.
Thank you for linking up, and linking back! 🙂 So glad to have you!
Mary, like you, (and almost every woman I know), autumn is my favourite season, for the unbelievably beautiful foliage, crisp and clean air, and cozy atmosphere! But, after turning 50, spring seems to be claiming first place, since it is a season of refreshing rejuvenation, rebirth, and pretty petals that make me feel young.
Your pics of NYC are gorgeously romantic. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Poppy, I am over 50 but because I’ve lived for 20 years near the coast, I went thrugh Autumn withdrawal. And no matter how much I live here in Greece I can never get used to the bright light. I love the Springtime for the aroma in the streets and the vivid flowers, something which is unheard of in NY. You are definitely giving me food for thought. Thanks for visiting.
Mary, I am sorry that you don’t have leaves turning colors in Greece but living near the coast sounds amazing! What beautiful pictures you took of NY in the fall. Hope you are having a great week, take care, Tara
Tara, now would be the time to go back to the Botanical Gardens. But you must have beautiful Fall foliage where you live as well. Thanks for stopping by.
You have autumn covered here
I hope so, because I’d be pretty upset if I couldn’t enjoy some fall foliage.
A great tribute to the arrival of fall – all the pictures showcase the beauty of the autumnal season well, but especially the wondrous colours of the leaves. The change in leaves is my favourite thing about autumn, and these beauties put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jade. I too smile every time I look at this collection of photos. There is nothing like the light hitting the autumn leaves, it almost looks like gold nuggets.
Que maravilla de fotos otoñales, por aquí todavía no está tan avanzado pero pronto estarán así los árboles.
Thank you Raquel. Here in Greece Autumn is not as pretty as New York.
What lovely colours! #mysundayphoto
In my opinion it is the best time of the year! Nature puts on all of her finest.
Gorgeous fall colors Mary. I have always lived in Utah and we get beautiful fall color. I know I would miss it if we were to ever move. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Thank you Jann, till I have a chance to visit again, these photos will have to tide me over.
OMGosh Mary,
Your captures from Autumn in New York or Gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing in the Colors of Autumn!
Thank you Kristy. Fall is easily my favorite time of the year and there is no better place to experience it than in the Northeast USA>.
I will trade you…one Fall for the Ocean front and nice weather. 🙂 I love Fall, but then I know what follows..cold, cold winter. Your New York photos are beautiful.
visiting from LTTL and Pictorial Friday
I remember shoving when I lived in NY. Now here in Greece we get lots of rain, and no real cold but no real color in the cost either.
Beautiful photos…I too would miss Autumn if I moved away from the UK. #MySundayPhoto
I suffer from withdrawal every year. I have to go up to the mountains here in Greece and even then it is still not the same.
Gorgeous photos! I love fall, too. Thank you for sharing with us at the Merry Monday Link Party! Hope you’re having a great week!
Thanks Tiffany, I will see you next week, thanks for stopping by!
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous. I love fall colors too, but I’m not ready for it to get cold yet. I still have pots of spring flowers and my summer cushions on the bench, I want to milk the warm weather for as long as I can! But I will immerse myself in the changing leaves and the bondfires with a hot drink, just not ready yet!
I on the other hand am so sick of summer, the heat is so oppressive at times I cannot think straight. We all lng for what we cannot have… Happy Fall!
Fall is my favorite season as well. The colors in your picture are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing with us on Welcome Home Wednesday! We can’t wait to see more of you next week.
Lynn thanks for your sweeet comments and for stopping by.
What beautiful pictures! No wonder you didn’t have to filter the photos. Nature is beautiful as it is. Thanks for linking up. #HolidayCraftacular
Thank you Tee, they are close to my heart, there is nothing better than nature.
Your pictures are beautiful! I love fall too; it’s probably my favorite season. I just love the cozy feel of it. I’m so glad you at least have the memories and photos of fall, this time of year. Thank you for sharing at Inspire Me Wednesday. Featuring you in this week’s issue and on Instagram this Wednesday.
Mel, thanks so much for your sweet words. I look forward to the day I can be there every Fall. These are photos that I treasure. Thanks for featuring my love of Autumn. See you again on Wednesday.
Fall here is so pretty- I love looking at the photos with beautiful colors! As for fall decor on pinterest and all over the feeds- simple is best, leaves, apples in a bowl, a copy of pumpkins.
Michele, thanks for stopping by I hope I have inspired.
Your photos are simply stunning. I’m sorry you miss autumn where you are but there are always memories and photographs. The elections must be driving you crazy though. To be fair, since leaving the EU our country is in a bit of mess, it’s all pretty scary.
Anne, lucky for me I’ve turned off the TV and avoid all politics. It was driving me crazy. So now I just enjoy nature, and my blog. Thanks for the encouragement Anne. Europe has become one great big mess.
Gorgeous photos, love all the Autumn Colours xx
They speak to me like no other season. I was lucky to have been in NY two years ago to get these photos.
Summers and Winters in New York are harsh, each in their own way. Luckily, we have fall, which makes up for both and is my favorite time of year. Luckily it’s a good time of year to visit, too! maybe you should do it more often (if your sons don’t mind! #wkendtravelinspiration
Oh I’m sure they won’t mind, I can even clean up thier apartment when I’m there. But only in the fall!