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The Overstuffed Wall Unit – Το Παραγεμισμένο Σύνθετο

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Allow me to introduce you to my wall unit.  It is huge, it is nasty and it is overstuffed.  It is also wedged into a corner because we have a column on the one side of it.  As you can see there is lots of orange and black.  The orange is outdated and I’m thinking of painting it at some point. But for now we have the holidays to worry about. I usually like to spruce it up by adding  holiday decor.  But as you can probably see, it is very busy.  There are a ton of books (yes we have many bookworms in this family) and  they come in all shapes and sizes

Επιτρέψτε μου να σας παρουσιάσω την βιβλιοθήκη/σύνθετο μου. Είναι τεράστιο, είναι δυσάρεστο και ειναι παραγεμισμένο.  Όπως μπορείτε να δείτε υπάρχει πολυ πορτοκαλί και μαύρο. Το πορτοκαλί είναι ξεπερασμένο και σκέφτομαι να το βάψω. Αλλά τώρα  πλησιάζουν οι γιορτές. Συνήθως μ ‘αρέσει να το εμπλουτίζω με αντικείμενα. Αλλά, όπως μπορείτε πιθανώς να δείτε, είναι πολύ φορτωμένο. Υπάρχουν ένα σωρό βιβλία (ναι, έχουμε πολλούς βιβλιοφάγους σε αυτή την οικογένεια) και έρχονται σε όλα τα σχήματα και μεγέθη.

Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor The Overstuffed wall Unit,
I’ve been working at it,  on and off all summer.  First off, I covered some boxes in black and white fabric and  use them for storage.  

Έχω ήδη δουλέψει σε αυτό, από το καλοκαίρι. Πρώτα απ ‘όλα κάλυψα μερικά κουτιά με μαύρο και λευκό ύφασμα και τα χρησιμοποιώ για αποθήκευση.

Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
It looked a little better, but it was still too busy.  Too many colors and just so much going on.  I was thinking of getting rid of my precious books.

Φαινόταν λίγο καλύτερα, αλλά και πάλι ήταν πολύ φορτωμένο με πάρα πολλά χρώματα. Σκεφτόμουν να απαλλαχτώ από τα πολύτιμα βιβλία μου.

Wall Unit, before  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
But then I remembered  I had done a post where I had featured my friend’s paintings.  The books were  used as backdrops for the paintings.  Well that was it.  I would turn the books around and create a neutral background.  Same shelves, calmer look. 

Αλλά τότε θυμήθηκα ότι είχα κάνει μια ανάρτηση όπου είχα παρουσιάσει τα έργα ζωγραφικής μιας φίλης. Τα βιβλία χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως σκηνικά για τα έργα ζωγραφικής. Λοιπόν αυτό ήταν. Θα γυρίσω α βιβλία για να δημιουργήσω ένα ουδέτερο φόντο. Ίδια ράφια, πιο ήρεμη εμφάνιση.

Wall Unit, Neutral, books flipped over  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, flipped books,  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, closeup  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, cones  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Well I sat there for a whole afternoon, and dusted and turned and sneezed a bit too. I reminisced, and sorted.  And in the end I even got  rid of a few. And it was finally done.  

Καθόμουν εκεί για ένα ολόκληρο απόγευμα, και ξεσκόνιζα και γύριζα και  φτερνιζόμουν.  Κοίταζα  αναμνήσεις  και ταξινόμησα. Και στο τέλος απαλλάχτηκα  από λίγα βιβλία.  Και έτσι έμοιαζε τελικά. 

Wall Unit,  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
I still get to keep all of my lovely trinkets, but it no longer feels overstuffed.

Έχω ακόμα όλα τα υπέροχα μπιχλιμπίδια μου, αλλά δεν αισθάνεται παραγεμισμένο.

Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, close up  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, chess board  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
These pictures do not do it justice. The worn out color of the book pages make a perfect neutral backdrop for my Fall decorations.  

Αυτές οι εικόνες το αδικούν. Το φθαρμένο χρώμα από τις σελίδες των βιβλίων κάνει ένα τέλειο  ουδέτερο σκηνικό για τις φθινοπωρινές διακοσμήσεις μου.

Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor fall,  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
To get into the spirit of Thanksgiving and tie the whole unit together, I made a twine garland, using tube paper rolls. 

Για να μπω στο πνεύμα της ημέρας των Ευχαριστιών και να δέσω το σύνθετο, έκανα μια γιρλάντα  από σπάγκο και σωλήνες ρολά χαρτιού.

Wall Unit, tube garland,  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, tube garland,  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Wall Unit, paper tube garland,  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
Now when I look at my wall unit, I feel calm and happy not stressed and confused.   It may in fact, be an overstuffed wall unit, but it no longer feels that way.The choice of black, white and neutral has created a feeling of calm.

Τώρα, όταν κοιτάζω το σύνθετο μου, νιώθω ήρεμη και χαρούμενη, όχι αγχωμένη. Μπορεί στην πραγματικότητα, είναι ένα παραγεμισμένο σύνθετο, αλλά δεν αισθάνεται πλέον έτσι. Η επιλογή μαύρο, λευκό και ουδέτερο έχει δημιουργήσει μια αίσθημα ηρεμίας.

Full Wall Unit, Neutral, Black, white decor  The Overstuffed wall Unit,
 And it will be much easier to change it up for Christmas, which is fast approaching. Can you believe this drastic change was achieved by simply flipping the books over?  What are you doing in your homes to get ready for the holiday season? 

 Και θα είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο να το αλλάξω για τα Χριστούγεννα, τα οποίο πλησιάζουν γρήγορα. Μπορείτε να πιστέψετε ότι αυτή η δραστική αλλαγή επιτεύχθηκε απλώς αναποδογυρίζοντας  τα βιβλία; Τι κάνετε για να ετοιμάσετε το σπίτι σας για τις γιορτές;

​If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.


Friday 4th of December 2015

This simple change makes all the difference! you're right it is so much calmer! Thanks for sharing with #frifree4all


Friday 4th of December 2015

And now that Christmas time is here, I can easily change out the decorations and it serves as a blank canvas. I can put anything in front of it and it still looks great.


Thursday 12th of November 2015

Mary, it's fantastic! Who would have imagined just turning the books the other side would have created that cohesive effect!! And I have to tell you I love the garland, more ideas for my paper rolls ;-)


Saturday 14th of November 2015

Pili, it was you who gave me the idea for the paper rolls. I knew I had saved a ton of them for something. This was a simple craft that makes a big difference.


Thursday 12th of November 2015

Boxes! I love boxes! I have lots of them to keep our stuff organized! A tidy place is always calming. And the garland is a great idea!


Saturday 14th of November 2015

Zografia , after so many kids and so many years I have too much stuff. Need to do something with all those books. This is a good solution for now.

[email protected]

Thursday 12th of November 2015

I like your wall unit, it has an industrial style and goes with anything really! And turning the books around is just one of those ideas I love, because you're being creative with the things you have! You didn't have to get rid of or buy any! I really like the soft tones of the book pages, the white and black boxes and the garland just make it come together so nicely! And of course, the natural elements, pine cones, gourds and twigs are beautiful Mary!!!


Saturday 14th of November 2015

Thank you Katrin. It really makes a huge difference, the pictures don't do it justice. The whole place is so calmful now. And you are right, I was able to do this without having to get rid of or buy anything. Now I want to decorate for Christmas!!


Thursday 12th of November 2015

It really is a great idea to turn the books around! I have decorated with books with no covers for years and the neutral look really is calming! Glad you can now feel better about your shelves and still get to keep all your books and other décor. Thanks for linking up to the Vintage Charm Party! xoKathleen


Saturday 14th of November 2015

I love this. I had seen it before and was skeptical but now I'm totally sold on the idea. I also know where all my books are so it's not a problem. Now I want to try and neautralize the Christmas decor.