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12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood

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Time seems to be flying by around here. It is the tenth of the month and you know what that means.   Yes it is time for me to join my friends on Ten on the Tenth for another project.  This time we have gotten together to share flower related ideas.  Last month we shared beauty and fashion ideas

Today I am sharing photos of 12 varieties of stunning flowers that grow in my neighborhood. Now if there is one thing you, my regular readers, know about me, it’s that I have a brown thumb.  I am terrible at keeping things alive. So when this idea came along I really struggled with it. 

​Be sure to scroll all the way down to see what my blogging friends came up with this month. 

Petunias, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
While I may be terrible at keeping plants alive I would like to think that I’m pretty good at photography. So instead of showing you how to kill flowers in your gardens, I’ve chosen to show you the beauty in my neighborhood. I live in a zone 7 planting area if that is of any help.
Yellow Lily, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Pink Rose, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
I’m going to keep the talk to a minimum and let you enjoy the flowers. 
Marigold, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Fuchsia daily, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Lily, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Periwinkle, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
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If anyone has any idea what this one is please let me know in the comments.  To me it looks like the flowers from a zucchini plant but in the wrong color. 
lilac flowers, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Red Dianthus, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Grab Today's Steal!
pink and red carnations, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Petunias, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Marigold, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Pink Rose, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
I had done another photo essay on Spring flowers in Greece.  They have other varieties there. 
Pink Peonies, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
White roses, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Pink Roses, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Yellow Hibiscus, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Clematis Pink Champagne, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Orange roses, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
The Belle of Woking Clematis is my favorite. 
Belle of Woking Clematis, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Orange roses, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Pink Rose, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Let’s talk about this one for a moment.  It looks like a Busy Lizzy, but I didn’t find any that had leaves like these.  What is your opinion?
Busy Lizzies, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Sometimes, the beauties are hiding behind a fence!
Pink and yellow rose, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
Pink roses, 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
I have to say one thing about photography.  It forces you (in a good way) to pay attention to things you normally don’t notice.  I hope you’ve enjoyed my photo essay on 12 varieties of stunning flowers that grow in my neighborhood.  I’m sure there are many more.  Which one was  your favorite?

Now hop on down to see what my friends have in store for you today.

And if you’d like to subscribe to my photography posts,  click here. You can also see  more photo essay here

A photo essay on stunning summer flowers that grow in my neighborhood #photoessay #photography #NewYorkCity #flowers #Summerflowers 12 Varieties of Stunning Flowers in my Neighborhood
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  1. Turning a brown thumb green just takes a little practice! You have captured some very nice flowers! Thank you for linking up today!

  2. Chas says:

    Great photos Mary! Love all the colors and how lucky to have so many near you.
    Thanks for sharing on To Grandma’s House We Go!

  3. Eileen says:

    Hello, lovely flowers and gardens in your neighborhood.
    Your photos are beautiful. Enjoy your day!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Eileen, sometimes it takes looking through a lens to make you appreciate what is in front of you.

  4. Carol says:

    Gorgeous flowers Mary!

  5. Birgitta says:

    Wonderful flower photos! Thanks for sharing!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you, I was really surprised by how pretty they were when I saw them through the lens.

  6. Lady Fi says:

    Such beautiful flowers!

  7. Mary, these are all so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these great planting ideas. 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Stacey I really got a lesson here photographing all this beauty. I never knew there were so many varieties of flowers in my back yard.

  8. Haley says:

    This is beautiful! The peonies and roses are my favorite! Thank you for sharing for Our Inspired Collection!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you for taking the time to visit. I never knew there were so many pretty colors for the roses.

  9. Your flower photos are beautiful. Most of these flowers also grow in my neighborhood, and I grow some of them in my own garden.

    • Mary says:

      You are so lucky to be able to grow them, I have so much respect for people who are gardeners.

  10. What a lovely collection of flowers and photos Mary. Gorgeous colors!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Christina. I didn’t think these could match our Greek flowers but they have their own beauty!

  11. Congratulations! Your post was my Most Clicked at #OverTheMoon this week. Visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please be sure to leave your link number or post title so we can be sure to visit!

  12. Margy says:

    Your neighbourhood has lots of beautiful flowers. I have very little growing space so I only have containers with pansies, marigolds, alyssum, chamomile, and geraniums. At lease some of my veggies get blooms to help brighten things up. – Margy

    • Mary says:

      Your garden must be very pretty. My dad has a large garden with veggies and he won’t even let the dog down in the yard for fear that it will touch the plants. We also have a few flowers but mostly these were from the neighborhood. Now when I walk the dog I stare at all the pretty flowers.

  13. Debbie says:

    Hi Mary, what a beautiful neighbourhood you must live in! The flowers are so vibrant in colour. I wasn’t sure which flower you were asking after, but if it’s the one below the paragraph I think it’s what I know as a snap dragon (gently squeeze the sides and it snaps). I’m no flower buff so I’m probably wrong, but I have great childhood memories of trying to pinch them from peoples gardens so I could make them snap!

    • Mary says:

      Debbie I remember the snap dragons of Greece. This one is not one of those. It has a base like the zucchini plant. Whatever they are, they are all so beautiful.

  14. Delightful photos, Mary. You may like to post on Floral Friday Fotos meme as well!
    Thanks for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.

  15. Amy says:

    What beautiful flowers. I love this idea. I think that I need to take my camera out and see what I can find in my neighborhood. It would be fun to be specifically looking for beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing at Over the Moon.

    • Mary says:

      You never know what’s really out there till you look at it through the lens of a camera.

  16. Lisa Lynn says:

    Your flowers are gorgeous! I wasn’t sure which flower you were wondering about…the one above your question is a vinca, the one below looks like it might be a variety of penstemmon.
    Found your post on the Simple Homestead hop!

    • Mary says:

      Lisa they are so beautiful. I was confused about the penstemon because it had that strange looking base which looks like it belongs on a zucchini plant.

  17. So beautiful, how can you not feel good when seeing these beauties. Thank you for sharing on the Classy Flamingos Blog Party.

  18. Liz Needle says:

    Beautiful images. You may not be able to grow them, but you can certainly photograph them.

  19. Gorgeous blooms. Isn’t it nice to see the color finally popping?!

    • Mary says:

      It is Jeanie, it was a long winter and we never thought we’d see some pretty color around here.

  20. Your photos are lovely. What a great variety of pretty flowers.

  21. Wow, I didn’t know there were private gardens in New York. Very pretty.

    • Mary says:

      These are just flowers in the neighborhood. You walk up and down the street and the neighbors have them in their front yards. But actually the city is full of flowers, there are flower pots with flowers on the streets and also there are quite a few parks and botanical gardens with beautiful displays.

  22. Jemma says:

    Such a gorgeous collection of flowers in your neighborhood!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Jemma, and I never would have paid attention had it not been for this project.

  23. I have a brown thumb too. If I added up the money spend on dead flowers each year I’d probably have a heart attack. Love your photography! Thanks for sharing. They are beautiful!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Cindy. I feel better knowing that there are more of us out there. I love flowers, they are so inspiring, but I leave the growing to others.

  24. Kim says:

    So many pretty flowers blooming in your neighborhood, Mary. That much be lovely to witness. My yard is still half asleep! I hope things open up soon, I’m ready for some color!

  25. Lisa says:

    Thank you for sharing all the beautiful flowers from your neck of the woods.

  26. Beautiful flowers, and great photos! Lots of bright pretty colors. Not too many blooming in my neighborhood, but some of mine have been blooming. Guess the neighbors don’t like gardening like I do. Thanks for sharing all the pretty photos!

    • Mary says:

      Linda I was amazed when I got home at the photos. I took them quickly so I wouldn’t look like a stalker when walking by peoples front yards.

  27. So many beautiful flowers all over Mary. Love the clematis. I so wish I could get them to grow here and I think you’re right with the 3rd last picture. It’s a New Guinea Impatiens so it’s part of the Busy Lizzie family but this one was only discovered about 50 years ago on one of the islands in Papua New Guinea, so it’s a newbie to the commercial market 😀

    • Mary says:

      Ahh that is why I couldn’t find it on Google. I know nothing about flowers Michelle, only that they are so pretty to look at. But I remember looking at the leaves and thinking they were different than the regular Busy Lizzies.

  28. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …you sure live in a colorful neighborhood.

  29. Photo Cache says:

    It is the season for talking a photo walk in the neighborhood with all the flowers blooming.
    Worth a Thousand Words

    • Mary says:

      Yes indeed and it was quite an education for me to learn all the names of these flowers.

  30. Lady Fi says:

    Such a beautiful collection of flower shots.

  31. I didn’t know half the flowers names but I love them all. We have more of a tropical look in Florida although we all try to grow roses. 🙂

    • Mary says:

      I can imagine the exotic flowers you must have down there Debra. I actually had to look them all up so I could add the names to the descriptions. Lol!

  32. Hi Mary!
    I love your idea of going around the neighborhood “collecting flowers” to share!!! I am FINALLY figuring out how to grow roses here in Texas with the higher humidity! yeah! Will be posting soon. 🙂 Until then, I may do what you are doing… shooting photos of other’s beautiful gardens. 🙂 Happily pinned a bunch…
    p.s. I think that’s a type of orchid, the one you asked about above, but that’s all I know. Maybe Patti knows.
    Have a great week,
    Barb 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Barbara. I certainly wasn’t going to show my non attempts at gardening. Instead I gave myself an education with all these pretty flower photos.

  33. Beautiful flowers, Mary… thanks for sharing. The one you said looks like a Busy Lizzie, I believe is a lavender Sunpatien. I have white ones in my container garden that I will be sharing later this week or early next week. 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Yes Julie, that is what they are. I was confused by the leaves that looked a little different than the Busy Lizzies. Thanks for the info. I learn something new every day!

  34. These pictures are sooo lovely! I love flowers – cannot do without them!

    • Mary says:

      Marjan your back yard is so full of beautiful color you don’t need them but only for inspiration.

  35. Wow – such beautiful flowers, so bright and vibrant! I especially like the coral colored rose!!

    • Mary says:

      I have to say Patti, I was surprised to see such a big variety of flowers in my neighborhood.

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