I don’t know about you, but I have way too many utensils. The average ceramic holder will not hold all of my lovelies. Which has me wondering do I really need to have all that stuff on the counter – but that is a question for another post.
I dug through my cabinets and found an old tin that had originally held honey. It is quite big. It must have held about 5 kilos or 10 pounds of honey. We sure love our honey in this house! Now this would be good to hold all of my assortment of utensils.
Δεν ξέρω για σας, αλλά έχω πάρα πολλά σκεύη. Το μέσο κεραμικό δεν θα κρατήσει όλα τα δικά μου κουζινικά. Και αναρωτιέμαι πραγματικά αν χρειάζεται να έχω όλα αυτά τα πράγματα στον πάγκο – αλλά αυτό είναι ένα θέμα για άλλη μέρα.
Έσκαψα μέσα στα ντουλάπια μου και βρήκα ένα παλιό κουτί που ήταν αρχικά για το μέλι. Είναι αρκετά μεγάλο. Θα πρέπει να κρατάει περίπου 5 κιλά μέλι. Μας αρέσει σίγουρα το μέλι σε αυτό το σπίτι! Τώρα, αυτό θα ήταν καλό για να κρατήσει όλη την συλλογή μου.
Firstly, I painted it black… You must be wondering by now, either I have a lot of black in my house, or someone gave me a free gallon of black paint. But there is a madness to my method.
Πρώτον, το έβαψα μαύρο … Θα πρέπει να αναρωτιέστε τώρα, είτε έχω πολλή μαύρο στο σπίτι μου, ή κάποιος μου έδωσε ένα δωρεάν λίτρο του μαύρου χρώματος. Αλλά υπάρχει μια τρέλα στη μέθοδο μου.

It took about 3 coats of acrylic paint to get it covered. It was not perfect cover, but I am not a perfectionist, and I needed the imperfections for the next step.
Χρειάστηκαν περίπου 3 χέρια ακρυλικό χρώμα για να καλύψει τα πάντα. Δεν ήταν τέλεια κάλυψη, αλλά δεν είμαι τελειομανής, και χρειαζόμουν τις ατέλειες για το επόμενο βήμα.

Here you can see that I am creating imperfections by scatching lines onto the tin. I simply used a knife. This is revealing the original gold from underneath.
Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε ότι δημιούργησα ατέλειες ξύνωντας γραμμές στο κασσίτερο. Χρησιμοποίησα μόνο ένα μαχαίρι. Αυτό αποκαλύπτει το πρωτότυπο του χρυσού από κάτω.

Lastly, I painted it over with some varnish to seal in the color, because it will take a beating in my kitchen.
Τέλος, το πέρασα με βερνίκι για να σφραγίσω το χρώμα, αλλιώς θα τα βρει σκούρα στην κουζίνα μου.
Τέλος, το πέρασα με βερνίκι για να σφραγίσω το χρώμα, αλλιώς θα τα βρει σκούρα στην κουζίνα μου.

And once I’ve put all my utensils in, I have imperfect perfection!
Και από τη στιγμή που έχω βάλει όλα τα κουζινικά μου μέσα, έχω ατελής τελειότητα!

I think it matches perfectly with my black utensils. So you see there was a thought process behind all that black.
Νομίζω ότι ταιριάζει απόλυτα με τα μαύρα κουζινικά μου. Έτσι, βλέπετε ότι υπήρξε μια διαδικασία σκέψης πίσω από όλο αυτό το μαύρο.

Maybe it is too elegant for the kitchen counter? Did I get myself into hot water now? Let me know what you think of this super easy, no cost upcycle.
Ίσως είναι πολύ κομψό για την κουζίνα; Μήπως εγώ η ίδια έχω βρει τον μπελά μου τώρα; Πείτε μου τι σκέφτεστε για αυτή την εξαιρετικά εύκολη, χωρίς κόστος ιδέα.
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.
I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each one here or on your blog. Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.
Would love to have the supersized tin AND the Greek honey that was in there 🙂
It didn’t take take long to empty it. The honey really goes fast in the cooler months when we are all drinking camomile with honey and lemon.
I’m licking my lips right now! Looks so good! Pinned and tweeted. We truly appreciate you taking the time to be a part of our party. Please stop by and party with us again. The party starts Monday at 7 pm and ends on Friday at 7 pm. Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls
Thank you Ladies!
Too cute! And very functional too.
Thanks Hil. Welcome to the blogshere. I will jump over to your blog and thank you for stopping by!
Mary, normally I have an idea of where you are going with a project, but this time I had no idea! You are so creative I can’t even fathom what you’re going to be up to next, but I love to see! What a great idea and it looks really good!!!
Nikki, this was a project done out of sheer boredom at looking at the same tin all day. Also the acquisition of lovely paint spurred me on! Just give me paint and I am happy as a clam!
Wow! I really like that you cut slits to expose the gold. I love the gold color but I definitely like how it looks after the fact with it just shining through in certain places under the black. Great project & thanks for linking up at welcome home Wednesday – come back this week, please! 🙂
Thanks Sam.. experimenting with sophisticated equipment there. I visit you guys every week. Thanks for your sweet comment.
Oh Mary! I love it! Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do this? My utensil jar is way too small too (but I NEED everything in it lol) and I’ve been looking for a large tin or jar to use. I’ll keep my eye out for one. Thanks so much for sharing this idea at Thriving on Thursdays. I’m featuring this at tomorrow’s party.
Anne @ Domesblissity xx
Anne, thanks so much. Congratulations on your cool rock and roll wedding. And thank you for the feature. I will be following your blog from now on Thanks xoxo
This is perfect in my opinion. Thanks for linking at Your Inspired Design 🙂
Thanks Holly. Perfect no, but big enough Yes!! Thanks for dropping by.
Looks great! I need one! My utensil drawer is overflowing 🙂 #frifree4all
Hayley, I think we can all use more storage for our utensils in the kitchen, especially those of us who cook.
This is so cool, I love the knife detail, very clever!
Thanks Tania. The knife came about because I wanted the gold to show underneath and that was my use of sophisticated tools. Thanks for stopping by.
I love how you embrace the imperfections! I have a problem with that usually, lol, but this one totally works!
Emma, I believe there is beauty and character in imperfections , because no matter how hard we try nothing will ever be perfect. So we must embrace quirks and blemishes…lol
Mary your container turned out great! I am having the same problem with all my utensils and I ended up purchasing a bigger container at the thrift store this week!
I am always trying to edit this container, but it’s contents only seem to multiply. Thanks for dropping by.
This turned out so great! I love the idea!
Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
Thank you Jess. See you again next week.
Lol…I love black too Mary. This does look rather elegant for kitchen utensils, I must say! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frugal. Love, Mimi xxx
And why should it not be elegant? We spend half the day in there! 😉 Mimi, we might as well enjoy our kitchens. xxx
I love imperfection! In the garden, in the kitchen, in the home decor — it’s so good not to be a slave to perfectly matched rows . . . This is a great project, and big enough for your kitchen utensils, for now. If you’re like me, you collect those things like flies, and pretty soon, even the biggest container seems a bit small . . .
Carolyn, I also have a drawer full of utensils that I am not showing. I just keep the frequently used things in there, near the stove. Thanks for dropping by.
Super clever, and very elegant! Going to need to upgrade the rest of the kitchen now, right? ;P
Lol!! I get tired just thinking about it.
That’s a creative idea, Mary. I sometimes like to reuse stuff as well, but I’m not that creative.
Thanks for sharing it on #tiptuesday.
Why thank you for the compliment Debbie. It was a very simple project, I’m sure if you tried you would succeed.