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Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary With Lots of Doors!

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Welcome!  Today I am celebrating!  My third blog anniversary or as we sometimes call it blogoversary.  I finally made it to three years and I must say I am very surprised. It has been a long road and a tough one at that. Last year I shared my favorite posts with you and I wanted to do that now but…doors got in the way!

​Yes doors, that’s how we celebrate around here!  One door opens while another one closes. And so it goes!

House with blue door and shutters, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
Today I am sharing the second part of my doors series with you all.  You can see the first part here. Back then, it was a sorta blogoversary. 

​But now this is a full fledged blogoversary! I swear!!

weathered blue and green door Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
All the doors that you see here have been collected over the past two years from my walks in Greece. 
Arched wooden door, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
As many of you may know I moved from Greece to New York this past fall. You can read all about it here and my rant as to why we left. 
metal door with intricate design, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
I’m grateful to be here and to be able to give my family an opportunity that is lacking in Greece. 

​And running around in Manhattan is also a lot of fun.  There is never a dull moment!

Wooden door with openings, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.

​Yes I am very happy living in New York.  I must admit that things are a bit tough for the kids because there is an adjustment period.  One that I am unfortunately, oblivious to since I grew up here. 
Wooden door with gate in front, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
But I’ve said all that before.
black and white metal door with sixties style design, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors

​I have to admit something to you that I was not at all expecting to admit.  You see, while I was putting this photo essay together I found myself feeling nostalgic.  
Green door with metal rail top, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
And you may say “That’s to be expected Mary, after all you did just move!”
Small green door, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
And I’ll answer “No, no!  I really missed the good ole USA.  And I really wanted to come back.”
Big metal burgandy door in stone building, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
You see I didn’t care for the bad bureaucracy or the nosy grandmas back in Greece. 
arched door in yellow building, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors

​Although I did miss that gorgeous blue sky with its’ blinding light!  Kinda…

wood door with metal gate in stone building, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
And the view out my window of the mountains
doors on balconies, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors

​And I even missed the beaches… a little!

Okay, maybe a lot!

Blue door with metal on window openings, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
To me, Greece is like this door you see below.  It may be full of graffiti but it still has so much beauty at it’s core.

​If only we could scrub away the bad and keep the beauty. 

black metal door with intertwining meal arches on upper part and graffiti, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors

​I guess what I’m trying to say is that…
Large Gray metal doors in stone building, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
…I honestly didn’t expect to feel this way…so soon…
Church door with circular metal work and icon on the arch top, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors

​I guess I’m not as tough as I had thought, after all!  

The blue sky never leaves you once you have witnessed it. 

White metal door with blue molding at beach house, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
And all those hand made stone buildings will always be a reminder of our history. 
Green gate on stone wall, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors

​You see, for me there is beauty in every nook and cranny.  Is this a blessing or a curse?
Black metal door with metal scrollwork, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
How do you forget about images like these?  One door for each year of the blog?
Three black wood doors with upper metal work, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
Or this one which is by far my favorite?
Arched wood door inside stone looked at through fence, Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
And now a confession.  I had not meant to write this post this way.  I was going to talk about blogging and how much I love it and how happy I am to be a (tired) blogger. 

I was going to talk about how much I love the blogging community and how we all support each other and how truly blessed I am to be a part of it. 

But those images took over my mind and my heart and so I ended up writing another kind of post.  I hope you’ll forgive me for rambling on like this. 

I guess sometimes you just have to let the images take you where they may.

And maybe those doors will stay open after all. 

Photo essay with lots of doors from Greece and reflections on this past year and the changes on my blog and life for the three year Blogoversary, #photography #photoessay #Greece #Greekdoors #stonebuildings #travel Celebrating a 3 year Blogoversary with Lots of Doors
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  1. Keri says:

    Mary, what a beautiful post. It must be difficult leaving the place you called home for so many years and all the wonderful memories you made there and that oh so amazing blue sky. I love all the doors, so gorgeous! Happy Blog Anniversary!

  2. Mary, happy blogiversary! (I had my 8th this month – hard to believe.) Never apologize for posting photos of doors – I have a thing for doors! I’m glad you’re enjoying life, whether here or there and hope your kids will soon adjust.

  3. laura says:

    mmmmm I love looking at interesting architecture and decorations when traveling. In Rome we LOVED the big street lights that are wired right over the road with a lamp in the middle! So unique!

  4. Marie says:

    Happy 3rd Blogoversary, Mary! You are a bright light in the blogosphere and I’m so happy to call you friend. Love love love your photo collection of doors – they could be in a coffee table book! Each one tells a story – if only they could talk to share deeper their story. Cheers

  5. betty - NZ says:

    Congratulations on you bloggiversary! These are some amazing doors.

  6. Maya Kuzman says:

    I, too love old doors and windows and get to photograph them whenever I spot an interesting / inviting one. Yours is a wonderful selection!
    Last, but not the least – Happy Blogoversary!

  7. Greece? You were ready to leave Greece. Some wonderful pictures! Greece is definitely on my bucket list.

  8. Barrie says:

    I love this post! What beautiful architecture there was for you to enjoy and take these amazing pictures…and what an interesting metaphor of doors…and what they mean when you are in transition. Thank you so much for sharing at Friday Frenzy!

  9. Katrin says:

    Those doors are lovely too look at Mary, each one is different and beautiful in it’s own way. I can understand your nostalgic feelings only too well, I too have moved several times for different reasons and there is always something beautiful in each one, even if you decide they’re not the ones you want to stay in forever. Happy Blogoversary!

  10. Trish says:

    I’m prone to nostalgia and not appreciating what I have until it’s no longer in front of me too. I love your look back. I guess that’s when we appreciate things the most. Thanks for the beautiful doors too.

  11. Leanna says:

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary, Mary. These doors are so beautiful, love the photos. Have you ever submitted them to a photo website? The really are top notch.

  12. Happy Blogversary Mary, beautiful pics as always!!!! Homesick for Europe now, your Greece pics remind me of Spain !!!! Hope all is super for you in NewYork.

  13. nikki says:

    Congratulations my friend! Three years is such a short time, it flies, but to be blogging for 3 years-learning and growing all along the way is a long time. LOL
    Love doors, and these are a gorgeous bunch! I’m sure that you miss Greece, there was so much beauty there. But it’s normal to love more than one thing, to have ties to many things. You will always be the NY City Greek Island Girl, I really enjoy both parts!

  14. jeanie says:

    I think there is something beautifully symbolic about your choosing doors for your blogaversary post, intended or not. After all, when we blog, it opens doors to new worlds, new people, new ideas, new places, new sharing and connections. Things we never imagined. Your door images are striking and I love each and every one. A perfect metaphor. Congratulations.

  15. Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging and I love your doors. I totally get your feelings for Greece, I would still love to have a home there and am trying to learn the language, however I don’t think I could live there full time, the bureaucracy would drive me nuts. That said we have 2 trips planned there this year and I’m looking forward to those already. Hope you and the family fully settle in to the states soon. #MySundayPhoto

  16. Happy Blogaversary! I love reading your posts, even if I don’t always comment on them. The teals and blue doors are my favorite! Thanks for the photo tour.

  17. Kim says:

    Happy Anniversary, Mary! Greece is a beautiful place, I would guess that it’s normal to feel nostalgic, especially about that blue sky and those beaches…especially during a New York winter! Congratulations and here’s to many more years of blogging friendship!

  18. Pat says:

    Happy blog anniversary, Mary! You have accomplished so much in 3 years –you should be very proud of that.
    I understand how you feel about leaving Greece for NYC. Change can be hard, even when it is done for good reasons. I am always thankful my ancestors had the courage to leave the countries of their birth to immigrate to the US to give their descendants opportunities. My husband is a immigrant and I know it was very hard on his mother to leave her mother and all her relatives behind in Italy, but her sacrifices helped her family very much. They would not have had the same opportunities they had here.

  19. Nicole says:

    Congratulations on your blog milestone! I love looking at photos of doors, thanks for sharing them. Stopping by from the #HomeMattersParty link up.

  20. Amanda says:

    They each have such unique character. What a great collection!

  21. You certainly captured some beauties – such variety and artistry!
    Happy blogoversary!
    Thanks for sharing at

  22. Notmyyearoff says:

    I love a good door (and the name of your blog…Goonies!!) You would love the little towns in England, SO many pretty and old doors!

  23. Helena says:

    These doors certainly have character.#MySundayPhoto

  24. Freda says:

    Very charming doors! Happy 3rd blogoversary!!!

  25. Happy blogaversary Mary. Are you sure it”s the 3rd? Your work is so professional I always think you’ve been blogging forever! I’m looking forward for some Manhattan doors in the year to come!

  26. Ann says:

    I love your collection of door pictures! And congrats on blogging for 3 years! I just got started 10 months ago and love it! Thank you for sharing. Found you via Dishing It & Digging It Linky Party.

  27. Happy 3 Years!!! I love how you chose to acknowledge it…I often find that I start to write about one thing but it completely changes as I go along. Those usually end up being the best posts!

  28. All of them looks so pretty! They each have their quirkiness that makes them special. #mysundayphoto

  29. Loved all the doors and shadows!

  30. Sue Loncaric says:

    Hi Mary and congratulations on another anniversary for your blog. I love the door photos and found some beautiful doors on our visit to Spain last year. Thanks for sharing at #BloggersPitStop.

  31. Dear Mary, I always love your door-posts. There is that special something about doors, isn’t there. There’s a whole world hidden behind a closed door that sometimes makes me wonder. Similarly an open window: you hear people talk, your hear noises from within the house, the clattering of crockery and cutlery and you get that tiny glimpse of that other world.
    Oh dear, reading how you miss Greece makes me want to give you a huge hug. Never felt like that when I left Belgium all those years ago, but I do know what feeling homesick for the sea feels like. That goes deeper than words can describe.
    Take care,
    P.S.: Happy Blogoversay!

    • Mary says:

      Marjan this feeling caught me by surprise. I think what I miss the most is that old world feel that is in Europe in general. The US is a new country and there are lots of new things and construction. However whenever I go to Manhattan I find old and interesting things.

  32. Carol says:

    Happy Anniversary Mary! Congratulations on 3 years blogging. I love old doors; it always seems to me that Europe has more fabulous doors than the US. Wonderful collection from Greece.

    • Mary says:

      Carol I didn’t want to say it but you may be right. I’ll have to keep my eyes opened here to see if I can spot any unique doors. Thanks for the anniversary wishes.

  33. First, Happy Blog Anniversary! I feel like Hallmark needs to get on the bandwagon for this one.
    Second, I love doors too. There is a beautiful area three hours of north of here called Door County and my mom owns a print called “The Doors of Door County”. I could stare at that print all day long.
    Raising my champagne glass (okay, beer bottle), in your direction!

    • Mary says:

      Hmmm… that would be fun to see Hallmark making Blog cards! I never get tired of looking for unique doors. It’s all part of the fun. And Kari, thank you for visiting these past years!

  34. lapaylor says:

    I love your pictures and the details. I am misty at windows and doors too. Opening our worlds to other worlds. Opening, closing, it’s a blessing to notice the details.

  35. Nikki Gwin says:

    Oh Mary! Those doors!! They have captured my heart. I am a door and light fixture fanatic. My favorite is the second one with the blue and green. But I love them all. Great photos.
    🙂 gwingal

  36. Oh Mary, I’m so glad you found your beautiful door photos. What a treat for my eyes. I can so understand why you left Greece. Things have been a little rough here in South Africa too, but our silly President that raped and plundered our country into the ground for the last 8 years was forced to resign last night and we are all exstatic. Maybe the same will happen in Greece one day soon. So many despots and corrupt leaders in Africa are falling at the moment and perhaps that’s a sign that we’re all getting tired of falseness and empty promises. Happy, happy blogaversary my friend. May there be many, many, many more

    • Mary says:

      Michelle I am so happy to hear that there are changes coming in your country. If only we could do the same but I fear we are in so deep that it doesn’t matter who is in charge because they are not in charge at all. We have become a colony.

  37. I know what you mean about it being a blessings or a curse. The jury is still out on that, but one thing for sure is YOU’RE a blessing to the blogging community.
    Congratulations on your anniversary. I’m sure the last three years have been quite an adventure and one that you hadn’t expected, but that’s life, isn’t it?
    The doors are drop dead gorgeous! Even the one with graffiti (though I want to punch the person who did that)!

    • Mary says:

      Doreen when I was walking around snapping I tried to zero in on the doors and ignore the surroundings. But when editing the photos it became obvious there was more than lots of graffiti. So we just have to search a little harder to find the beauty. Thank you for joining me on this journey for almost three years now. You have been a true friend!

  38. Greece is a beautiful country and I appreciate your lovely pictures that take me there. But you did the best thing for the family. New doors will open for you. Happy Blogoversary! I look forward to many more posts. Each month that passes I am amazed I have been blogging that long and I am living the dream. I have a feeling you may feel that way also.

    • Mary says:

      Debra you are so right, We did the best thing moving here. I was just taken by surprise by my reaction. I guess you have to leave someplace in order to appreciate it more. And yes this is quite a journey we are on. So much work and so many twists and turns. And I am glad to be on this journey alongside you.

  39. Cindy says:

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Oh I love the door shots! How cool! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  40. what a lovely post Mary and awesome photos of the doors.Congratulations on your 3rd blog anniversary. I love your photography and all other projects, you share on this blog. Wishing you many more years, continue the hard work.

  41. FLORENCE says:

    I like the way you wrote your post even if that’s not the way you intended to write it. Enjoyed seeing your doors too. It’s nice to hear your feelings about America vs Greece. I’m sure your kids will adjust as time goes on. You feel like you’ve come home. Welcome home to the USA!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Florence. It is good to be back home and I know that the kids will grow used to it once we settle in.

  42. Larissa says:

    Mary, you are such a strong soul and inspiration in all you do. Your words mean much and I know you are here for a reason. May you have many more awesome years wherever God places you.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much sweet Larissa. I feel so blessed to be back here and to have this opportunity to make things better.

  43. Michelle says:

    You have a great collection of doors for today. And, Happy Anniversary!!! Quite an accomplishment to keep a blog going! Thanks for linking up today!

  44. Peter B. says:

    A really gorgeous collection of doors! I really like the second photo… perhaps not my favorite door, but my favorite photo. Wonderful old bleached out colors and interesting lines and textures. Oh, and congratulations on your anniversary!!

  45. Mary, I understand your feelings very well. We are native Texans and we lived in Oklahoma for 23 years. We always wanted to come home to Texas even though we loved our home in Oklahoma. Texas has its blemishes too…we are getting really crowded…there’s too much litter…and other things but we love it the our very core.
    Your door photos and the feelings you shared are very understandable. I’m so impressed that y’all made the huge decision that you did. I know it wasn’t easy!
    Congratulations on your well earned 3 years. You are loved by your readers and the blogging community.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you soooo much Stacey for your sweet words. It has been quite a journey so far and one that has let me here to NY where I never expected to end up. But I am a very positive person and always look at the bright side of things. I am truly happy to be back.

  46. Lorin says:

    All your door reminds me of our trip to Europe. At home I looked through the photos and so many were of doors and hardly any of family. 😉

    • Mary says:

      That is so funny Lorin. I trend to not photography people so much either. I perfect the landscapes. I leave the selfies for the kids. haha!

  47. Penny says:

    Hi Mary, wow what a collection of doors 🚪 it’s funny while I was looking at them, I found some where so fancy, and some, Ouch… I wouldn’t want to live near them, I hope you did have to walk past those doors on your morning walk. But in saying that, it is how we get the great photos of different ways of life, and I do believe a front door tells a lot about a person, and how they have to live. Thankyou for sharing ‘your doors’ with us 😊

    • Mary says:

      Penny I try not to judge and so try to see the beauty in all the doors. Haha!! Some of them looked ouch as you said but I’m sure if they were cleaned up and the graffiti was removed they would be gems too.

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