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Kefalonia in Brown – The rocky Beaches of the Island

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I really love this time of the month when I can share all of my photos from Greece with you all.  Last month I let my daughter take over!  She had gone to the island of Kefalonia and I put together a selection of photos primarily in Blue.  

But you know there were also a lot of beautiful photos in Brown, the color of the earth, and that is what I’ll be sharing with you today. Thanks Ina the Tea Lady for these great photos. 

Sandy beach, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
The sand makes pretty rippling patterns under the crystal clear water. 
rippling sand under water, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
the contrast of the blue water and sky with the brown rocks, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
Seaweed and sand.
brown sand and seaweed, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
Sun and shadow on the rocky edges. 
the sun hitting the rocks on the edge, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
rocks against brown sand, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
sunset hitting the rocks, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
Little mosaic patterns of the water reflected in the sand. 
a mosaic pattern made from the water, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
Kefalonia is a fairly large island located in the Ionian Sea.  That is the one that Greece shares with Italy, among other countries. 
walking along the beaches, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
The water looks more like little transparent coins
the water making sparkly coin like shapes, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
the rocks at dusk, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
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the waves washing up on the shore, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
My sweet girl has also done videos of her trip to Kefalonia. Here is the first one and below is the second. 
Have I mentioned those crystal clear waters?
This one reminds me of a Rothko painting. Or is it the other way around, did Rothko take from mother nature?
light blue sky blue water brown sand, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
And that concludes my series on Kefalonia.  Ina the tea Lady on the other hand will continue to post videos on her You Tube Page. If you are interested she has a whole collection of travel videos here. Shameless plug I know, but it’s the least I could do since she let me share her photos. 
sea meets sand and rocks, Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
I hope you have enjoyed these photos of Kefalonia in Brown.  This Greek Island certainly has a bit of everything, rocky beaches and blue waters. Now which was your favorite?
I am so happy you were able to join me and allow me to share a little bit of my reality with you all. If you’d like to see more photography go to my photo gallery here.  You can also subscribe to my photos below. I now have a separate subscription for photos so if you haven’t subscribed you may miss out.
a photo essay with the rocky beaches of kefalonia, a Greek Ionian Island, #kefalonia #greece #travel #aroundtheglobe #greekislands #ioniansea #ionianislands #greekbeaches Kefalonia in Brown - The Rocky Beaches of the Island
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  1. Felicia says:

    Oh yes browns are beautiful too. lovely images.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:


  3. Michelle says:

    This is such a beautiful area. I can just imagine wading in that water. Gorgeous! Thanks for linking up today!

  4. Keri Roberts says:

    Mary, your daughter took some amazing photos! That’s really neat that they are is a blue theme and a brown theme set. Tell her to keep at it, she very talented, just like her mom!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Keri, I keep on reading all these comments to her. She had given me a huge amount of photos and when I went to edit them I realized that there were so many I wanted to share with all of you that I had to break them down into two posts.

  5. Leanna says:

    Your beach photos made me think of sipping a deep hot coffee enjoying the heat and the surroundings. What a beautiful island.
    Its the type of setting you can lose your troubles in and just enjoy.

    • Mary says:

      Exactly Leanna. My girl came back all relaxed and stress free – which is not her normal state at all.

  6. Amber Harrop says:

    You are better than the tourism board Mary – I want to visit now !!

  7. Stunning pics. Just gorgeous colors and details.

  8. Ruth says:

    Really like this different perspective about Greece. We are so used to see the turquoise waters of the country and forget that there is way more beauty (in many colors) on it. I am amazed by these photos.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Ruth. My daughter who is all of 18 took these. She has such a great eye and a unique perspective (mama bragging rights).

  9. Leanna says:

    These photos are so beautiful Mary. Before I moved to Edmonton I lived in a semi desert and found all the different tones of browns stunning. They change tones with the sun which make them look like their shapes are changing. Love these very much.

    • Mary says:

      Leanna I had no idea that you lived in a semi desert. Was this in Canada? I think if we take the time we can find beauty in everything.

  10. Sue Loncaric says:

    Just stunning Mary! I particularly like the ripples in the sand and the water is just so clear. Thank you for sharing this beautiful island with us at #overthemoon link party and have a lovely day.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Sue. These are very distinctive and have a point of view. I am so grateful to my girl for sharing them with us.

  11. I could see each of these as a postcard they’re beautiful and peaceful.

  12. Eileen says:

    Hello, your daughter’s photos are just beautiful. Lovely colors and scenic views. Greece is a lovely place to visit. It is high on my bucket list of places to visit. Enjoy your day!

  13. Jodie says:

    LOVE!!! I can’t wait to visit Greece some day…
    Thanks for joining us at last week’s Reader Tip Tuesday. I’m hoping you join us this week:
    We’re open all week & growing. Hope you have a GREAT weekend. xo

  14. Michelle says:

    You always have the best photos and most spectacular scenes. I always enjoy your posts! Thanks for linking up!

  15. Michelle says:

    Beautiful! The water is amazingly clear.

  16. betty - NZ says:

    That is some amazing scenery! I love seeing the lines in cliffs, knowing they took a long time to accumulate.
    Fabulous water shots, too. I can never get enough 🙂

  17. Fabulous pictures. Almost like being there. #SeniSal

  18. Natalie says:

    Very nice beach photos. Thanks, Mary, for sharing this. #senisal

  19. Terri Lyon says:

    Thank you sharing these beautiful photos!

  20. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …beautiful, rugged coast!

  21. dee Nambiar says:

    Beautiful — the clear waters and the browns.
    And that is such a creative video of ‘chilling in Kefalonia.’ 🙂

  22. fun60 says:

    Excellent photos of the island.

  23. Photo Cache says:

    The water is delightful.

  24. Carol says:

    I agree with you that the beauty in the world comes in all shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. Lovely post Mary – I love the sea, beaches, rocks and all things in them.

  25. betty - NZ says:

    Wow! I always love seeing beaches, no matter where they are! The water is so clear and lovely.
    Your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week sure made my day!

    My Corner of the World

  26. dee says:

    That’s a great collection of pictures, Mary. I love brow and rocky landscapes too. 🙂

  27. Carole says:

    Lovely, great pics!!

  28. Amy says:

    I normally wouldn’t think of the color brown as beautiful but this collection of Brown Kefalonia is gorgeous!

  29. Lady Fi says:

    How very pretty!

  30. I never knew brown could be so beautiful! Your dramatic photos made my day.

  31. judee says:

    Stunning and beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing your part of the world.

  32. Magical Mystical Teacher says:

    Some really nice water shots here. I especially like the rippling sands underwater.

  33. Beautiful! I can’t believe how clear the water is. I would love to be there wading in the water, and digging my toes in the sand.
    Your daughter takes beautiful photos, and her video is awesome.

    • Mary says:

      Linda it really is that clear. That is the beauty of Greece we have been fortunate enough to keep our waters clean. Thank you for your compliment I will tell my girl.

  34. Michelle says:

    These photos highlight a beautiful part of Greece! Makes me want to visit even more! Thank you for linking up today and have a great weekend!

  35. Ooooh – I’d like to pack my bags right away! A swimsuit, flipflops and a towel should suffice (all right I will take a toothbrush, a crochet hook and some yarn too). Such lovely pictures (and an awesome video). Oooh, I’d love to stroll along those beaches…

    • Mary says:

      The best place to be crocheting Marjan. Just relax under a tree and get out your crochet hook.

  36. Christine says:

    Mesmerising photos of the water! I loved the ripples & the waves over the sandy shores!
    Super photos!

    • Mary says:

      I liked those with the texture as well. Sometimes the most ordinary things take on a different fascination when photographed.

  37. Lisa says:

    Beautiful photos. Your daughter is a very talented photographer. I was an Ancient Studies major in college and I have always wanted to visit Greece. Your pics definitely confirm that impulse.

    • Mary says:

      This country is full of ancient artifacts and relics. In fact when we were getting ready to lay the foundation of our house they found a bunch of archaeological ruins underneath. Apparently this is very common around here. You will love it!

  38. Pat says:

    Hi Mary
    Loved the video! Very artfully done. It was nice to see the beach of Kefalonia

  39. Marie says:

    Ina The Tea Lady, you my dear will some day become a household name either as a photographer or film maker – you are UBER talented! Mama, I can feel you beaming with pride all the way from Canada. xo

  40. Mia says:

    Αγαπημένη Κεφαλλονιά, Μαίρη μου. Τι όμορφες φωτογραφίες! Σε φιλώ, φίλη μου.

    • Mary says:

      Σε ευχαριστώ Μια μου. Η κόρη μου τις τράβηξε όταν είχε πάει διακοπές στο πανέμορφο νησί.

  41. Ina is really talented, both the photos and the video are lovely. If I had to choose a favorite it would be the video. She managed to capture the essence of long, beautiful Summer days and all those special memories that last a lifetime

    • Mary says:

      Michelle she will be so thrilled to hear that. She works so hard on her videos and in fact prefers that medium to photos.

  42. Katrin says:

    Those are stunning photos Mary, what another beautiful view of the island! Your daughter is so talented!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Katrin. The island has so many different sides to it. And she also had the best time there.

  43. What an absolutely breath-taking landscape, Mary! Wow. God sure has created some beautiful landscapes all over this planet. Thank you for sharing!

    • Mary says:

      That is so true Larissa. Our planet is God’s canvas and we ought to take better care of it.

  44. Florence says:

    I’m confused. Is “Ina the Tea Lady” your daughter, or is she someone else?
    The photos are lovely…truly professional-looking in my opinion. I don’t know which is my favorite. They’re all beautiful & totally capture the varieties of the shore.

    • Mary says:

      Yes Florence “Ina the Tea Lady” is my daughter. She has her own You Tube channel where she uploads different things all her own creations. And she does photos just for fun. She is also just 18, my little one.

  45. Very different from our murky beaches here in Texas! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Roseann. I have never seen beaches like this anywhere else. It must be the Mediterranean.

  46. Louise says:

    This looks like a wonderful beach!

  47. Lovely photos! Especially the second one is my favorite of the group!

    • Mary says:

      Katerina you are a girl after my own photography heart. That one was my fav too. Something about the tranquility of it

  48. Marie-OR says:

    Stunning photos!

  49. Jesh StG says:

    The patterns the clear water shows are amazing! Love the “stripe” the most. Welcome to All Seasons! There something you need to to know: there are only 2 rules we hold on to – one is that there cannot be any advertisements in the post, so I hope you can leave your links outside the post, when you log onto All Seaons – you can leave them in the sidebar though, or refer to it in your text, or maybe post it right after the comment section.
    We were in Greece for 9 days for a wedding anniversary, and I love the landscape and the culture, and not to forget the food – baklava, anything with feta cheese, spinach pie, etc.

    • Mary says:

      Jesh thank you for your great comment. That particular one with the stripes is also one of my favorites. Thanks for taking the time to visit and I’m glad to hear that you had such a great time in our country.

  50. molly says:

    Beautiful series of images. We were just in Kefalonia, it is a such a beautiful place and I dream of one day owning a home there

    • Mary says:

      Oh that would be wonderful Molly. The islands are the best places to live. It’s like being in your own special world.

  51. Maya says:

    A beautiful, inspiring post Mary! We still haven’t been to Kefalonia. Some of our friends have visited the island and have fond memories of it!

    • Mary says:

      You’ll get there Maya after all it isn’t far away! Listen to me I am even closer than you and have never made it there. I did manage to get to Zakynthos.

  52. Your daughter will be a household name with her beautiful photos. And the subject matter is beautiful beyound words.

  53. Amy says:

    Stunning photos! I particularly like all the ones that are looking down at the water. Makes me want to go visit again!

  54. What beautiful photos! We have just come back from a week in Cornwall and the colour of the sand and sea remind me a lot of it, but the rocks couldn’t be any more different! The rocks in Cornwall are black and flat.

    • Mary says:

      That is quite a difference. But I’m sure the raw beauty of Cornwall has it’s own special charm.

  55. Quite beautiful, no wonder you take so many photos, each scene is stunning

    • Mary says:

      Fiona it is easy to take good photos when there is such beauty all around. My daughter manages to find the extra ordinary in her shots and I’m grateful to her for sharing them with us.

  56. Anne says:

    What a beautiful place, the photos are amazing, you can almost imagine being there. I love the one that looks like transparent coins in the water.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Anne. My daughter took all these on her trip last month and she really has an eye for honing in on the details.

  57. Such a beautiful selection of photos! Love the patterns in the sand #mysundayphoto

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