Όπως κάποιοι από εσάς ίσως γνωρίζετε, μου αρέσει να κάνω οικονομία. Λοιπόν, έχω αποθησαυρίσει, εμμ, εχω κάνει συλλογή ρολά χαρτιού. Απλά δεν μπορω να τα πετάξω όταν μπορώ να βάλω το μυαλό μου να δουλεψει λίγο και να φανταστεί ομορφιές, όπως αυτή τη καρδιά η αυτόν τον οργανωτή για τα βραχιόλια. . Όπως είπα, είχα μαζέψει αρκετά από αυτά και ήρθε η ώρα για ένα έργο, επειδή δεν υπήρχε άλλος χώρος για να τα αποθηκεύσω. Και έτσι αυτή είναι η ανάρτηση για την παράλογη μου εμμονή με τα ρολά χαρτιού.

To καθιστικό μου είναι μακρύ και στενό και έχει μια πλήρες συρόμενη πόρτα στο ένα άκρο αντί για έναν τοίχο. Όταν μετακόμισα είχα εγκαταστήσει ένα κουρτινόξυλο στο πάνω μέρος της συρόμενης πόρτας. Αλλά το έχω αφαιρέσει για οι κουρτίνες έκαναν το χώρο να φανεί πιο περιορισμένο. Έτσι, τώρα έχω μια ράγα κουρτίνας … έτσι κι αλλιώς είναι πιθανόν να αναρωτιέστε γιατί σας τα λέω όλα αυτά. Επειδή τα μη χρησιμοποιηθέντα στηρίγματα είναι ακόμα εκεί, πάνω από τις κουρτίνες και φαίνονται περίεργα.

Τα έβαψα για να ταιριάζουν τους τοίχους νομίζοντας ότι δεν θα φαίνονταν πολυ αλλά ήταν μια επική αποτυχία …

Και εδώ είναι που μιλάμε για τα ρολά χαρτιού. Είχα κάνει μια γιρλάντα τον περασμένο χειμώνα και το έχει τοποθετήσει στο σύνθετο.

Μου άρεσε πολύ αυτή η ιδέα και πήρα αυτή την γιρλάντα και τη μετέφερα πάνω από την συρόμενη πόρτα.

Χρησιμοποίησα τα υπόλοιπα ρολά χαρτιού και γέμισα τη γιρλάντα!

Μου περίσσευαν λίγα και είχα ένα άσχημο στήριγμα στο κέντρο, έτσι έκανα αυτό …

Και έτσι φαίνεται στο σύνολό του.

Λίγες νυχτερινές λήψεις, δεν είναι καλής ποιότητας, αλλά μπορείτε να δείτε το μήκος της συρόμενης πόρτας.

Και τώρα που μιλάμε έξω απ’ τα δόντια, έχετε παρατηρήσει το χρώμα των τοίχων; Όταν αγόρασα το χρώμα, υποτίθεται ότι ηταν άμμο τις παραλίας …. αλλά το βράδυ μοιάζει περισσότερο απαίσιο ροζ.

Και ούτε καν συζητάω πώς μοιάζει όταν ο απογευματινός ήλιος χτυπά το δωμάτιο (εισάγετε ακατάλληλες λέξεις εδώ)! Ένα άλλο πράγμα που πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί αυτό το καλοκαίρι.

Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια εδώ … Αυτή είναι μια επική αποτυχία ή όχι … τι λέτε;

Can I get away with artsy cute, rustic here? Or should I just throw it out? And find another solution? Do I even get brownie points for repurposing the paper rolls? This is what it has come to, what my irrational obsession with paper rolls has done to me!! Help me out here people!!
Μπορώ να το πλασάρω σαν καλλιτεχνικό χαριτωμένο, ρουστίκ; Ή θα έπρεπε απλά να το πετάξω; Και να βρω μια άλλη λύση; Αναγνωρίζετε τον αναπροσανατολισμό των ρολών χαρτιού; Έχω φτάσει σε αυτό το σημείο με την παράλογη μου εμμονή με τα ρολά χαρτιού. Βοηθήστε με καλοί άνθρωποι !!
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Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.
I LOVE the heart wreath !! ❤️
It was a good thought Mary but it is not something I can go with. lol I think every time I throw a paper roll away what a waste. But I am not creative so I give lots of points for coming up with the idea.
I thank you for your sweeet thought. The thing that makes me crazy is that there are so many of them that we accumulate in such a short span of time. I try to use at least a few.
A nice idea. I made napkin rings from paper rolls with my niece and nephew. An easy craft.
That’s a great idea too Amalia. I’ll have to give it a try. I certainly have enough of those rolls to do many more projects.
I am amassing paper rolls too but I didn’t have such a creative idea like you did.
I like the garland but I am not loving the brackets. Get the hubby up there to remove them!
Pronto!! Those things must go!! I am going to have a busy summer on the ladder painting… I can see it now,, in the heat. Like you did last year with your mom’s kitchen. lol
Mary, I love the garland and I love the wreath. It seems that you placed the hook on purpose to hang them. I will tell you a secret… I moved a plastic bag full of TPT into the new house, no way I was getting rid of them! I still have time to think what to do with them
Pili.we think alike. Save all those rolls and you’ll come up with so many great ideas. You even have the roundup post for them. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with them.
I think your garland is clever, but a temporary fix. I would change the paint color as soon as possible. Pinkish tan is difficult to work with!
I agree Michele, it is a temporary fix. I have to paint the room.. it is horrible and matches nothing anymore. Years ago I had bordeaux curtains so it looked fine but now it is not working. Thanks for your honest imput.
You definitely get brownie points for coming up with such creative uses for toilet tissue rolls! Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Fantastic Friday Link Party 🙂
Thanks at least now I feel like all that painting was worth it. But I definitely have to move the garland, it is too high up.
WOW Mary I give you a BIG high 5 for having the creativity to pull that off with paper rolls! So clever!! What ever you decide to do I’m sure it will look amazing! 🙂
Sam thanks for your words of encouragement. I need them right now. I think I’ll probably move the garland once I get those things off the wall.
I think it’s a beautiful addition to the whole bracket mess! I was laughing with the wall color! Recently I was reading an article about how the color is changing depending on the orientation of the house and the sun light!
That’s exactly what it is Katerina, a bracket mess. And the article is so right. Too bad here in Greece they don’t see samples of paint that we can try on the walls before hand.
You are amazing! LOL I love how you tackle a project, especially with your creativity of found items. I really love the keys hanging, but I think that the garland makes the are a bit too busy. Leave it up for now and enjoy it, and when you paint you can remove those brackets and see how you like the look then. Finding a beige that’s not pink or yellow is difficult. Look for one with a more grey base, a pebble color perhaps. Try painting an area that will get all the morning light and the evening sunset and see what the color does.
I give you huge points for reusing the paper rolls and I really like the way you’ve incorporated the wreath. Huge points!
You are so creative! I love reading your blog. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Merry Monday.
Hi Mary, painted different colours it is something I would hang up at Christmas time, but the most important thing is, do you like it there? If not then move it, if you do then keep it up and enjoy it.
When the children were young I kept a bit box under the bed and in the bit box went empty bottles, boxes and toilet roll holders so that we had stuff to use when we were feeling crafty.
Debbie I can’t wait to tear down those brackets. I love the garland and I agree there is so much I can do with it by adding colors. But those brackets are really the problem.. It feels like I’m trying to camouflage the elephant in the room. Great idea about the bit box
Cute idea! If you have more tubes than you know what to do with, I think they’d compost fine too. 🙂 Those are one of those products like kcups that are fun to find upcycling ideas for but gosh… you usually end up with more than you could possibly upcycle. 🙂
Thanks for linking up at #SustainableSundays!
You’re absolutely right Danielle, they are always piling up but I try, I really try!
Firstly thanks for joining us at #sharethejoy this week – I really enjoyed this post and I’m marveling at your creativity! Now to be completely honest I agree with the other commenters about the garland drawing attention to the brackets. Sometimes if you don’t like something covering it up just isn’t enough – you need to rid yourself of the problem altogether and start again. Once you’ve repainted the room you’ll have eliminated one of the things you don’t like and it might be easier to see a way forward for the brackets perhaps?
The consensus is in Michelle. I have to admit if I had really loved that garland up there I never would have asked all of you for your opinion. But I was wavering so much I needed input. Thank you for your advice, that is exactly what I am going to do. Once I wrangle the hubs into cutting those brackets I’ll ba able to move the garlands elsewhere.
So clever and thrifty, Mary! Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm!
Thank you Cecilia. We’ll see what I finally do with it.
The garland is creative and I like it; but if you’re not happy with the room, then change it. 🙂 If it wouldn’t be in the way of the door, then I think I’d make use of all that sunlight and turn those brackets into some plant hangers.
Jenny I love your idea but the problem is that it is a sliding door throughout the whole length of those curtains you see and the sunlight is brutal in the summertime. I have double insulation and a tent to keep the heat out.
Awesome! I love your vision and creative spirit. This is one smart way to change the way you look at your home:)
I will definitely have to make lots of changes, but one day at a time Wendi. The garland will stay but not where it is now.
You are so super creative! I won’t mention the odd things I have stashed lol. I think it’s cool but….I would add color. They are too neutral so your eyes are drawn there but then it’s blah, no visual interest other than the wreath. The keys are cool but maybe move them to hang in between the rolls – paint them a bright color and leave the rest neutral for fun. I didn’t see that post so will have to find it 🙂
I am adding color with pillows and certain other objects on the wall unit. I have had a lot of color for many years and now am moving away from it. I guess I could add more rolls in another color…humm. More work for me. But I will definitey be moving it from up there. If you want to see where my keys originally were you can go up to the “you may also like” (right after the signature) and press on “The roasted christmas tree” lol
OK…total honesty here…I’m not loving it. I think that no one would notice the brackets without the garland, especially since they are the same color as the walls and not really in the line of sight. I do like the keys, but I think the keys and the garland are fighting up there and I’m rooting for the keys.
And re. your wall paint color…I went through 4 samples of ‘beige’ before I found one that wasn’t too pink or too yellow. When I did my laundry room…it’s tough to find the right color that looks the way you want it to in all lights. Can you get those little 4 oz samples at your paint store? Those are the ticket.
As usual, you are one of the craftiest, most upcycling gals I know.
Hugs, Lynn
Lynn thank you for your honesty. I was not happy with this set up either. I am g oing to get the hubs to take those brackets down. He is going to need a special machine to saw them off. And then get that room painted a nice soft white. The garland can be moved elsewhere. And you’re right about the garland and the keys fighting each other. Unfortunately here in Greece they don’t sell small samples of paint, you have to buy them by the 5 bucket. That’s why if I go with white I’m safe and I can just add colorful accessories. Thanks for your honest imput I really needed help with this one. 🙂
Mary, you did a great job incorporating the wreath into it; but it does draw your eyes up there. I think you need to get the room painted so hubby can get up there and remove the old brackets. It’s hard to really tell, but what color are your drapes? They look green/gold. When we moved to our current house, the walls in the lower level looked like a soft white until we moved in. There was a pink undertone that looked horrible and had to go, so I know what you’re saying about the pink. Yes, you do get brownie points and I wouldn’t throw them out. When you redo the room, I’d find another location to hang them.
Thank you Carol I agree with you 100%. I guess the problem in not the garland but the location that is making the room look narrow by drawing the eye upwards. The color of the curtains is a mustard yellow, and I’m planning to paint the room a white. I’ve been going for neutrals and just adding accents here and there. Thank you for your honesty. It is much appreciated.
Mary, Very creative way to use toilet paper rolls to hide your eye sores (which I don’t think are that bad), but your garland dresses them up and makes a purpose for them being there. I love how you added the garland, and I’m with Debra. I bet you continue to refine it for the holidays.
For the holidays I usually move it over to the wall unit. It looks really festive there. But where it is now…eh.. I don’t know. I would be happy if my eye sores were gone. Thanks for the input.
Oh Mary I love that creative mind of yours! I save things as well and ultimately dump them when I realize I have no idea what to do with them. . .you always inspire!
That’s how I was bb (before blogging) but now that I have all this inspiration around me it is easier to repurpose almost anything. And Jackie we always want to be friendly to mother earth.
Oh, my goodness! You have an incredible knack for making toilet paper tubes look fancy. The whole thing really comes together nicely.
Does that mean I get brownie points? 🙂 Keri, thanks so much for the encouragement, what I’m getting here is that everyone likes the garland and wreath but the placement not so much! Thanks for your comment.
Hmmm, you asked so I’m going to be honest. I think the garland probably draws more attention to the brackets. Since you painted them the color of the walls, how about taking the garland down and just live with it a few days. You probably won’t notice the brackets after a few days. If you are like me, you are obsessing about them.
Now that’s what I wanted to hear Stacey. I knew something was not right with this and youhit the nail on the head. Truth be told, I am obsessing way too much over those brackets and I will not rest till they are gone, and so should that paint color. I can always move the garland to another spot. Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
That’s a lot of rolls for sure!!! You’re so crafty and creative!!! <3
Michelle I still have more rolls…lol They never end! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.
Oh you collect them too 🙂 wow, I always think the kids will need them for a school project or something. The garland is really pretty and I love what you did in the middle but the other ladies are right, it does draw your eye up. Have you tried draping some matching fabric between the unused brackets? P.S I think the keys hanging from the ceiling are super awesome!!
Michelle that is what I’m thinking too. I don’t want they eyes going upward. So at somepoint I will have to move my garland. I had draped some fabric up there but I’m trying for a cleaner look. Eventually the brackets will have to go. Thanks about the keys, they were from a Christmas project. I liked them so much that I pu them up there.
Keep the wreath, just not where it is. Sorry my dear, but you asked! I love your creativity and clever use of toilet paper rolls and I especially love how you make beautiful wreaths with them (your red heart one I’m still swooning over). But the garland draws the eye right to those rod brackets. Maybe if you paint the walls like you want, hubby will remove the brackets. Don’t throw out the sliced rolls from the banner though – I see many more beautiful wreaths in their future!
Thanks for the input Marie. I am going to do just that. I see lots of work ahead in the summer for me. I too agree that it is not a good position for the garland up there. I knew something was off but could not identify it till you ladies told me just what it was. Thanks for the truth!
Mary, I like your toilet paper garland. I also like those keys hanging from the lights, I think I’ve seen them before but you’ll have to jog my memory, were they on a Christmas post? Anyway, I’m excited about seeing what color you chose for your wall paint! As far as keeping the toilet paper garland up there, that’s entirely up to you, display what you enjoy looking at. That’s my advice. 😉 I hope you have a wonderful day my friend.
You are right Keri. I had originally made them for the Christmas tree. But they were so rustic cute I kept them around and added them to the spotlights. They actually look like they are floating in the air. As for the garland, I am going to keep it but move it elsewhere so that the room is not too top heavy. Thanks for your input.
Let me first say I enjoy every visit! I never know what to expect and I love it! As far as the toilet paper obsession . . . there is nothing wrong with that. And the cute garland you made is so fun!
Now, when you style your toilet paper ring garland with a minimal branch wreath and make it look all intentional, it’s marvelous! I love everything about it!
I’m thinking we need a toilet paper roll link up sometime soon . . .
Have a wonderful weekend Mary!
You get that tp link up ready and I’ll create more…lol. I like it too but not in that location. Thanks for your suggestions and encouragement.
Hello Mary,
right – it would be a shame to throw them away after collecting so many of them. I would not put them up as a garland but when I’d do it anyway I’d go for bright and brilliant colours – as I’m fond of them…
Happy crafting,
Marjan I don’t want to throw it away. It is so much fun but the nice thing about it is that I can add or subtract and so it becomes different. But I am definitely going to move it from where it is now. Thanks for your ideas.
Well, I think you are very artsy and that is good….and I think you are obsessed….and that’s fine, too……I love when people do what they love…I had this obsession with TP rolls not long ago…but I finally had to get rid of them. Sent them to the Kindergarten class…..;) Keep doing what you love…it always works
Thanks for your encouraging words Renee. I will always do what I love especially since starting this blog. But it has to feel right too, not be an eye sore. Thanks for visiting. Glad to see I’m not the only one with a tp obsession.
I think it looks good. But you should at least let it sit for a while before deciding what to do. Sometime it can grow on us. 🙂
Krista those awful brackets have been up there for over a year. It was only recently that I added the garland. But I’ll wait and hopefully over the summer we can cut them and repaint.
Mary, Your creativity continues to impress me. Where I see toliet paper rolls you see a garland to hide the things you don’t like in your living room. I especially like how you incorporated the wreath into the garland to make it even more special. I bet you will continue to refine it for special holidays.
I think that after having read some comments I will have to get rid of those brackets. But the garland I’ll keep and use elsewhere. Thanks for your feedback Debra, this one has really stumped me.