I came across this small folding stool that was not very practical. It was too small to sit on comfortably and too narrow to really hold things and substitute as a side table. So I created what I call “Pieces of a Table”.
Είμαι πάντα σε αναζήτηση για τα αχρησιμοποίητα έπιπλα ή μικροαντικείμενα που πιάνουν χώρο στο σπίτι μου – η απλός δεν είναι χρήσιμα.
Βρήκα αυτό το μικρό πτυσσόμενο σκαμνί που δεν ήταν πολύ πρακτικό. Ήταν πάρα πολύ μικρό για να καθίσει κάποιος άνετα και πολύ στενό για να κρατήσει πράγματα ως υποκατάστατο τραπεζάκι.
What I Used:
- an old drawer
- an old stool
- oil and vinegar solution for cleaning
- chalky finish paint
- chip brushes
- Homemade wax
- beige and black acrylic paint
- masking tape
- twine
- screws to attach drawer to stool
είχα ένα συρτάρι που δεν χρησιμοποιούσα. Είπα γιατί να μην ενταχθούν τα δύο και να δημιουργήσω κάτι χρήσιμο.
The How To:
Το πρώτο βήμα αφορούσε τον καθαρισμό του σκαμνιού. Χρησιμοποίησα την έμπιστη λύση μου, λάδι και ξύδι. Απλά το έτριψα και το σκούπισα.

Καθαρό και
Στη συνέχεια αφαίρεσα το χερούλι από το συρτάρι και το έκανα σπρέι με λευκό χρώμα. Το έτριψα με γυαλόχαρτο και στη συνέχεια έβαλα ένα στρώμα χρώματος κιμωλία για να πάρει μια πιο ήπια εμφάνιση.
Το συρτάρι είχε 2 τρύπες στην μπροστινή πλευρά από όπου αφαιρέθηκε το χερούλι. Αρχικά σκέφτηκα να τους κλείσω, αλλά θυμήθηκα την “Κυρία Σπάγγος” και είπα … έτσι θα προχωρήσω. Γι ‘αυτό και πρόσθεσα δύο περισσότερες τρύπες από την άλλη πλευρά και πέρασα σπάγγο μέσα απ’ αυτά ως χερούλια.
Πριν συνδέσω το συρτάρι επάνω στο σκαμνί είχα μια απόφαση να πάρω. Θα αφήσω το εσωτερικό λευκό ή θα το βάψω. Ο σύζυγός μου πρότεινε ένα σχέδιο τάβλι. Αλλά ήταν πάρα πολύ περίπλοκο για μένα έτσι έκανα αυτό το σχέδιο.
τις περιοχές που ήθελα να ζωγραφίσω με κολλητική ταινία και στη συνέχεια δημιούργησα το δικό μου χρώμα χρησιμοποιώντας μπεζ και μαύρο. Αυτό ήταν το αποτέλεσμα.
Μπορείτε να δείτε τα νερά του ξύλου που κρυφοκοιτάζουν έξω από το χρώμα κιμωλία.
Αλλά δεν είχα τελειώσει ακόμα. Ήθελα να σφραγίσω αυτό το υπέροχο σχέδιο με κερί. Το μόνο πρόβλημα είναι ότι το κερί επίπλου δύσκολα βρίσκετε εδώ στα boondocks. Έτσι, χρησιμοποιώντας το έμπιστο Google, βρήκα μια συνταγή στο διαδίκτυο. Ανάμειξα 1 μέρος κερί μέλισσας με 2 μέρη ελαιόλαδο και είχα κερί επίπλων.
Στη συνέχεια έτριψα το σπιτικό μου κερί πάνω στο ξύλο και ο μετασχηματισμός ήταν μαγικός. Από τραχύ και αλευρώδη έγινε βελούδινο και λείο. Το έτριψα σε όλο το τμήμα συρταριού όπου είχε εφαρμοσθεί το χρώμα κιμωλία.
Άνοιξα 2 τρύπες μέσα στο συρτάρι και το συνδέσα το συρτάρι με το σκαμνάκι.
Και έτσι έχω ένα υπέροχο τραπέζι στο οποίο πίνω τον καφέ μου, ή το τσάι αν προτιμάτε.
Θα το αφήσω έξω στο μπαλκόνι όπου μπορώ να το απολαύσω και να πίνω τον καφέ μου.
Λοιπόν, αυτό ήταν για σήμερα. Ένα υπέροχο τραπέζι φτιαγμένο από απλά μικροαντικείμενα να υπήρχαν γύρω στο σπίτι. Ανακύκλωση στα καλύτερά της! Εσείς εχετε κάποια κομμάτια που έχουν απομείνει και περιμένουν να τους δοθεί νέα ζωή;
Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.
Κι άλλες προτάσεις που θα σας αρέσουν:
I really love unique pieces of furniture. This is so practical and a conversation starter. I really love the whole package.
Plus the homemade wax sounds intriguing. I will need to try it.
Thank you Debra it was one of the first pieces I did and it is holding up very well. Plus it is so cute! 😉
Πολύ όμορφο!!!Δεν ήξερα αυτήν την συνταγή για κερί και επίσης πολύ ωραία τα χερούλια από σπάγγο!!Καλημέρα!!
Ευχαριστω Ιωαννα! Μια απλη συνταγη με υλικα που υπαρχουν εδω στην Ελλαδα μας!
I never knew oil and vinegar was a good cleaning combo, thanks for that info. Your projects always come out great and this one is no exception. I have a few antiquated TV trays that could use this same treatment.
Thats a great idea Sandra. TV trays would make great tables!
This is really a cute side table. Its really perfect for outdoors because the sides are high enough to protect whatever is on the table from the wind. Pinning.
Yes it is Leanna, We have gotten so much use out of it. And we really have high winds on the balcony!
Such a nice up-cycle — combining two pieces into one! The homemade wax with beeswax and olive oil sounds intriguing, and I know they have the BEST olive oil in Greece! I think the checkerboard design is adorable. Great job!
Thank you Carol. That beeswax mixture has been a lifesaver. I use it all the time
Very clever Mary! The drawer was a perfect fit for the little stool. I love how you painted it with the checkerboard, and left the stool stained just cleaned it up. I’m going to have to try your cleaning solution sometime.
Perfect little table for you to sit and enjoy your coffee, and maybe even play a game of checkers.
Exactly Linda. This was one of my first tables and also my first drawer project. I love repurposing drawers, there are so many uses for them.
Such an adorable table update Mary – I love this
It’s a really fun table Amber. I love the cute little size that makes it easy to move around.
Great repurpose Mary, perfect porch decor for Summer afternoons. Keeps all those checkers from falling off the table between the deck boards! Thanks for sharing at #FridaysFurnitureFix !
Brenda you have no idea how handy it has been. It is super lightweight so I just move it from room to room.
This is so clever, Mary, and functional! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. 🙂 I love the paint design on the inside. Perfect!
Thank you Amy, it was a perfect table for those small spaces.
Very cute Mary… it is perfect for a little outdoor table… when it gets warm… wishing!
I actually used it indoors too as a side table in a corner. But it shines in the summertime!
Oh this turned out simply lovely and love the checkerboard! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much Chas, it is a favorite of mine.
A great use of two elements that were going to waste!
Exactly! It is one of my first and favorite pieces
Smiling st your last comment Mary :). It’s so true that blogging forces us to be creative in ways we never would have imagined.
Wonderful job, and I especially like the check pattern.
Doreen I can say that over and over. Those old brain cells are working overtime! 😉
Wow, crafty and clever! My mind just doesn’t work that way. Nice job.
Cindy mine didn’t work that way before I started the blog either. I have since been exposed to so much creativity that the creative side of my brain has expanded. Haha!
Wonderfully done!
Thank you, and thanks for dropping by.
You had me at “loves to re-cycle and re-purpose anything that looks like junk.” I do too, but I’m not as good at the re-purpose part as you are. Love this table! Pinning now. 🙂
Visiting from #WAYWOW.
Laura, you just made my day. Thanks for your encouraging words. I try hard to come up with repurposes from things I already have because folks around here don’t have yard sales or thrift stores..boo hoo.
Mary this is amazing! Love how it turned out! And using your homemade wax, that’s awesome!
Katrin, They say necessity is the mother of invention. At the hardware store the wax was way too expensive! Thanks for dropping by!
Audra thanks for visiting. This one happens to be a real favorite of mine.
Very cute idea! Love that it is a game board and a tray…dual purpose is great!
Love this table! It is perfect for a patio and the contents can’t be knocked off and broken.
Karen, thank you for visiting. Yes, it is very solid and much better than just the plain stool alone. I have more surface area using the drawer as table.
Great project, very creative and compliments your chair perfectly. Love this look!
Thanks, Dori! I am very proud of this one because I was able to save 2 pieces from the dumpster!
lovely! and just think this awesome one of a kind table was two pieces of unwanted/unused furniture before you started the transformation! Love the twine pull too, gives it a bit of quirkiness! Enjoy your tea, coffee and checkers! Thanks for sharing with us at the creative challenge!
Thank you for the kind words Kristina and Millie, I love finding old things and salvaging them. So much more rewarding than buying new stuff. Thank you for visiting!
What a great idea to give old items new life. I love your step by step instructions & the finished product turned out great 🙂 #WAYWOW
Thanks Becky. This was my first time using chalk paint as well. It’s holding up really well too. Thanks for visiting.
Such a great upcycle project! I would love a table like this in my home! Great work!! Thanks for sharing at the Submarine Sunday Link Party!!
T’onna, you won’t believe how handy it is! See you on Sunday!!
This is such a practicle make over, and i love the chess board effect. Thanks for the inspiration over at #frifree4all
Hayley it was one of my first repurposes. and I am so happy that it is now functional as opposed to 2 pieces that did not function very well.
What a great way to put two old pieces together for a pretty and functional new piece! Thanks for sharing on Snickerdoodle Sunday. Pinned and Tweeted.
Thanks Beverly, this one is my pride and joy!
Love what you’ve done!! I’m a fan as well of making things out of odds and ends. So clever putting the two items together. Thanks as well for the furniture wax recipe. I’m thinking my project this week probably needs some. Visiting from Celebrate it Sunday.
Thank you Tracy. I really had fun with this one and it has tuned out to be so practical. Glad you like my wax recipe. Thanks for visiting.
I love what you did! It’s so amazing that you turned two things into such a pretty tray table! Very cute. Thanks for sharing with us at the Merry Monday link party. I hope you’ll join us again next week. Sharing your post on Twitter!
Ashley thanks for your sweet comment. Yes, that is exactly what I did married 2 pieces into one whole which is sturdy. Thanks dor sharing my post, and I will see you next week.
I love the way that you repurposed these pieces, it looks great and it’s useful! Very cool!
Nikki this one is close to my heart. Yes, apart they were useless, together they are a force to be reckoned with. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow… I so much love this kind of project, Mary!
You did it really perfect, and you created your own wax!! I wouldn’t be able to manage I think…
I love the chess drawing in the drawer, it looks so nice and customized.
Thank you for sharing. I did a chess board one day and have it in my cupboard, waiting for a location!
Take care,
Thanks so much Anne, I am m oving toward neutrals, but I love looking at your colorful things!