Who cares? No one, except me! I wrote a post last year about my 6 month blogoversary and I wanted to reflect a bit on that and talk about doors.
As in opening doors.
As in, it was about this time last year, when something clicked and doors began to open for me, literally because I met so many wonderful bloggers and figuratively because a door opened in my brain and all this creativity and inspiration rushed in.
And so we have a photo essay on the doors of Greece and a sorta blogoversary.
Σήμερα γιορτάζω. Επίσης είναι η επέτειος ενός χρόνου και έξι μηνών μου για το μπλογκ!
Και τι σας νοιάζει; Είχα γράψει μια ανάρτηση για τους έξι μήνες εδώ και ήθελα να μιλήσουμε για πόρτες.
Έτσι όπως ανοίγουμε πόρτες.
Έτσι όπως, ήταν τέτοια εποχή πέρσι, όταν κάτι έκανε “κλίκ” και πόρτες άρχισαν να ανοίγουν για εμένα, κυριολεκτικά γιατί γνώρισα τόσα υπέροχα άτομα-μπλόγκερς. Μεταφορικά γιατί μιά πόρτα “άνοιξε” στο μυαλό μου και μπήκε μέσα όλη η έμπνευση.
Εδώ έχουμε ένα συλλογή φωτογραφιών για πόρτες και μια κάπως επέτειος.
Εδω κι ένα χρόνο μαζεύω φωτογραφίες με πόρτες.
Μερικές είναι πολύ περίτεχνες.
Μερικές έχουν αψίδες και πύλες.
Κι άλλες είναι κατασκευασμένες από μέταλλο.
Και έρχονται σε πολλά χαρούμενα χρώματα.
Οι πύλες είναι επίσης πόρτες. Ανοίγουν και μας αφήνουν να φανταστούμε. Μερικές είναι φθαρμένες και μοιάζουν σαν να έχουν ομαλή φθορά.
Και μερικές άλλες είναι σε καλύτερη κατάσταση.
Μερικές φορές η πόρτα λείπει ολοκληρωτικά.
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links and link to Amazon.com. If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content. There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.
Πόρτες. Τις ανοίγουμε και ανακαλύπτουμε έναν ολόκληρο νέο κόσμο.
Σκέφτηκα ότι ήταν καιρός να τα μοιραστώ με όλους σας, γιατί είχα συλλέξει αρκετά. Ήταν επίσης ενδιαφέρον να κοιτάξω πίσω στην ανάρτηση του προηγούμενου έτους και κατάλαβα ότι όντως το μπλογκινκ ειναι επαγγέλματα και ότι οι σχολιαστές έχουν πράγματι γίνει καλοί φίλοι μου. Ελπίζω να σας άρεσαν οι φωτογραφίες μου για τις πόρτες και πόρτες και μια κάπως επέτειος. . Ήρθε η ώρα να γιορτάσουμε, και πιείτε ένα ποτήρι κρασί από μένα.
Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.
Επίσης θα σας αρέσει:
This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.
I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them.
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.
Happy (delayed) name day! i hope you had a wonderful time! I really loved your door photos and I find it such an intriguing subject! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Thank you dear Katerina. We have all the best doors here in Greece, not to mention the architecture on the buildings.
What a wonderful collection of photos–such gorgeous doors! Happy Blogoversary!
Thank you Cecilia. It was fun putting this post together, with so many old doors to choose from.
Hi Mary! I’m a door lover, too 🙂 What a wonderful “collection” you’ve shown us here today. I’m especially fond of the big royal blue, barn door. I’m featuring your post this week at Vintage Charm #45!
Oh thank you Diana. You have just made my week. I will see you in a few days! 🙂
Mary, Mary!!! This is one of my favorite posts of yours. I love the doors. Really love the doors. If I had those photos I would crop them and put them all together on one large canvas and have them printed as art for my home…just stunning!
What a brilliant idea Debbie. Now you’ve really got me thinking. Do I even have any wall space? Haha. Thanks for giving me more ideas friend.
Absolutely gorgeous! What a great post of actual doors and the symbolism of them opening for great opportunities. Happy Blogisversary too!!
Thank you for your kind wishes AnnMarie. I had such a great time puttting this post together, even if it took me a year.
Love your collection of doors, Mary. I’ve got a thing for them, as well. Thanks for sharing, and happy “almost” anniversary! Cynthia
Cynthia, it seems there are so many of us who love doors, we should definitely start a club or something. Thank you for the “almost” wishes. 😉
A happy Blogoversary & happy name day from me too Mary! I saw you were featured on Vintage Charm too, so congrats for that! And your door collection is truly charming. So much character in each one. Even the one with no door holds mystery & makes you want to step through.
I’ve had a similar desire/quest…to take pics of post offices…weird, huh? Except only in my mind…never have the camera at the right time.
Thank you Florence. You always make me laugh, but why not there must be hidden beauty in those post offices.
I collect doors too. I have some from every country we have visited so far. I love that you collect doors too.
Lisa @ LTTL
That is amazing Lisa. You should also do a post with them and then we can compare. There must be differences that have to do with countries and the needs of the door owner. What a fascinating subject.
Mary, I love doors. I have a secret obsession with them. I love all the doors you have shown. Did you find them all on your walks? These are stunning. I love the wooden one that you have as your featured picture. But I also love the blue doors and the metal doors with the circle cut outs.
I am amazed at the doors you have walked through over the last year and a half. You have bravely gone and used the open doorways to your advantage. Happy 1.5 years blogging, and here’s to the next 1.5 years!!!
Thank you so, so much Nikki. I was not opening any doors in the beginning but slowly started to move forward. And this last half year things have really taken off. With your help we will go forward together and open plenty more.
Doors are my all time favorite thing to look at. It is the first thing people see when they are coming up to your home. Your collection of doors is stunning. The last door I must say is my favorite though.
I agree with you Tess, it has a certain stateliness to it.
I love taking pictures of doors, too! I just returned from Europe and my kids made fun of me for taking so many pictures of doors. Love your collection & happy blogoversary!
Colleen, no one should make fun of you for that. I have just discovered with this post that we are a mightly bunch and we could easily be a force to be reckoned with. Thank you for your well wishes.
Happy belated blogoversary Mary!
I hope you blog for many years to come!
Thank you so much Maya. I too want to be blogging for a long time and enjoying all the friends I make.
Happy sorta blogiversary! I love doors too and whenever I take pictures of them, my kids always ask what I am going to do with them. Now I can tell them it’s going on the blog!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you Pamela. I am so happy that you can now justify your door obsession. Haha! We seem to be quite a large group.
Happy blogoversary!
Lovely door photos you have accumulated! My fave is the blue one, a real standout! #photofriday
Thank you so much Merlinda. It seems that eveyone likes the blue one.
Happy Blogaversary and I hope more beautiful doors continue to open for you. Thanks for sharing your links with us this week at Celebrate Your Story.
Sandra thank you so much for the kind wishes.
Well something is different here at the Boondocks Blog since I’ve been away. Love the new look Mary! Enjoyed your photo collection of interesting and beautiful doors. Doors are always opening if we have the courage to walk through them – love it!
Exactly Marie, I think the blogging world has given me that confidence to go forth and open lots of new doors that I never would have dreamed of even looking at before.
Happy Blogaversary!!! Love your collection of door pictures, I have doors pinned to a board on pinterest 🙂 I always think there is something wonderful waiting on the other side of beautiful door… Thank you for sharing at TaDa Thursday!!
It seems we all have the same idea Susanne. All of us are door obsessed. So many possibilities on the other side. Thank you for the well wishes.
Κάλλιο αργά παρά ποτέ:χρόνια πολλά!!!!
I have a thing about doors, too! There is something very architectural about them.
Shot some pics through the years but your “collection” is an eclectic mix of stunning doors & gates.
You too? Eveyone seems to be obsessed with doors. I have opened up a can of worms here. I never expected to get this ourpouring of enthusiasm. Thank you.
Happy blog anniversary, and happy name day, Mary! Thanks for sharing such a nice and unique collection of doors. #senisal
Thank you so much Natalie!
…I do love doors and you have a wonderful collection of both old and new ones!
So many doors, so little time!
Wow…firstly congratulations on your 1 year 6 month anniversary. Secondly….doors….I adore doors…I always wonder what is going on behind those doors. so many different styles shapes colors textures….I have so many pictures also. I loved this post…thank you ..its nice to find another door lover.. #senisal
Oh I hope to see some on your blog!
There’s something so intriguing about doors…
They always make me curious to see what’s behind them!
Doors have a way of making marvelous shadows, don’t they?
Indeed they do!
Fabulous collection of doors Mary! Happy blogversary to you too, a great post to celebrate with 🙂 #senisal
Thanks so much Debbie!
I love doors and you have a great collection here. Found you on #SeniSal
Thanks so much Darlene!
Wow, they do have some very beautiful doors in Greece. I haven’t seen such beauties around my city. Some of the doors are so pretty, they can be a great inspiration for paintings.
Indeed they can and I mostly concentrated on the older doors.
Loved your comprehensive array of doors old, new and
Must have been a great effort!
It was so much fun putting this photoessay together.
Thank you for linking up today and each Thursday. I truly appreciate it!
You walk past so many and don’t spot them because you are in a rush to get somewhere, and it’s not until someone takes a photo that you realise how beautiful they are, and also wonder what’s behind them. Lovely photos. #MySundayPhoto
Harry’s mom,. this is so true. I was oblivious to my surroundings till I picked up a camera. Now I walk around and I’ll see something and say… oh that is a good shot.. where is my camera? It’s incredible how photography can change your perspective.
What a gorgeous assortment of doors!
Thanks Tamar, it helps that I live in a place full of inspiration.
I have this thing with doors too! These ones looks so awesome! #mysundayphoto
Merlinda, I’m on the lookout for part 2. It was such a big success and there are always so many doors to photograph.
I love doors! I am working on a collection of door portrait, if you will, from New Orleans 🙂
I would love to visit Greece…it seems such a lovely place.
Happy blogoversary!
Congratulations on your blogaversary!! Good for you.
You have quite a great collection of doors of all styles, shapes, and materials, but all of high quality.
I’ve loved the doors in New Orleans, La, San Antonio, TX, and Santa Fe, NM. Old doors most of them, very strong, but with soul.
And I’m following you on instagram. No obligation to return follow if you don’t feel led to do so.
So many gorgeous doors and intriguing gates! I see why you made the effort to collect them.
I had so many more that I actually had to leave out!
So many amazing doors!
Thanks so much Tamar!
What a wonderfully beautiful and colorful collection of doors! I’m sure I would have taken all these photos, too, they are so eye-catching.
I enjoyed your post at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!
Thank you so much Betty!
What a wonderful collection of photos! I love taking photos of doors and windows and really need to make a folder for them. Happy blogging! I always enjoy spending time here!
Thank you so much for your sweet words!
Happy half Birthday to your blog! Your blog is so mature for 1.5!
I love your collection of doors! So beautiful! And I love the idea of opening doors. And also the reminder that as one door closes another one is often about to open (even though we might not be able to see that at the time).
Thank you Andrea for that vote of confidence. Hopefully soon one door will close, the one where I stay up half the night, and a new door will open that will bring automatic rest and not so much hard work. But it is all so worth it when I write posts like this.
Happy Blogoversary! And those are some really gorgeously fancy doors!
Thanks Monroe. Sometimes if you look at something long enough you can find the beauty that is there.
Happy name day Mary and an even happier blogaversaey!
Doors are a favorite of mine, and I so enjoyed looking at these gorgeous doors that you have shared with us. Europe truly knows how to do it right when it comes to this design element.
You are a delight to me Mary! I have enjoyed getting to know you and your creativity and warmth is so inspiring. I hope you continue to blog and shine for many years to come.
Doreen I feel as if they carry so much history on their backs. Each one belongs to a special era and has it’s own special qualities.
Thank you dear friend for the warm wishes. My journey through the door has been a very pleasant one.
Happy Blogoversary Mary! What a lovely collection of doors, and beautiful photos. The architecture work is amazing. My favorites are the large wooden doors, and would love to have large double doors with the rounded top.
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous pictures!
I honestly cannot pick each one has it’s own unique personality. Thank you so much for the well wishes Linda.
Happy name day and 18 month blogoversary Mary, you’re such an inspiration to so many of us and opened our doors too. Wishing you many more happy blogging years. Να χαίρεσαι το όνομά σου!
Thank you so much sweet Michelle. I feel that these doors were such a blessing in more ways then I can name. Thank you dear friend for the well wishes.
Happy Blogoversary Mary! Loved the photo essay too 🙂 Hope you have a great week!
Thank you so much Laurie. I am so busy this week, with all this outpouring of love for my doors and my blogoversary.
Good Morning from Canada Mary:
This is a very pleasant blog to read, your happiness shines through it. Congratulations on your anniversary and I do understand.
For whatever reason the old brown gate spoke to me. Clunky and funky and hardworking.
Thanks much for sharing. Leanna
Leanne each one has it’s purpose and its own special charm. I love them all and cannot for the life of me choose one over the other. I am happy you have visited and thank you for your kind words.
Happy blogoversary. And many, many more. I always enjoy finding out what you have been up too. How appropiate you have a door collection. A painting I have has this on it “A very small key will open a very big door”. When you took the key and posted your 1st post it opened up a big world. And we are all so glad you did.
I feel so blessed Debra to have met all of you and to have received all of your well wishes and support. A very fitting saying indeed. And I think you will also agree with this, when it comes to blogging, we have opened a big door and maybe did not know where we were going but the journey is very rewarding.
A very Happy Blogoversary and Happy Name Day too! I always enjoy your photos and posts. They are unique just like you. Cheers!!
Ellen, that is such a sweet thing to say. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy name day ,I loved your doors even the ones half hanging.Thank you for all the lovely photos.
Thankyou Mary. It is truly an honor for me to be able to share my photography and to get such a warm reception.
I’m a huge fan of doors! Happy Blogoversary!!!!!
Thank you Lisa. I didn’t know I was one till I looked through the lens of the camera.
Beautiful collection of doors, Mary! Loved the photo essay Happy Blogoversary!
Thank you Cathy. It was so much fun collecting them this past year.
Wow! It’s a big day for you! I hope YOU are enjoying that glass of wine…well deserved.
I just had to smile when I read your post and saw your photos…we have so much in common. I too love to take photos of doors, but I have to admit that your doors are way cooler than the doors I have around here. When I’m in Europe, I always come back with great door photos. Someday I’d like to paint some of them.
Happy Name Day and Happy Blogversary.
Hugs, Lynn
You are speaking to the DIYer in me… painting doors. Now that would definitely be fun. Some of these doors are very old and in horrid shape while others have been maintained to look fabulous no matter the age.
Thank you dear Lynn for the well wishes and we can both enjoy that wine from our computer desks for now.
Happy Sorta Blogoversary Mary! What a beautiful collection of doors you’ve got here, a great idea for a collage!! Love the bright blue ones!!! But the real rustic worn ones are as beautiful! I’ll have a cup of coffee on you now, and a glass of wine later, ok?
Ok Just make sure you don’t forget the wine. I know you only think about coffee all the time.
I enjoyed your door/gate collection. You found some really beautiful doors. Try to stay cool.
They are quite unique Krista. I was looking out for them for about a year. Just imagine if I had my camera with me all of the time, this collection would never end.
Mary first of all Congratulations to you, my friend, for your name blogoversary!! Your blog is amazing and I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your beautiful pictures every week! Speaking of pictures, I love all these doors!! Seriously I wish I had a house with with all these doors on it! How awesome would that be?! I’m glad you’ve been taking photos and are sharing this incredible architecture goodness with us!!
I am so excited I was finally able to share with you all. I had been collecting for about a year but didn’t know when the right time would be to show them. And then it clicked that I would do it for the sorts blogoversary. Thank you sweet Keri for your well wishes.
Great post and beautiful pictures. Blogging has opened lots of doors for me, too. I don’t use it as a business as do many. It’s a fun hobby and a great way to ‘scrapbook’ our life. I’ve also met some really wonderful and inspiring people (like you!) thanks for sharing your projects and your world with us! Happy blogaversary!! Z
Zenda this idea of a scrapbook is so true. I look back on some of my posts and see projects with family stories to tell. My kids will be able to read about all of my mad adventures later on. What a wonderful idea. And in your case you are now chronicling your new home. What a fantastic way to keep track of our lives. Thank you for joining me here.
Happy name day and happy blogiversary, Mary! You’ve collected lots of pretty doors. I hope that many new doors will open for you in the future. Tonight I’ll have a glass of red wine on you. Cheers! 🙂
Thank you so much sweet Julia. I wish the same for you and I’ll be having that wine now, cheers to you!
Mary, happy, happy anniversary!! What a wonderful way to celebrate. I am a huge door fan and whether you are admiring their beauty or going through them physically or metaphorically, I love the symbolism. Your blog is a lovely place to visit…and even though I don’t always have a chance to comment, I always look forward to seeing you in my onbox!!
Kim thank you for your kinds sentiments. I never realized just how much of a door lover I was till I picked up a camera. I’m so glad I did, otherwise I never would have noticed all this beauty. Thank you dear friend.
Congratulations, Mary! I love all those gorgeous doors! I have a Pinterest board where I’ve saved windows and doors that are simply gorgeous and/or unusual. You have a great collection of them.
I spent a year looking for them Carol. Once I took my first shot I was hooked. Who would have th ought doors could be so fascinating.
Happy Anniversary of blogging!!! Love your door pics…all so fascinating!
Thank you so much Michelle. It was a lot of fun collecting and curating them for this post.
What lovely doors and gates. They each have their own beauty.
Exactly Betty, each one has it’s own special story to tell.
This is such a great post Mary! I have such a passion for beautiful doors, especially ones with bright colors. Happy Blogoversary! You are such a great blogger and such a valuable member of this community. 🙂
Thank you so much Ilka for your kind words. I love blogging and it makes me happy to be able to celebrate every little milestone.
WOW! Now those are some awesome door shots! Love them! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
No two are alike and they also reflect how we as humans are. Thank you Cindy.
I, too love doors and have Pinterest board of them. They are fascinating.
Your post is inspiring. Happy blog anniversary, Mary! You are doing so well!
Love you and your blog~ Hugs
It seems that I’ve stumbled onto a new trend here. I never knew there were so many door affectionados Robin. Thank you for your kind wishes dear friend.
Dear Mary,
time goes by so fast and indeed there’s a whole bright and wonderful world out there full of wonderful people, people you wouldn’t have met if it hadn’t been for your blog! I for one I’m happy I was able to meet you!
Happy Sorta Blogoversary!
Thank you so much for your sweet words Marjan. I also feel exactly the same way. Blogging has proven to be so much more than just sharing our projects.
I love all of the ornate doors, but the blue ones are my favourite!
Yes those really do stand out. You have to be pretty bold to color your door blue. And it’s funny because the Greeks wear lots of black not colors at all.
Mary, I love your photos! You never fail to impress. I love doors too! I thought I was the only one with infatuation. Congratulations on you Blogaversary! That’s so awesome. Thank you for sharing with us at #SimplifyWednesdays Pinned, Tweeted, Shared and Stumbled
Thank you Carla. I really enjoy these photo essays. I can just be quiet and let the photos do the talking.
Happy Blogoversary and Name Day, Mary! I loved this photo essay and all it represents. Doors are such a great symbol of new beginnings, adventures and the hope and possibility of what lies ahead. Keep opening those doors. You never know what new and wonderful experience God has in store 🙂
Thank you so much Jelica. Thank you for your warm wishes, and I will definitely keep opening them.
Happy name day. I love the doors, especially, of course, the blue ones! Perhaps i will take some pictures of doors in Ireland! Cheers,Michele
That would be a great idea Michele. I hope you upload them on your blog. Thank you for the warm wishes.
Happy Name Day, Mary and Kudos on your blogiversary!! I, too adore doors! Greece has some of the most beautiful doors I’ve ever seen and you have assembled quite a collection of lovelies.
Here’s to many, mamy more inspiring posts!
Thank you so much dear Poppy. Greece has beauty everywhere and so much in the older things. I never get tired of wandering around with my camera.
OMG Mary, like you I love doors to, and these doors are beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to display these gorgeous doors on your site for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you Ivory for your kind words. I had a lot of fun collecting them throughout the year.
What a great idea…collecting doors…All so beautiful and unique. I love them….and windows. I think they all could tell some interesting stories! Visiting from Lisa’s.
Yes Kelly, they can all tell us more than a few stories. Some of them certainly are old enough.
Congratulations! Blogging is so fun and a great way to “meet” people all over the world.
Elizabeth that is an understatement. I have met so many like-minded people through blogging. Who else would obsesses over what we talk about all day?
I love how you celebrate. I need to live where people have cool door.
I think it has more to do with just looking around. I’m sure there are lots of cool things everywhere we just need to really look.
A country rich with history is bound to have gorgeous doors! My favorite is the blue/white one, like the colors of your flag. Happy name day and a mini blogoversary, Mary!
Thank you so much dear Jas. They all have their story to tell.
I love this! What a fun variety of doors!
They were also fun to find. I went on a door treasure hunt.