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The Twine Lady Returns

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So now that I have started taking this blogging thing a bit more seriously, I thought that maybe it’s time to get a bit more organized in my work space. All you bloggers out there know exactly what I am talking about.  I have a wall space on top of my desk which is empty right now, next to the frames that I recently upcycled (see here).

Τώρα που έχω αρχίσει να παίρνω αυτό το μπλογκινγκ πράγμα λίγο πιο σοβαρά σκέφτηκα ότι ίσως ήρθε η ώρα να οργανώσω το χώρο εργασίας μου. Έχω έναν  άδειο χώρο στον τοίχο πάνω από το γραφείο μου, δίπλα στις κορνίζες που ανανέωσα πρόσφατα (βλέπετε εδώ).

Wire Rack Organizer wrapped with Twine The Twine Lady Returns
I wanted to add something light  and airy that would serve as a display for my odds and ends. Now, you may remember this old thing that I had shown to you a few months back.

Ήθελα να προσθέσω κάτι ελαφρύ και αέρινο, που θα χρησιμεύσει για να  εκθέτω  τα αγαπημένα μου και τα χαρτιά μου. Τώρα, θα θυμάστε αυτό το παλιό πράγμα που σας είχα δείξει πριν λίγους μήνες.  

Old wire display to be repurposed The Twine Lady Returns
It  was a wire rack.  I had used the back part of it to make my daughter’s display grid for her wall.  

Ήταν μια σχάρα. Είχα χρησιμοποιήσει το πίσω μέρος για να κάνω πλέγμα προβολής  για τον τοίχο της κόρης μου.

Well  it was time to use some more parts. I took two of  the wire shelves and spray painted them white. 

Λοιπόν ήρθε η ώρα να χρησιμοποιήσω και άλλα κομμάτια. Πήρα δύο από τα συρματένια    ράφια και τα έκανα σπρέι.

Wire Rack Organizer wrapped in Twine The Twine Lady Returns
I wanted to combine them together and create a display grid, but with a little more character.  Enter “the Twine Lady”.  I  wrapped them together and made a larger piece using some twine.  

Ήθελα να τα συνδυάσω και να δημιουργήσω ένα πλέγμα, αλλά με λίγο περισσότερο χαρακτήρα.  Επιστροφή ”της Κυρία Σπάγγου”. Τα τύλιξα μαζί και έκανα ένα  μεγάλο κομμάτι χρησιμοποιώντας το σπάγγο.

Wire Rack Organizer wrapped in Twine detail, The Twine Lady Returns
And after much twine wrapping on my part I was finished and had this:

Και μετά από πολύ τύλιγμα  είχα τελειώσει:

Wire Rack Orgsnizer Wrapped in Twine The Twine Lady Returns
Using clothespins I was able to just add all of my inspirational clips and any paper work that needs to be in front of me at all times.

Χρησιμοποιώντας μανταλάκια πρόσθεσα εμπνευσμένα κλιπ και εργασίες που πρέπει να είναι μπροστά μου ανά πάσα στιγμή.

Wire Rack Organizer wrapped with Twine / The Twine Lady Returns
 With the clothespins it is easy to add and remove and it gives a nice rustic touch.

Με τα μανταλάκια είναι εύκολο να προσθέσω και να αφαιρέσω και δίνει μια ωραία ρουστίκ αίσθηση.

Wire Rack Organizer Wrapped with Twine clothespin The Twine  Lady Returns
Here you can see how I wrapped the two racks together and created a surprisingly strong piece. 

Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε πώς τύλιξα τα δύο ράφια μαζί και δημιούργησα ένα εκπληκτικά  ανθεκτικό   κομμάτι.

Wire rack organizer wrapped in  twine /The Twine Lady Returns
Wire Rack Organizer wrapped in Twine The Twine Lady Returns
Wire Rack Organizer wrapped in Twine close up The Twine Lady Returns
Wire rack organizer wrapped in twine and repurposed, hung on the wall, The Twine Lady Returns
After all this hard work I think I deserve a functional and pretty area to display my things. What do you think of my solution?  

Μετά από όλη αυτή τη σκληρή δουλειά νομίζω ότι μου αξίζει μια λειτουργική και όμορφη περιοχή για να εκθέτω τα πράγματά μου. Τι γνώμη έχετε για λύση μου;

If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

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I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.

  1. Mimi says:

    Oh my word Mary. I swear you have the patience of a saint with that twine! I hear you on the organising. That’s my (temporary) middle name. I’m drowning in my sewing at the moment. Clever idea! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou. Will you join me again this week? Mimi xxx

    • Mary says:

      Mimi. my middle name is The twine lady. I have done a number of projects using it and I really love it for the texture it provides. And also because it is a bonding agent. Can’t wait to see what you sew. I’ll see you at the party!

  2. Tiffany says:

    Hi, Mary ~ Fun project! I love the texture that the twine adds. Thanks for sharing with us at the Merry Monday Link Party! Hope to see you again on Sunday night!

  3. Julie says:

    Hi Mary,
    I love how you recycle things and make them useful for something else. This looks great.
    Thanks for sharing this idea at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

    • Mary says:

      Julie, I like to think that repurposing is what I do best, otherwise there would be no purpose to this blog. Thank you for visiting and for your sweet words. It is greatly appreciated.

  4. Debbie says:

    I can totally see it being used as a command center.
    Thanks for sharing it on #tiptuesday!

    • Mary says:

      Debbie, you get me!! All the junk, em inportant stuff off the desk and in front of me where I can work with it.

  5. Linda says:

    LOVE THIS. Pinned also. Great job. Linda @Crafts a la mode

    • Mary says:

      Thank you linda for pinning. Now all I have to do is look up instead of sifting through a pile of papers.

  6. Victoria says:

    Mary, this is so cute! What a great way to reuse a wire rack! I have one myself that I’m thinking of doing this to now… And I love the pieces you chose to display!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Victoria. I always like to look at pretty pictures and family to inspire me. This is quite easy, just make sure you pull the twine tight if you want to attach pieces. Let me know if you do it. 🙂

  7. Mary, you should have your own television show! You could make something out of anything. Other people’s junk becomes a treasure in your hands, and your creative mind. I love this display area! You can do so much with it, and yes, you deserve a gorgeous space to inspire you! This is it!

    • Mary says:

      Nikki, I deserve a clean desk, where I can find my essentials. After that I am not so demanding. As for the tv show, we’ll leave that to the beauties. I much prefer behind the camera work. Being the boss wouldn’t be so bad.

  8. I love this Mary! So pretty and functional. It’s a great way to keep track of things, and keep your work space pretty at the same time. I would never have believed something this nice could come from that piece of wire! 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Meridith wire and twine seem to be my go-to mediums as of late. There is something ethereal about them that appeals to me.

  9. Sorry I didn’t make it over to comment last week after Free and Fun Friday!! I was out of town, things were nutty, family drama, etc etc.
    I love this project though! Pinning and tweeting. 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much, sorry I didn’t make it either can’t stand those permalinks. I’ll be back next week.

  10. Life Loving says:

    What a great idea! It’s really unique and would definitely catch one’s eye in a room. Great upcycling idea.
    Thanks for linking up to #LifeLovingLinkie
    Sally @ Life Loving

    • Mary says:

      Sally thanks so much. Now that I have it on the wall, it really makes quite a statement, and as a bonus, I can actually find my papers.

  11. Donella says:

    What a fun way to display pictures and mementos!

  12. debbie says:

    Mary, I thought you already took your blogging seriously! But I love what you are doing in your workspace.

    • Mary says:

      Debbie, luckily for me this blogging thing is coming along and the display rack has been a real help

  13. Melissa says:

    What a great idea! Love the twine look. great job

  14. Wrapping with twine was just the right solution for this project. It gives the piece some texture and character as well as making a strong connection between the two pieces. It looks very nice and is quite functional!

    • Mary says:

      The twice makes the piece Carol. Otherwise it would have been just another lifeless rack. And of course it is extremely practical. Thank you.

  15. Julie says:

    Mary, you are the queen of ‘waste not, want not”! you let nothing go to waste. This is such a versatile idea.

  16. Your wall display rack looks great… what a good idea. 🙂

  17. Hayley says:

    Such a nifty way of creating hanging space! Well done you! Thanks for sharing with #frifree4all

    • Mary says:

      I’m so happy with it Hayley, althought now I’ve loaded lots of inspirational pics on it. But at least I can find them.

  18. Mary says:

    Very cool…..thanks for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!

  19. I love repurposing items around the house and look forward to more of your creations!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Sarah. that’s pretty much all I do. Pretty soon my husband won’t recognize the house the way I am painting and repurposing everything.

  20. Sandi Magle says:

    Really such a nice and simple solution. Adding something organic to the metal…raised this to very interesting and functional. The wood clothespins are always fun to use and adaptable. Great Idea, Thanks, Sandi

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Sandi. And the nice thing is the twine is strong enough so that the racks have become one piece now. I’m following you on Bloglovin.

  21. What a clever idea. I like how the twine and using clothes pins give it a rustic charm. And the rack has the industrial thing going on. Once again you nailed it with the textures.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Debra. And in the past I was never one to think about texture, but now it just feels right to pair opposites together. Thanks for all your encouragment.

  22. Kathleen says:

    Wow, Mary, I love the spray paint and the twine idea. I’ve wrapped wire baskets with twine before. And don’t you just love the simplicity of the clothes pin? Looks perfect on your new wall hanging.

    • Mary says:

      Kathleen, I have been known on occassion to wrap the strangest things. I didn’t like a storage unit I had because it had red plastic so I wrapped that. Hence the twine lady. But I really love the look of twine paired with metal or wood. Thanks for your sweet comment.

  23. You clever gal you! What a great functional piece to organize and display things in your home office Mary ☺

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Marie, Now I can have my 50 lists in front of me at all times instead of in piles on my desk and losing them all the time. Thanks for visiting.

  24. Mary, such a clever idea! Your repurposed racks make the perfect display & inspiration board! Thank you for joining us @Vintage Charm!

  25. Keri says:

    Love it!! I like how you use twine in your projects! It’s definitely a versatile and awesome looking material to use. Also love the nickname “Twine Lady”!!!

    • Mary says:

      Keri.. that is my name!! I found some twine at the farm, about a year ago and have used it ever since. My son had bought it manyyears ago for a project of his and it was just taking up space. I figured why not use it .. but you understand me better than anyone. 😉

  26. Runwright says:

    Very creative! I love taking something and repurposing it to make if suit my specific needs and it’s so inspiring to see you doing it too.
    Keep on sharing these ideas!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks for the encouragement. I hope that I can inspire with my crazy adventures. I too have learned a lot from other very talented loggers.In the end it has expanded my mind so much that now I can’t contain it.

  27. Pili says:

    I can’t tell you enough how genius you are, Mary!! You can display your own things, even you can pin reminders or ideas for the blog!

    • Mary says:

      Pili, you understand me. I am forever losing papers. Now They will be right in front of me. Thanks for the support!!

  28. I Love this idea, Mary! Pinned to the Party board! Thanks for joining us @ The What to do Weekends Party!
    Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance

  29. This is so clever and a great way to display pictures! Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design.

    • Mary says:

      Holly, I love it! Right now it is full of photos and paper s but it still doesn’t overpower the room.And it filled up that hole in the wall! Thanks for your kind words.

  30. Jess says:

    You turn things into such great ideas! I love it! How neat!
    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  31. Ntina says:

    Πανεξυπνη ιδεα! Ομολογω πως δε θα το είχα σκεφτει όλο αυτο! Έδεσε τόσο ωραία και εγινε και πολυ πρακτικό με τα μανταλάκια!

    • Mary says:

      Και ειναι πολυ ελαφρύ αν πέσει στα κεφάλια μας να μην πάθουμε κάτι… με τους σεισμούς !

  32. Michelle L says:

    Hi, Mary – that is fantastic. I love how pretty the twine looks, and your inspiration grid is so light and airy. I have some metal pieces to join together and have tried tape and soldering and been disappointed. I’m going to try this wonderful method!

    • Mary says:

      I’m so happy to inspire. This really works just make sure to use a lot of twine and wrap it close together. I’va also made other things using twine and have had absolutely no problems! Thanks for making my day!! It’s always great when someone else gets you. I just visited your blog and you make the coolest things. I agree with your philosophy about taking trash and turning it into treasure. Do you have any type of social media I can follow you on?

  33. Monica Bruno says:

    This is fantastic, Mary! You’ve inspired me to go look in my garage and see if I can do something similar with an old rack I was going to throw out. I’m so glad I found your blog through Debbie’s Shout Out Saturday post.

    • Mary says:

      Monica, Debbie is a person who gathers others and creates a community. Thanks for dropping y and I hope you find your rack. I had to save mine from basemen hell.

  34. Debbie says:

    Hi Mary! I’m stopping by again to let you know that I nominated you to my monthly Shout Out Saturday post.
    I’m adding you to a group Pinterest board and you can collect the featured button on my site.
    Thank you for sharing great content!

  35. Anita says:

    I think it’s a great job:-) I like the idea of using twine, it gave a vintage look! Love it:-)

  36. Jennifer says:

    I love the way this turned out! I love how you could visualize something so creative! #FreeandFunFriday

    • Mary says:

      Jennifer, its only because I spend my whole day visiting other blogs that I’ve noticed I’m thinking outside the box a lot. It comes with all this amazing inspiration that is out there.

  37. You got so much out of that one piece! Your daughters grid and now your organizer rack! That’s awesome, I really enjoy when I can get the most out of one piece or material! And it’s both, pretty and funtional, what’s not to love about that??? The postcards and pictures are very pretty too!!!

    • Mary says:

      Kartin, this is like a cow, I am milking it for all it’s worth. I really love this thing, it is so light and does not make the room look smaller. Thanks for your continued support.

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