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A Trip with a one way ticket – Fantastic Fifty

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I have been itching to write this post for about a month now. I wanted to let you all know about my decision to move to the US and why it’s so fantastic to be fifty and over.  But before I get to it let me invite you all to visit with my Fantastic Fifty lady friends who are also participating in this fantastic blog hop. Their links are on the bottom of this post. 

We could say that this is a continuation of my blogging journey. Today I am going to talk to you about my recent move, my trip with a one way ticket. 

One World Trade Center New York, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty
I have been blogging for a little over 2 and a half years now.  It has been a fantastic journey, a very full journey!  What do I mean by full?

Full of DIY projects. Full of learning. Full of new friends. But most of all full of work.

Lots and lots of work!!  

I am not a traditional blogger,  I have never taken a proper blogging course in my life.  I kind of learned backwards.  I’m sure many of my blogging buddies know exactly what I’m talking about. 

Sunset on the bay with fishing boats in Greece, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty

Why did I start blogging?

Most of you may not know this but the reason I started blogging was to escape my sadness after the onset of the economic crisis in Greece.  It was a very difficult time for us.  My sons had left for the US to seek better opportunities and I was not exactly on the top of the world, to put it mildly.  You can read all about that in last years blog hop here

I was able to overcome all that because in blogging I found a passion for DIY and more specifically re-purposing and up-cycling.  There is great joy in being able to take something that is headed for the trash and give it a second life.  Maybe that is an analogy for my life as well. 

Many of us who are empty nesters have this feeling of no purpose after their children are grown. In my case, although I was not an empty nester,  I had children who did not need my help as much as before, I so I was free to pursue my own interests.  Also I had been a stay at home mom for over twenty years.  If I was going to get back into the job market I needed to have a something to show for it.  Because we know how valuable moms are, but the big companies don’t really see that as something worthy on a resume. 

Tree on the side of the beach in Greece, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty
And so I started to blog.  Haha.  That is a joke.  I had no idea what blogging was really all about, and will gladly confess that after 2 and a half years I have barely scratched the surface.  It is a new profession with fluid guidelines and ever changing requirements. 

I plodded on.  The first few years I had no clue what I was doing, I did a lot of learning by going on other blogs and lots of Facebook groups where the bloggers shared their knowledge. 

Like the one that has created this wonderful blog hop today. We are just a bunch of gals helping each other out. And it was good because I was determined to grow my blog just the way I do my projects — frugally!

Fishing Boat on bay in Greece, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty

The Never Ending Recession…

Unfortunately for me, or should I say for my country, even after 9 years of recession we still have not been able to pull ourselves out of the hole we dug in the first place.  I cannot say who is at fault here.  I will only say that it is really hard to teach an old dog new tricks. That is my humble assessment.  

Greece is a gorgeous country as many of you who visit my blog already know.  And if you don’t I have a ton of photos to help you along.  It is the perfect place to plan a retirement.  In fact I have a lot of friends who are doing just that. One couple in particular, who are bloggers at TravelnWrite, just moved to Greece on a full time basis after selling their home in the States.  I could really enjoy retirement here!

It is great for us older folks who don’t have to worry about raising a family or putting down a mortgage.  When all we have to worry about is which beach to go to, what meal to cook, where to go out in the evening for a walk. It is paradise!

But when you are young, those are not the most pressing questions on your mind.  You want to move forward, to learn, to create and eventually to get married and start a family.  This is proving to be quite difficult for many young people today because the average monthly income is about 500 euros.  Now that may not sound like much and in fact it isn’t, but things are not so expensive in Greece as they are in other places in the world.  The point I’m trying to make is that even so, it is very hard to raise a young family on that kind of income. Even if we have a lower standard of living.

wooden seat by the side of the beach in Greece, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty

…Which Seems to have Turned into a Depression

And why am I going on about young people?  I have four of my own and as I said before two of my kids moved to New York 6 years ago.  In fact, for them, it was the best decision because we live in a small town in Greece and it had little to offer in terms of jobs or career advancement.  

And for the rest of our family?  We would wait till the girls finished high school and decide if we would stay in Greece or leave. Well, truth be told, we didn’t have to wait six years in order to come to a very definitive conclusion.  This recession which seems to haveturned into a depression for some of us has shown no signs of letting up. 

We did all we had to do as a nation.  We got rid of the old politicians and put new ones in their place because they were supposed to show us the light. They would stand up to the European bad guys and demand that the bailout we had received be reduced or even better erased all together. Otherwise we threatened to leave the European Union.  Well guess what?  Our threat was an empty one.  We now owe more money than we ever have before… in fact, it seems as if our debt seems to be mounting. 

Honestly, I stopped paying attention to the propaganda spewed on the TV years ago and have gained my health. After all the nonsense that went on a few years ago I realized that very little has changed.  It is harder than ever to start a business and even harder to keep one afloat!

It became painfully obvious to us that the girls would also be better off leaving the land of their birth. 

9/11 Memorial Reflecting Pools New York, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty

New York

So here we are, in New York because when you are lucky to be American citizens, like us and have a way out, you take it. 

You don’t sit there and hope for the best when you see that the government has not changed and the politicians are still arguing with each other when there are too many people below the poverty level. 

​You don’t sit there when a sizable number of youth have left the country and moved to other European countries to try and have a better quality of life. This is the so called brain drain.  We have a very high number of college graduates who have been reduced to waiting tables – if they are lucky.  But to get those college diplomas, many families have had to sacrifice and sell property in order to pay for their “free” education.

Looking at the Statue of Liberty New York, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty
And so we have moved to New York.  Where my children can be reunited and we can live a life without having to worry about tomorrow and what will befall us. 

We have moved to New York.  Permanently!  Because I honestly don’t see any substantial changes happening in Greece for another 20 to 30 years. Maybe the next generation will be able to implement some changes.  I hope so, I really hope so. 

We have left all of our friends behind, my children’s classmates who are off to college now, armed with their hopes and dreams.  I pray that they can realize these aspirations. They are all great kids and are not at fault for the mistakes of the older generations or the European politicians who went along and encouraged this mess.  

The Oculus New York, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty
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The Melting Pot of the World

And so we are in New York.  The melting pot of the world!  And yes there are corrupt politicians all over the world but here they also save some money to help the people who they represent and not only the ones that have voted for them.  The tax money actually goes somewhere and not just to line someone’s pockets. 
I am so glad to finally be here.  To give a chance to the kids to make a new life for themselves. A life that they truly want and not one they have to settle for. My youngest wants to be a filmmaker. This is something that would have been impossible in Greece.  At least now, she has a fighting chance. 

One World Trade Center New York, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty
I hope that I have not bored you with all of this.  My reason for going into detail about the never ending crisis is to point out that just because something is no longer in the headlines it does not mean that it has been resolved.  Many people have been affected by this situation,  I don’t think we need to sweep it under the rug. 

As for me, I’m planning to retire in beautiful Greece but that is in the future.  For now I will continue to blog in the land of opportunity and hope to grow and prosper with my blog. Because being fifty is really fantastic once you realize that if you put your mind to something you can achieve a lot. I am living proof of that. 

And I hope you join me along for the ride.  Now for the big question!  Do I need to change the name of the blog from “the boondocks” to “the big city”?  (wink)

One World Trade Center and my one way ticket to New York, Why I blog and why I have moved to New York, A Trip with a One-Way Ticket - Fantastic Fifty
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It is now time to visit my Blogger friends to see what they have to say about being Fantastic at Fifty.
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  1. Florence says:

    I enjoyed your story Mary! It must have been so hard to leave Greece behind, and I’m sure you were torn. I’m so sorry that the political and economic situations remained at such a standstill. It’s a darn shame that there’s no opportunities for young people to have careers in Greece either. Hopefully they’ll be able to move toward their dreams in the US.
    Love that pic you chose for the featured image!

    • Mary says:

      That picture is the Oculus. It is a transportation hub that leads to a number of trains going all over NY. It is located next to the Freedom Tower. Florence that thing is sooo tall, even taller than the twin towers. I still remember them with sadness.

  2. Mary, welcome to America. I can’t imagine leaving the U.S. although we love traveling and have been to your beautiful country of Greece. We certainly have heard about the economic problems and it must be horrific to live with such debt hanging over your heads. We too have a terrible debt problem here in the U.S., but I don’t think it affects our citizens as much. America is not perfect, but it’s the best place for opportunity in the world. If you ever want to leave New York, and come to a warmer climate with the best business opportunities and the friendliest people, come to Texas. We will welcome you with open arms.

    • Mary says:

      Ohh Carol Texas sounds like a dream right now. But I want to be close to my kids. Maybe later on we’ll take a drive down there. I would love to visit all of my blogging friends in Texas and there are many of you.

  3. It sounds like you have made the best decision for your family. Greece is definitely poorer without you in it! I wish you the very best in your new home! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
    ‘Visiting from the Fantastic 50 Blog Hop!

    • Mary says:

      Aww thank you so much Marci. I prefer to think that New York is happy I’m here. Haha!! You are so sweet.

  4. Andrea says:

    Welcome to New York! I can only imagine what a bittersweet decision it must have been to leave Greece! Wishing you all the best!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Andrea for your well wishes. It is good to finally be back home. And to know that the kids will be just fine.

  5. bettyl - NZ says:

    Having moved from the US to New Zealand ten years ago, I know it has its good and sad points, but good for you! I hope you find things to be better. Have fun and enjoy your adventures 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Betty you get what I have gone through but I hope you moved for happy reasons. I too moved for happy reasons. The really sad part for me was when our older kids moved here alone 6 years ago. It was tough to let them go.

  6. Wow, Mary!! I had no idea you moved back to the states! I’m sure you’ve got mixed feelings about leaving your beautiful Greece, but I like your plan of retiring there. You must find great comfort in the fact that your family is reunited. Hoping for only the best in your new, exciting adventures! Cynthia p.s. Have you found HomeGoods, yet?! 😀

    • Mary says:

      Cynthia I am so glad to be reunited with the rest of the family. It is good to be back where I grew up.
      Of course I found home goods. And I just went to a Walmart for the first time ever. Did you know that there are no Walmart’s in New York City? We had to go out of the city limits to get to one. My favorite store has to be Michael’s. 😉

  7. Cheryl says:

    Welcome to the US. I hope you find many a great adventure here.

  8. So glad you were able to come to NY and hope it is all for the best!
    Love your NY pictures, the Oculus is one of my favorite spots there.

    • Mary says:

      The Oculus was such a revelation for me Tamar. I had no idea it was there. It makes you feel so small.

  9. Oh Mary I totally understand your move and the situation in Greece. We go back a couple of times a year, we would dearly love to buy a place out there and live between Greece and the UK but don’t dare to invest in property at the moment. We have family all doing much the same as you or sticking it out having lost so much in the recession. I can still see no clear way out for Greece but so hope there is one around the corner. May be we will both retire there one day – I too am now part of the over 50 gang. #MySundayPhoto

    • Mary says:

      Fiona the prices have really gone down now on property and are still going down so keep your eyes opened. Many people are losing their property because of non payment on their mortgage. I hope you can find something that is suitable. It really is the best place for retirement.

  10. jodie filogomo says:

    I’m sure it wasn’t easy to leave, but it sounds like it was for the better.
    Selfishly, I’d say hip hip hooray, because maybe now we can meet up sometime!!

    • Mary says:

      And you would be right to say that Jodie, because I am more than thrilled to move forward in my life. It was long overdue.

  11. Ilka says:

    Congrats to your move Mary! I love NYC! I have lived there for almost 2 decades. There is no other place like it in the world. The fact that your family is together now must make you super happy!
    Plus, you are a former New Yorker – it really is a beautiful homecoming, isn’t it? Hugs!

    • Mary says:

      Ilka I am so so happy to be here reunited with the other two kids. I feel like I am finally home. Thank you so much for your warm wishes and next time you come up for a visit we have to get together.

  12. Hi Mary, I’m sure your move across the world wasn’t an easy one but you did it for all the right reasons. Uniting your family will have so much positive impact on you and your kids. It is horrible what our politicians will do for greed, even here it still happens. I hope to visit Greece one day because it seems such a magical place.
    Welcome Home!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Toni. I feel confident that this was the right decision for us and am happy to be back home. The kids will adjust. At least here the politicians give something back, in Greece it was all take.

  13. Mary, you have such a wonderful, positive attitude, so the move will surely prove to be the best thing for you. I’m so looking forward to reading all about your new life!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Jean. I am positive because since I started blogging it has opened up so many doors for me and made me realize that almost anything is possible as long as we try.

  14. It’s so tough to decide to pick up and move, but it sounds like this was a good decision. A terrible shame that Greece is not improving economically. I know where we were in California… Riverside County was a good four years behind economically after the Great Recession ended in most of the USA. It happened during the recession in the 1990’s, too. Here’s hoping to a wonderful new beginning for your family!
    xoxo Barb 🙂

    • Mary says:

      In fact Barbara it was a no brainer. We gave it 6 years and things have only gotten worse. So it was time to move on. I am really happy to be back.

  15. Nancy Andres says:

    So excited for you Mary. Sense you made a difficult, wise choice and glad you’re in the states. I just got back from NYC, Long Island, and NC where our friends and family live. Love to see beauty of those tall buildings and be part of the hub-bub, but Tucson is now home. The cost of living is much less here than in NY and southwestern scenery much different. Good luck and be well.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Nancy. I am back in my childhood state and loving all the hub-bub, but at this age I want it in small doses. Tucson must be enjoyable too. Although very different. That is what’s so great about the States, there is so much variety.

  16. Gail says:

    Mary, I hope America opens her arms to you. We are at a crossroads here and hopefully we will come out better than Greece. Debt is so bad if there is no plan to grow and get out of it.. Hopefully America will wake up and get their butts in gear. Welcome.

    • Mary says:

      The difference her Gail is that this is a big country with money and commerce. In Greece all the businesses have closed and the ones that are still there are moving out because of the stifling taxes. Also here you see where most of your tax dollars are going, there they go in the politicians pockets.

  17. Mary, it’s so clear that you love Greece and your life in Greece, I know you will return. But the reasons you left make so much sense, especially with young people in the background. Our country is in a pretty bad state right now and at a point in time when a lot of us wish we could leave (I’d move to Canada if I could!) it is wonderful to welcome people back. (Truth be told, I’ve followed the Greek situation and no matter how much trouble we are in right now, it doesn’t begin to compare to what you left, as I know it — which I’m sure is far from complete!)
    Greece to NYC! Now that is indeed a leap! But an exciting one. And your older kids will be far more accessible (even if they were in California!). I wish you such joy and happiness in your new home. What an exciting time for you.

    • Mary says:

      Jeanie my older kids moved to New York 6 years ago. And we used to live in NY when they were little. In fact we moved to Greece when it was time for them to go to elementary school.
      So now we are finally reunited here and it is always for the best. I am glad we left there was no way they were going to get themselves out of the mess they have created back in Greece.

  18. Kathy says:

    Welcome to New York!!! I’m originally from upstate, north of Albany and I know how beautiful it can be. Are you living in Manhattan? If so, perhaps your blog (which I love, by the way) might need a re-naming. There are no boondocks to be seen in Manhattan! But travel almost anywhere upstate and you will see boondocks galore!!! Best of luck to you and your Family. Prayers to you!

    • Mary says:

      Kathy we are north of Manhattan. And my friend mentioned to me that the Boondocks is more a state of mind than an actual place so I guess I’ll keep the name. New York is a wonderful state with almost anything you can want. I love going upstate to the Poconos and getting away from the city.

  19. Nicole says:

    Wow, what a brave move! Best wishes to you as you get settled in NY! Thank you for linking up with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week.

  20. Mary, I’m so happy that you’re here! Now to schedule a road trip to NYC!
    I’m sorry that you had to leave Greece, but I’m sure that you are happy to be back with your children again. You are such a wonderful mother and you’re kids are obviously the light of your life.
    I can’t wait to see where the blog goes with the move. And seeing where your camera eye focuses. Here’s to a new chapter, I know you’ll make it a great one!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so, so much dear friend. It certainly has been a big change since NY is not what it was 20 years ago, but I’m looking forward to exploring it with a fresh eye from my fifty plus self.

  21. Ginnie says:

    Wishing you and your family all the best, Mary! 🙂 I know it must have been a very hard, bittersweet decision, but I hope that it’s one that will open many new opportunities for you as well.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Ginnie. I am so glad to be here and know that I will be able to broaden my horizons.

  22. This is exciting!
    Good luck!

  23. Finding you for the first time! I am glad that blogging has offered you some hope! I started blogging 9 years ago as a way to document our family life, share recipes, and our travel adventures. We are Americans living this year in Germany. I hope New York offers you much good luck and fun new adventures. Welcome to the USA!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Kelleyn. I lived here for many years and have had to return home because Greece has become difficult to put it lightly. Good luck in Germany.

  24. Maya Kuzman says:

    Apparently I missed this post and you can imagine my surprise when I read it!!!
    Good luck to you and your family. I am sure you are going to take the best out of NY and I cannot wait to read more of your new chapter about the new world!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Maya. You know how difficult things are in Southern Europe but even worse in Greece because we cannot get it together to save ourselves.

  25. Rhonda says:

    Wow, welcome to the USA. What a story. Our country is filled with those who have migrated in search of a better life for their families. I wish you and your family the best. I know what it’s like to reach the 50 mark. I’m going to check out your linkup and try to connect with the other bloggers. Thanks for sharing on Sunday’s Best.

    • Mary says:

      Rhonda thank you. I spent 30 years here before we moved to Greece. And it was good while it lasted but now its good to be back home.

  26. Penny says:

    Lovely story, I enjoyed it all, and I felt your pain, I am sure you have done the right thing, by moving. I always say to my children “life is tooooo short” do what you want, and say what you feel, and be honest and true. 😊

    • Mary says:

      Very true words Penny. Life is so short and we should not have to spend it waiting for something to happen!

  27. Sheri says:

    Mary, I cannot imagine what you’ve been through, but your bright attitude is so uplifting. Best of luck with this move and life in New York. It’s a beautiful state. Glad your family is reunited.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Sheri. It is good to be back home. My girls are living here for the first time so it will be quite an adventure for them.

  28. Keri Roberts says:

    Mary, I so enjoyed reading this post! How you’ve started your blog and how you’ve grown in the journey so far. What an exciting journey you are on and what new adventures await you and your family in a new land, so excited for you all!!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Keri, and you have also been a part of it since I have known you from the start of my journey. Looking forward to lots of adventures.

  29. What a great post! So happy that you are in New York and your family is back together! Thanks so much for sharing your heart and being so authentic about your journey!
    Happy day friend!

  30. Jann Olson says:

    Hi Mary, congrats on your move to NY! It saddens my hear to hear about the strife in Greece. I started blogging at the suggestion of my daughter. I had no idea what I was doing, and still am learning every day. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story with SYC.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks for your encouragement Jann. It is such a hard journey sometimes and we need all the encouragement we can get.

  31. Oh Mary you described everything that is in my head for quite a time now! I really wish for your blog to grow and prosper and be full of new opportunities!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Katerina. You know that what I say is the truth. I don’t care about political parties, only about the youth who have no future in Greece. It is such a shame because they are all so bright and work so hard to get into good schools, but then what?

  32. Debbie says:

    Hi Mary, I am sad to read that you have decided to leave Greece, but I can fully understand why. Our youngest is in her last year of Leikio and we are struggling to pay for the lessons she needs to get through her panalenias next year, because the schools aren’t covering the subjects properly. Luckily we have gotten away with extra lessons until now, so we can’t complain (oh, but I can!). I hope you have have a lovely life over there and I look forward to seeing photos of the Big Apple.

    • Mary Kalpos says:

      Debbie I didn’t even bother with Panelenies because I knew we would be leaving. I saved my kids the stress and my pocket the money that would have been thrown away. The schools do not do a good job in the morning because they know everyone goes to frontistiria. It is a shame that things have to be this way. Good luck to your daughter and I hope she achieves what she wishes for.

  33. I’m so happy to found your blog. Thanks for sharing the story and giving hope that something can change at 50+.

    • Mary says:

      Sasa, life moves on and that doesn’t mean that we have to give up after fifty. We have the ability and the wisdom to constantly move forward and improve ourselves.

  34. Photo Cache says:

    What a huge move. And a life-changing decision. I have made the same move and decision 20+ years ago.
    Enjoy your new life. All the best.

  35. Good luck with your new adventures in New York – quite a change from Greece I’m sure! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from

  36. Ruth says:

    What an honest post! It is not easy to leave a country you love in search of opportunities. I am from Puerto Rico and left many years ago in search of new horizons. That was when things were not that bad. Then, things started to spiral down and with the hurricane, I do not see a lot of positive in the near future. But, I have learned a place does not defines you. You make the best of what you are and where you are. Easier said than done but grateful for the opportunities. Wish you the best!

    • Mary says:

      Ruth thank you for your honesty. It is so true that a place does not define you. I have always relied on myself and my strengths to make ends meet and will continue to do so here in the States.

  37. Stacey says:

    Mary, I can always tell that you love your Greece so much! I’m sure that it must have been the hardest thing ever to pack up and leave. We do what we think is best for our kids though and my husband and I probably would have done the same. We have to be secure and safe before we can be anything in this life.

    • Mary says:

      You said it perfectly Stacey. We have to feel safe and secure not that we are just drifting through life.

  38. Michele says:

    Hi Mary, welcome to the US! What a decision and what a journey. You are brave and determined and I know that you will find good things here for yourself and your family! I can’t wait to here more about your new life. I am all about starting over!

    • Mary says:

      That’s what it’s all about. Just like I started over with the blog, now I am starting over with the rest. Life is full of surprises.

  39. Claire says:

    Good luck with your new life in New York. It sounds like an adventure. I’m sure it won’t be long before you return to Greece for a visit though, it’s a lovely country but as you say shame about the economic situation. I’m sure you will enjoy life wherever you are!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Claire for your well wishes. I have always believed that home is where the heart is so this is no problem for me. I just wish things could be better in Greece for those who don’t have an option like we did.

  40. Well I know it was super hard leaving your beloved Greece but I’m so glad you are here! You’ll have to visit Texas one day so we can have dinner together! And I’d love to hear all about Greece. BTW, your pictures are gorgeous! Big hugs

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Cindy. As lovely as Greece is I am really at home here in the US. So for me it was easy to come back, now as long as the younger kids get adjusted we will be fine.

  41. Katrin says:

    Mary I know it is hard to pack up and leave, we’ve done it a few times. But you’re giving your girls a great chance for a better future and Greece will always be there to visit. I’m excited to follow along your new life in New York!

    • Mary says:

      Katrin I think you can understand me better than most since you have also been going over the pond. It is hard but as long as the family is together then that is what matters the most.

  42. Maureen says:

    What a journey! I am so happy to hear that you are settled in New York. I have always enjoyed your photos and have no doubt there is lots opportunity for some amazing shots in NY!!

    • Mary says:

      Maureen they will be different types of photos and even more challenging than in Greece. In Greece it was easy to take photos because it was perfection personified.

  43. Pili says:

    You are so brave, my friend, that’s one of the things I admire most about you. You not only started blogging without all the knowledge it requires, headed into the DIY world and started painting your own furniture, but you also took a hard decision to move to another country so your family can have a better future. I don’t need to wish you the best because you so deserve it that is for sure you will get it. Take care and enjoy the land of opportunity!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Pili. You know we started on this blogging journey together and you have been by my side from the beginning. It will be nice to try things from this side of the pond.

  44. Carlee says:

    What a big move! Welcome home and I hope you get settled in quickly. Best wishes!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Carlee. We are almost settled but we have too much stuff, since my sons were already here. So now I have to de-clutter. I see a yard sale in my future.

  45. Nikki Gwin says:

    Oh what a story! I did not realize you had moved Mary. I am so glad you are happy and enjoying New York. Once again you have included absolutely beautiful pictures in your post.
    🙂 gwingal

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Nikki. Now I’ll have lots of good excuses to go running around in Manhattan.

  46. That’s got to be one of the most difficult decisions to make but your right. You have to do what’s best for your kids. Help them have a chance in this world. Thanks for sharing your story, and I wish you both the best. I hope your daughters dreams come true!
    I’m not taking the fifty and over very well. Yes I can still do thing if I put my mind to it. But than some things just aren’t as easy as they use to be. Like getting up off the floor. And on top of that I have pains in places I didint know could hurt. Lol. And the big 60 is looming closer and closer 😲

    • Mary says:

      We don’t talk about the bix 60. We live in the here and now. Linda I’ve also been getting pains in my feet especially at the end of the day when I put them up.

  47. It sounds like a good move for you since you, your husband and daughters will now be with your sons and your father. Plus think of all of the curbside finds you will get! Although that basement was a treasure trove. I am looking forward to this new phase of your life.

    • Mary says:

      Debra there are yard sales and thrift stores to keep me more than busy now. That was something I didn’t have back in Greece. We are all so happy to be reunited.

  48. Whoa! Seriously? So many questions! Will you be able to keep your house over there for when you go back and retire? I’m excited for you guys!

    • Mary says:

      We are keeping our house because even if we had wanted to sell it the market is awful now. People are practically giving their property away because they are in need of money. But we are lucky we can maintain it and hopefully go for the summer… we shall see how things go.

  49. You’re in the USA!!!! Okay, that was selfish celebration.
    I know this is bittersweet but I am happy that your family is all together for now. That is a huge gift, as you well know. Sending you love during this transitional time and hopefully someday we can meet now that you aren’t an ocean away. 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Awww thank you Kari. I am really happy to be back to the city of my childhood. And it would definitely be fun to meet in person.

  50. Kim says:

    Mary, you made a tough decision for yourself and your family. That takes a lot of courage. I am sure you are happy to have your children reunited, but I am also sure it must be hard to leave your beloved (and beautiful) country. I wish you and your family all the best on your new journey in NY!

    • Mary says:

      Honestly Kim, it is a beautiful country but that is all it has to offer at this point. And beauty is not enough. Kids need to have a future to look forward to. And many of those politicians have made me not want to go back at all.

  51. What an amazing thing to do Mary, but we can never compromise on our children’s futures. I’m real sorry to hear about all the political shaninigans that are happening in Greece. I so wish politicians would realise that they work for us and not the other way around. Wishing you and your family a bright and happy future in New York. Hopefully you’ll get to go visit Greece often to say hi to all the friends you’ve left behind

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Michelle. What you said about the politicians working for us, they will never understand that. They think they own the chairs they sit on and refuse to let go even when it is obvious that they are doing harm.

  52. Mary, I wish you all the best in your new life adventure!

  53. Rachel says:

    Mary, what a beautiful story you have shared. And I am so happy to have found you and your blog. My post relates to beauty at any age. I hope that is ok. I will enjoy visiting your blog journey as we go along. Thank you for hosting this blog hop. xo rachel

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Rachel for joining us on this blog hop. It is always fun for us bloggers to get together and share, and in the process get to know new ladies.

  54. Beverly says:

    I hope you and your family have peace of mind and success in NYC, Mary. No doubt it was not an easy decision for your family to make. I’m sure your sons are happy to have you all here! I’m looking forward to seeing your new posts in your new home and city. I’m glad our paths have crossed in blogland!

    • Mary says:

      We are finally together as we should be. Of course one day we will have to each go our way as the kids settle down but hopefully it will not be so many miles apart.

  55. Carolann says:

    As hard as it had to be to leave Greece, I’m so glad you are here and your family is happy and at home. Love your pics! I was born in NYC and I’m always proud to call it my home.

    • Mary says:

      We are also glad to finally be together. And what can be better than New York and Sinatra? 😉

  56. Leanna says:

    Congratulations Mary. Its true that your homeland is stunningly beautiful, but that doesn’t provide careers. It will be so great to have the family together again.
    It sounds like a very smart move Mary and hopefully much much easier to succeed with the immense amount of effort you put into it.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Leanna. I am so looking forward to moving on here in New York. I felt like I was spinning my wheels over there.

  57. Wow Mary! That is HUGE! I am so happy that you are reunited with your boys and that your girls get to live the American dream with you. It must have been a giant undertaking to make the move but I’m glad you’re happy and settled and still planning on blogging.
    I love that we’ve met along the way and I look forward to following along with your new adventures xx
    Leanne |

    • Mary says:

      Leanne it was long overdue, if we could have we would have left earlier but I wanted to wait till the girls were done with high school. It was definitely the right thing to do.

  58. Mary, I am so sorry that you had to lave Greece because of the economy. I am so impressed though that you put your childrens futures first. America is lucky to have wonderful people such as your family here. I wish all of you great health , happiness, joy and prosperity….above all else, I wish you peace in your new home and country.

    • Mary says:

      Don’t feel bad Jeannee. I got over it a long time ago when I saw that the government was doing nothing to improve the situation. You know there were another 3 countries in the same hole as us, and they managed to dig their way out years ago, but we only dug a bigger hole. I am lucky to feel right at home here and so the transition is easy.

  59. Carol says:

    Mary, I’m thrilled you’re here in NYC, but I know this had to have been an extremely difficult decision you and your family had to make. To love a country so much and to have to leave it for the sake of the family must have been really hard to do. At least you’re all together again and some day, you and your husband can go back to live in Greece in your retirement years.

    • Mary says:

      I am one of those people that is only happy when I am with my loved ones so Carol I don’t worry too much about what I left behind. I only feel bad for all those wonderful kids and pray that something good will happen for their sake.

  60. Phew! I’m a bit speechless really. Sure this is a decision with profound effects, one you didn’t take inconsiderately. And it’s always hard to give up home, to leave every-one and everything one loves and cares for behind – till the next visit – maybe.
    I take my hat off to you, dear Mary! You sure didn’t make us suspect anything alike, so it is a big surprise! I wish you all the luck in the world. I’m sure things will work out fine, for you as well as for your children. It’s always better take matters into one’s hands instead of waiting for help that will never come. And for sure it’s no use waiting politicians or politics to change.
    And as you will keep on blogging, we’ll happily go along this journey with you!
    Big hug,

    • Mary says:

      Thank you dear Marjan. What you said is so true you have to take matters into your own hands instead of waiting for others or for help that will never come. Maybe if more of us had done that in Greece we would not be in this mess now.

  61. This is wonderful for you and your family, Mary. I hope the girls will soon adjust and find new friends. For your blog as a business it should be beneficial being located in the US. I guess you have a lot more opportunites for cooperations etc. Wishing you and your family all the best for your life in the States.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Julia. I am happy to be here and have my sleeves all rolled up and ready to work. It was the best decision for us so we can move forward with our lives instead of being on permanent hold.

  62. Jolena says:

    Wowza, Mary! First let me say how sorry I am that you had to leave your home. I enjoyed the beautiful photos and vicariously walked with you on the evening strolls. I will miss that, as I am sure you will. And, welcome! I look forward to seeing where your adventures take you in New York and beyond. If you find yourself in my neck of the woods give me a holler.

    • Mary says:

      Jolena I am not sorry at all. We came to this decision a few years back, with the hope that maybe something would improve. Well nothing did and so we just moved forward with our decision. It has been years in the making. I’ll admit it is harder for the kids than for me, but even they wanted it because they felt their lives were on hold there.

  63. Maisy says:

    Oh Mary. I’m so glad you shared your story in detail – it’s so important to know what’s going on in the world! Even though being a European citizen myself (and I’m also experiencing the difficulty of being a young adult looking for a job and a “future”) I didn’t know that the situation in Greece was still that bad. I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster you must have gone trough lately. But I’m happy for you that things seem to fall into place for your family now! Crossing my fingers for your daughter to become a filmmaker, that’s so cool!!
    All the best, and I’m looking forward to see your blog grow and prosper even more 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Maisy it really is that bad and shows no signs of letting up. Our decision has been years in the making. And we thought about it long and hard. There are many young Greek people who have moved to Germany and England because of this. Everyone deserves a chance to try and attain their dream. In Greece the youth do not have that opportunity at all. They are given part time jobs that are not enough to live on. I wish you lots of luck in your job search. You are going to do great.

  64. Iris says:

    Welcome to the US. I hope that your children can succeed in pursuing their dreams here. You are be a great example of determination for them to follow. I hope also that you can succeed in pursuing your dreams successfully and maybe want to stay here. If not then I hope that you are able to joyfully retire to Greece.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Iris. I am happy to be back home, where I really feel I belong. No matter how many years I lived in Greece I could never understand how things worked, or didn’t work or why the politicians were so insensitive.

  65. What a wonderful journey you are on, Mary. You are doing the best you know how for your family and I know you will be rewarded for it. Blessings to you!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much dear friend. I have been blessed already to start this journey from Greece when I first took my baby steps in blogging and they have lead here.

  66. Pat says:

    Mary, I’m sure this was a difficult decision, but at least your family is reunited and your daughters will benifit from being able to persue their dreams. I’m sure there will be adjustments to get used to but think of it all as a wonderful adventure! As you said, Greece will be a place you can go back to retire in one day. Best wishes!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Pat. If there is one thing that I’ve learned from your blog it is that the States have so much beauty to see that I will have no need to go back again.

  67. lynn spencer says:

    WHAT? You’re here!!! Yippee! I know you have a heavy heart…but I like you’re thinking that you’ll be able to head back in several years for your retirement….nothing is permanent. Welcome back my friend!
    Hugs, Lynn

    • Mary says:

      I’m singing that famous Sinatra song! And I love the energy of this city. I’ve got it under my skin!! 😉

  68. Marie says:

    I can only imagine how many thoughts and feelings were running through your head when boarding your plane to the USA. Hoping for an endless path of open doors for you and your family as you forge a new life in New York. Hugs from Canada! xo

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much sweet friend. I am so looking forward to this new chapter of our lives. We may have had the sun and sea in Greece but that is not always enough.

  69. Marie-Anne says:

    Good luck, Mary!!! I believe you have taken the right decision about your family! I wish you all the best in the Big Apple!!!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Marie-Anne. It was the only possible decision in light of the fact that two of the kids were already here. As you know we Greeks love our families and always like to be close to them.

  70. Paula says:

    Wow. Just wow. I am so excited that your family is all together in not only the same country, but the same state! And I am also saddened that you had to leave Greece. What a mix of emotions! But that is what happens as we grow as families. Things change, places change, opportunities change. I pray many blessings for you… And no, The Boondocks is a state of mind – just like New York.

    • Mary says:

      Paul thanks so much for that. It is just what I needed to here. The boondocks was born at a certain time in my life when I really needed to do something and it has been really therapeutic for me. And now I have taken that therapy with me to New York. You are so right.

  71. Kellie says:

    I was wondering Mary, thanks for sharing. I am glad you have this opportunity. Now i am wondering why you lived in Greece in the first place. That would be a fun story to share. You have also given me hope that one day i can make it as a repurposer. You are so good at it, i thought you had been doing this forever.

  72. Finally got back from the office, working all day today.I was looking forward to reading your post! I knew that Greece had issues for a long time. I read an amazing article in Vanity Fair 10 years ago and how corrupt the government was and all the horrible bilking of the system. The government is definitely to blame! I am sure you can retire there if you want. I am finding that it easier without kids at home and just visits on the weekends. My dream is to retire and not worry so much about how the kids are doing and just retire and do the things I love without any hassle! Glad you are in NY so when I come down to visit my daughter We can meet up!. Maria

    • Mary says:

      Maria I am definitely looking forward to meeting up when you come to NY. The government is definitely to blame we had almost gotten ourselves out of the hole at one point but then we jumped back in again.
      I am so glad to be here now. It may not have the blue skies and seas but that will not secure a future for the kids. Anyway there is so much beauty all around me of another kind.

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