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Back to Black – Πίσω στο Μαύρο

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It seems that just about every month one of my daughters has a birthday party to go to.   Which is a good thing since it gives them the opportunity to flex their creative muscles. And you know how I feel about gift giving!  The best gifts are home made because they come from the heart.  You will recall my girls have given quite a few gifts in the past, such as this gift box from the heart, the inspirational clapboard, and the infamous seeing red gift box.  This time there was a lot of seeing red!  My girl literally made this gift on the day of the party.  Here is what we started with, a plain picture frame which was painted black. 

Φαίνεται ότι κάθε μήνα οι κόρες μου έχουν να πάνε σε πάρτι γενεθλίων. Το οποίο είναι ένα καλό πράγμα, διότι τους δίνει την ευκαιρία να δημιουργησουν. Και ξέρετε πώς αισθάνομαι για τα δώρα! Τα καλύτερα δώρα ειναι στο σπίτι, επειδή προέρχονται από την καρδιά. Θα θυμάστε τα κορίτσια μου έχουν δώσει αρκετά δώρα στο παρελθόν, όπως το δώρο από την καρδιά, την εμπνευσμένη κλακέτα, και το περίφημο βλέποντας κόκκινο κουτί. Αυτή τη φορά υπήρξε μια πολύ κόκκινο! Το κορίτσι μου κυριολεκτικά έκανε αυτό το δώρο την ημέρα του πάρτι. Ξεκίνησε με μια απλή κορνίζα που την έβαψε  μαύρη.

Picture frame to be painted black, Back to Black -
This gift was for a friend who is a rock music fan, so she chose to find the lyrics for his favorite song, by a rock group called Slipknot and the song is “Snuff”.  Did they have songs like this when I was young, because if they did I certainly don’t recall!  Now, she’s looking at me and reminding me of my old record collection. My tastes run along other lines, such as “Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse.  Is that a good tie in with the black frame and the rock music?  Work with me here people – Slipknot is not for me!

Αυτό το δώρο ήταν για ένα φίλο που είναι φαν της ροκ μουσικής, έτσι επέλεξε να βρει τους στίχους για το αγαπημένο του τραγούδι, από τους Slipknot  και το τραγούδι είναι το “Snuff”. Μήπως είχαν  τραγούδια σαν αυτά όταν ήμουν νέα, διότι εγώ σίγουρα δεν  θυμάμαι!  Τώρα, η κόρη μου με κοιτάζει και μου υπενθυμίζει τους παλιούς δισκους μου. Σας βάζω και την Amy με το “Πίσω στο Μαύρο”  για να δένει με τη μαύρη κορνιζα.

She printed out the lyrics in two different sizes…

Έχει εκτυπώσει τους στίχους σε δυο μεγεθοι …

 and then cut them into separate little pieces. 

και στη συνέχεια τα έκοψε σε ξεχωριστά μικρά κομμάτια.

She then took a cardboard cut out to fit in the frame, and pasted the words back onto the cardboard but in a  puzzle sort of way.

Στη συνέχεια πήρε ένα χαρτόνι που το είχε κόψει για να χωρέσει στη κορνίζα, και  κόλλησε  τα λόγια  πίσω επάνω, αλλά με έναν τρόπο να μοιαζει με παζλ.

closeup of letters placed on cardboard, Back to Black -
So many words!!

Τόσες πολλες λέξεις!

closeup of words in puzzle formation, Back to Black -
Did I mention that the frame was  painted black, because that is the only color for a self respecting rocker!  But of course you all know that!  

Ανέφερα ότι η κορνίζα ήταν βαμμένη μαύρη, γιατί αυτό είναι το μόνο χρώμα για έναν  ροκά σέβεται τον εαυτό του! Αλλά φυσικά όλοι το γνωρίζετε!

Black frame with lyrics, Back to Black - the

She gave the gift and it was a big hit!! Sometimes going back to black can be a good thing especially when it has to do with frames and gift. And her friend will take it out of the closet years from now and say to himself… what was I thinking listening to this stuff? 

Έδωσε το δώρο και ήταν μια μεγάλη επιτυχία!! Μερικές φορές το να πηγαίνεις πίσω στο μαύρο μπορεί να είναι ένα καλό πράγμα ειδικά όταν έχει να κάνει με κορνίζες και δώρα. Και μετά από πολλά χρόνια ο φίλος της  θα το βγάλει από τη ντουλάπα και θα πει στον εαυτό του …  τι σκεφτόμουν και άκουγα  αυτά τα πράγματα;

​If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να  λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

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I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​

Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.
  1. Megin says:

    This turned out beautiful! I love at with words ~ so fun.
    Thank you for sharing this week at Brag About It link party on VMG206 (Mondays at Midnight). I plan to feature you next week!
    ~ Megin of VMG206

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Megin. My daughter will be thrilled to find out her creation is being featured!

  2. Kim says:

    What an interesting way to frame the words. I love it! It’s got an edge to it that certainly fits the lyrics. I am not surprised that the gift was so well received.

    • Mary says:

      It turned out just fine in the end, after I spent the day worrying if it would be finished on time and if the glue would dry, etc. You know all those things we crafters worry about.

  3. Laurie says:

    Mary, I think this is such a great gift idea for a friend and I agree black seems to be a perfect color for a rocker! Thanks for sharing with us at Brag About It! Pinned and tweeted to share

  4. What a great idea and I love home made gifts it shows that a lot of thought haas gone into the gift! Love Amy Winehouse too, great choice.

    • Mary says:

      She did a great job, my girl, and I managed to keep my irritation at bay since it was a last minute thing. I guess she works well under pressure.

  5. sue says:

    Hi Mary! What a super idea. I love homemade gifts and this is so personal there are endless possibilities. I’m a fan of black and white so this would be perfect for me. Thanks for sharing with us at #OvertheMoon and see you next week!

    • Mary says:

      This may be perfect for you Sue, but we’d need to pick a more appropriate song. Thanks for stopping in.

  6. What a fab idea for a gift. Of course the frame has to be black – it’s the perfect color for this project! Visiting from #ManicMonday

  7. Mary, this is so cool! I am having so many ideas of songs/book passages to try. Thank you for sharing this neat project! (Oh, I’m with you on Amy.)

    • Mary says:

      Regina I have to admit, my girl really surprised me when she came up with this one. She did a great job and it was well received.

  8. Nikki says:

    Mary, my kids love to listen to Slipknot too. And I’m not a huge fan of this musical group either. But what do I know I listen to the Christian rock station most of the time. So my kids don’t like to hear my music either.
    I love the creativity your daughter put into this gift. And I’m sure that her friend loved it. How thoughtful of her to come up with such a great idea for something he would love.
    I guess I would say that the Apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Lol

    • Mary says:

      Thank you for your always sweet comments Nikki. You have no idea what I put up with (in a good way) all day long. I have to listen to Panic at the Disco all day, and the trouble is they are very “get inside your head” type of music. Only they won’t leave when it’s time for bed. lol

  9. As a rocker myself a find this the perfect gift! Ok I listen to metal but not Slipknot! Anyway I’m thinking of making one of my own asap! Give my congrats to your lovely daughter!

    • Mary says:

      I didn’t even know what Slipknot was until this post Katerina, and I grew up on Led We cannot know everything. Thank you for your sweet comment I’ll be sure to tell her.

  10. Melanie says:

    Very clever gift! I might use the same idea with quotes from a friend’s favorite famous person. Or for my nieces birthday. Thanks for sharing!

    • Mary says:

      Yes Melanie, something so simple can be transformed into such a personal gift. The recipient will be so grateful for something that is made specifically for them.

  11. Michelle says:

    I’m into hard rock/heavy metal music and I am not a fan of Slipknot. My motto with music is if I can’t hear the lyrics underneath the loud guitar riffs and drums banging, I won’t listen to the music. I have to be able to hear the lyrics in order for the music to speak to me. I do, however, love the idea of the song being in a frame. This makes me want to do the same for one of my favorite Bon Jovi songs! Thanks so much for sharing this with me at #manicmonday

    • Mary says:

      My little one came up with a pretty good idea here Michelle, and her friend loved the gift. I agree with you about the lyrics they are so important and I don’t want to have to resort to looking them up. So if you do the same for Bon Jovi, upload it on your blog for us to see!

  12. Sherry says:

    What a super cool project! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Funtastic Friday.

  13. Life Loving says:

    What a lovely thoughtful gift, you daughter is obviously a lot like you. You creative pair!
    Sally @ Life Loving

  14. Another amazing project Mary! I love how “simple” but impactful this is! You could use the same premise to change it up for any holiday or theme. So cool Thank you so much for linking this up to the Bewitchin’ Projects Block Party last week. You are one of my Featured Picks over at Recreated Designs tomorrow and will be featured on the Facebook page on Wednesday. Hugs, Lisa

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Lisa for featuring my girl’s gift. She will be thrilled. She gives me grief over these presents by waiting till the last minute, but I cannot complain when they turn out so well.

  15. Cool gift! And I LOVE Amy Winehouse! She’s one of my favorite singers. I love her voice.
    Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!

  16. Stella Lee says:

    A friend of mine is a nurse and she recently walked into a patient’s room and the patient was listening to ACDC. Her patient was a 85 year old lady, but somehow I doubt that same lady would have wanted the matching artwork on her wall – but who knows right? This is a great idea and it’s a nice change from the music notes that is commonly used with lyrics as art. It’s very avant-garde!

    • Mary says:

      Stella we surprise ourselves sometimes. You would not expect me to listen to crazy teen stuff and yet here I am listening to anything that my kids throw my way…lol. The little one did a great job with this gift, even if it was short notice.

  17. Haha! What was I thinking listening to this stuff? Homemade gifts are the best. Glad it was well-received! I’m finally making it by. . . . . thank you for the kind words on my going gray post a couple weeks ago. I love how yours looks, too! Hope you have a great week!

    • Mary says:

      Aww, thank you so much. We have to stay on our toes with those kids. And hopefully they will learn a lesson in making and giving these precious gifts.

  18. Enjoyed listening to Amy Winehouse while reading your post (such a loss of talent) and went to youtube to watch the Slipknot video (interesting). Cool handmade gift – you daughter takes after her Mama!

    • Mary says:

      Yeah Marie, I was not going to put Slipknot on my blog. A bit too much for this mama’s ears lol. My heavy metal days are long gone.

  19. That is a great idea and you’re right. They will look back and say ????

    • Mary says:

      Especially these teens Larissa. They are all over the place, one week they like one band and the next another.

  20. Katrin says:

    Mary, I LOVE GIFTS THAT COME FROM THE HEART and your daughter gets this from you! How special and what she did turned out so cool!!! I love Amy Winehouse’s music, it’s great! Hugs & greetings to you from London!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Katrin. My daughter begs to differ, she thinks I got it from her. Someone needs to talk to this kid. And she is a huge London fan. She would be so jealous if she knew where you were.

  21. Eleana A. says:

    Μαίρη μου ωραία ιδέα να κρεμάσει κάποιος το αγαπημένο του τραγούδι!!! Πολύ ιδιαίτερο για τους ανθρώπους που έχουν μείνει σε εκείνη την ροκ εποχή!! 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Ευχαριστω Ελεανα μου! Ευτυχώς που υπάρχουν και οι νέοι που την κρατάνε ζωντανη τη ροκ μουσική.

  22. I am a huge fan of black frames. Our family photo gallery wall is all black frames. Keeps it classy. I like the idea of adding song lyrics instead of a regular photo mat, very personalized. 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Audra I think for this particular friend a regular picture would have been too boring. She did right to make it with a twist like this.

  23. Keri says:

    Mary, how creative of your daughter to make a picture out of a favorite song!! I bet her friend loved the gift and the thoughtfulness that went into it. She did a great job!! Homemade gifts are the best! 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Keri he really did love the gift and was happily surprised when he got it because she had been snooping around asking him about songs.

  24. Krista says:

    I am impressed. She has your creative genes. Cutting up the lines and arranging them at different angles really worked! I doubt the frame is ever put away in the closet. Not only a gift from the heart but a conversation piece.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Krista. When I read the post to her she said it described her friend exactly so we’ll see if he hides it or not. I’ll let her know what you said.

  25. Angelina says:

    So clever!! Thanks for Sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop hosted by Katherine’s Corner & Friends!!

  26. Beverly says:

    What a creative gift idea! It turned out great. Thanks for sharing at Snickerdoodle Sunday, Mary!

  27. Pili says:

    I’m not a huge fan of rock, but that gift is so creative!! I would never place it into the closet, so I am sure a rock lover wouldn’t do it neither. The result is so so cool, I can imagine other lyrics in there too.

    • Mary says:

      Pili, I hope he doesn’t get tired of it. She spend all her energy to make this and it was rather original, she even surprised me.

  28. This is such a thoughtful gift Mary. Great teen gift but I also think any of my grown kids would love it! Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm! Pinning!

    • Mary says:

      Cecilia, thank goodness for last minute gifts! Sometimes when we have a deadline, things actually come out better.

  29. Anne says:

    I really love this idea, and the song!

  30. Celeste says:

    I agree, handmade gifts are the best! I can see where your daughter gets her creative genes from. And there’s nothing like some last minute inspiration to spur on that creativity! 😉

    • Mary says:

      Celeste, deadlines have been my savior as well. Put a fire under the feet and everything gets done. Thank you for your sweet comment, my girl really appreciates it.

  31. Ilka says:

    Wow Wow Wow! Such a super creative idea! Please let your daughter know that I love this:)

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Ilka. She really appreciates all the positive comments. Spurs her on to create more and keep a mess in the house.

  32. ohhh what a great idea! love this! I think it needs a big red kiss though right in the middle! lol 🙂 I have added this to the Handmade Christmas blog hop!

    • Mary says:

      What a great idea Millie! I don’t think my girl wanted her friend to get the wrong idea though! Thanks for the add.

  33. Lynn Spencer says:

    Not surprised that your daughter made such a creative and thoughtful gift! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It means so much when a gift was made or purchased with the recipient top of mind as is the case with this one. And the black/white thing will never go out of trend…Well done to your daughter and well done to you for documenting!
    Hugs, Lynn

    • Mary says:

      Lynn, at least the paint was dry by the time she took it to the party. That is all that concerns me. We had previous episodes where the gifts were made the same day and not to my satisfaction. But they live and they learn. Hugs back.

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