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How to make a back to school Hanging organizer

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It’s Back to School time for some of us, and for some others, well it’s next month but that doesn’t mean we can relax.  No, we still need to get the kids rooms in order and to organize their things.  With this in mind, I have teamed up with my blogger friends and come up with some fun ideas to help you all get ready for back to school. Today I will show you how to make a back to school hanging organizer.

Το σχολικό έτος αρχίζει για κάποιους από μας τώρα, και για άλλους τον Σεπτέμβρη, αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι μπορούμε να χαλαρώσουμε.  Όχι, χρειάζεται να βάλουμε τάξη στα δωμάτια των   παιδιών. Με αυτή τη σκέψη, έχω συνεργαστεί με φίλες μπλογκερ να σας δείξουμε μερικές διασκεδαστικές ιδέες για να βοηθήσουν να ετοιμαστείτε  για το σχολείο.  Η συνεισφορά μου είναι πώς να φτιάξετε  έναν  κρεμαστό  διοργανωτή.

Logo Back to School blog Hop
My husband had bought this home a while ago but we never really used it.  It is an Indor from Ikea.  It is a remote control pocket and is meant to hang over the arms of the sofa.  My sofa has no space for anything to hang over it. I figured I would repurpose it for my older daughter’s room. 

Ο σύζυγος είχε φέρει αυτή τη θήκη τηλεχειριστηρίου σπίτι, αλλά ποτέ δεν τη  χρησιμοποιήσαμε.  Σκέφτηκα να βρω μια άλλη χρήση για αυτό το πράγμα.

Ikea remote control pocket, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
As I said this was to go in my older girl’s room. We spruced it up last year, painting it and making all sorts of changes  (you can see a tour here).    The idea was to match it to the general look of the bookcase, which is black and white.  Below you can see that I painted the magazine files. 

Θα το έβαζα στης κόρης  μου το δωμάτιο.  Το ειχαμε ανανεώσει πέρσι, (μπορείτε να δείτε μια περιήγηση εδώ).  Το σκεφτικό μου ήταν να ταιριάζει με τη γενική εμφάνιση της βιβλιοθήκης, που είναι μαυρόασπρη.  Παρακάτω μπορείτε να δείτε ότι έβαψα τις θήκες περιοδικών.

Magazine files, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
The remote control pocket was an ugly beige color.  Since we were after a black and white look this would not do in the least.  What did I do?  I took some acrylic paint and literally slathered it on. 

​Η θήκη  τηλεχειριστηρίου ηταν ένα άσχημο μπεζ χρώμα.  Δεν ταίριαζε καθόλου  αφού  ήθελα ασπρόμαυρο. Το έβαψα με ακριλική μπογιά.

Painting the remote control holder, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
Then to echo the magazine files I painted black dots and stripes onto the whole thing like this. 

Για να μιμηθώ τις θήκες περιοδικών, το ζωγράφισα με ρίγες και πουά.

Adding dots and stripes, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
The next step was to attach a black ribbon onto the thing at various points. 

Το επόμενο βήμα ήταν να συνδέσω μια μαύρη κορδέλα πάνω στη θήκη σε διάφορα σημεία.

Adding ribbons, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
And lastly I finished it off with mini clothespins. 

Και τέλος έβαλα μίνι μανταλάκια.

Clothespins on the ribbon, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
I added some fun things that my daughter loves and I was done. 

Πρόσθεσα κάτι αγαπημένα της κόρης μου και τέλος.

The hanging organizer complete, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
Eventually she can change them out and add her school program or a calendar.  That is why I love these mini clothespins. 

Αργότερα μπορεί να τα αλλάξει να βάλει το πρόγραμμα του σχολείου της, ή ένα ημερολόγιο. Γι αυτό μου αρέσουν αυτά τα μίνι μανταλάκια.

Detail on top, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
As you can see, she is a huge Marilyn Monroe fan. 

Όπως βλέπετε ειναι θαυμάστρια της Μέριλιν Μονρόε.

Detail in the center with Marilyn photo, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
A post card, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
The pockets holding an assortment of pens, pencils and brushes, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
I have placed it on the side of her bookcase. Now you can see how it matches the magazine  files and everything is color coordinated… just the way she likes it. 

Το εχω κρεμάσει στο πλάι της βιβλιοθήκης.  Τώρα μπορείτε να δείτε πώς ταιριάζει με τα  υπολοιπα … ακριβώς όπως της αρέσει.

The organizer hanging on the side of the bookcase, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
Detail of bottom, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
In hindsight, I also added a  cord on top and hung it on a nail so that it wouldn’t fall on my head.  There is actually a steel rod inside the top to help it keep its shape. Safety first. 

Εκ των υστέρων, έχω προσθέσει ένα κορδόνι από πάνω και το κρέμασα ώστε να μην πέσει στο κεφάλι μου.  Υπάρχει ένα σίδερο μέσα στο επάνω μέρος για να βοηθήσει να κρατήσει το σχήμα του.

A cord for hanging, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
A repurposed remote control pocket into a hanging organizer, How to make a back to school hanging organizer, Back to School blog Hop
You all know that nothing goes to waste in my house and I always find ways to repurpose even the most useless things. This is how to make a back to school hanging organizer from a remote control pocket and it looks pretty fine to me now.  And certainly it is perfect right there. An easy repurpose to help the kids, or even  young adults get ready for the coming school year.  

Actually now that I think about it, it would make a nice craft organizer too. What do  you think, should I steal it from her room?

Below is a list of all my blogging friends who are joining me in this  back to school blog hop.  Visit them to get some more  fun ideas for back to school.

Όλοι γνωρίζετε ότι τίποτα δεν πάει χαμένο στο σπίτι μου και πάντα βρίσκω τρόπους για να επαναπροσδιορίσω ακόμα και τα πιο άχρηστα πράγματα.  Αυτό ηταν πώς να φτιάξετε  έναν  κρεμαστό  διοργανωτή από θήκη τηλεχειριστηρίου και μου φαίνεται μια  χαρά. Ένας εύκολος επαναπροσδιορισμός για να βοηθήσει τα παιδιά, ή ακόμα και νεαρούς ενήλικες να ετοιμαστούν για το σχολικό έτος.

Στην πραγματικότητα, τώρα που το σκέφτομαι, θα κάνει ένα ωραίο διοργανωτή  χειροτεχνίας για μένα. Τι νομίζετε, θα έπρεπε να το κλέψω από το δωμάτιό της;

Παρακάτω είναι μια λίστα με τις μπλογκερ φίλες μου που  συμμετέχουν στο  σχολικό  blog hop. Επισκεφτείτε τις να πάρετε περισσότερες ιδέες για τη σχολείο.

If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

You can also share your own back-to-school or education-themed craft projects on social media. Use the hashtag ‪#‎EduCrafty‬ or tag one of our profiles. We’ll re-share as many as we can.
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links and link to If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.​
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.


Wednesday 28th of September 2016

Saw this on Ikea Hackers, much much better as a craft organizer than a remote control organizer. Have pinned to my hacks board, well done.


Thursday 29th of September 2016

Claire I tried using it as a remote control organizer for a few days but it was more trouble than it was practical. Now I just stick my remotes on the coffee table.


Thursday 18th of August 2016

Hey, what a fun upcycle, from TV remote control holder to school supply organizer! Love the idea and it's perfect on the side of the shelf, it looks great with all the black and white accents Mary! I also like how easy this is, this would be a fun idea for my older daughter as well!!


Friday 19th of August 2016

Katrin it is perfect for a tween or teen or even older, depending on the accents you add to it. My girl likes to keep things simple so this was the result.


Thursday 18th of August 2016

What a great transformation, Mary! I'm sure it will be more useful in your daughter's room and painting it to match the rest of the decor is a wonderful idea. Was it a surprise for her, or did she know what you were doing?


Friday 19th of August 2016

Pili, we worked on this one together. I had to get the green light to go ahead and do it and I told her I would match it to the black and white bookcase. She is very picky about what I do in her room, and she won't let me paint half of the things that I want to.


Thursday 18th of August 2016

It looks adorable, and a such a perfect place for Marilyn to hang out ;).


Friday 19th of August 2016

I agree with you Doreen, Marilyn is having a great time.


Thursday 18th of August 2016

This is fabulous! It looks so classy and I love how it matches the rest of the decor. My daughter needs something like this in her room.


Friday 19th of August 2016

It was such an easy repurpose Keri. Althought I did get a little carried away with the paint.