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The Liebster Award!

Sharing is caring!

I am happy to announce that I have been nominated for a Liebster award by Katrin of KreativK!   And what is the Leibster award, I hear you asking??  Well, It is an award by bloggers given to new bloggers.  It encourages sharing and the discovery of new bloggers in the community.  In other words, we want to spread the love. 
(Scary looking man who plays nice relaxing music.. play while reading…)
Firstly, I want to thank gracious Katrin for the nomination and I will do my best to live up to the honor of this award, by answering, asking and sharing all around!  Make sure you all visit Katrin’s blog KreativeK, to see what lovely projects she is up to!

Now the rules:

~ Link back to the person who nominated you

~ Answer the questions designated by the blogger who nominated you

~ Nominate up to 11 other new bloggers with less than 200 followers & notify them

~ Give your nominees a list of questions they have to answer

~ Display the Liebster Award Logo on your page

~ List these 6 rules on your post

Questions from Katrin to be answered:

1. What is your favourite book?   That is a really difficult one. I would have to go with my all time favorite J.RR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, but close second would be The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky.

2. What is one international food dish you would like to make or learn how to make?  Paella.  I had gone to the Canary Islands for my honeymoon and that is the one dish I remember eating when we were up in the mountains among the clouds!

3. A place you haven’t visited but are dying to go to?  Florence, Italy.  My college professor had sent me a post card from there back when I was still in college and he instilled in me the love of art! I could easily spend a month there just visiting all the art museums and of course there is the architecture…  

4. Favourite Ikea furniture if you’re in to Ikea…?  Is it possible to choose???  Maybe those relaxing rocker chairs. I generally like the clean lines of the designs and their no fuss approach to everything.  I also love their fabrics! I

5. Sam Smith or Bruno Mars?  Definitely Bruno!! 

6. Do you have a secret talent?  Now if I told, it wouldn’t be secret… in fact it might even be a secret from me!  My kids say it’s my ability to keep the household calm – is that even a talent?

7. What do you need to relax?  Beethoven’s emperor 4 (above please)  and a glass of wine!

8. What is your Must~Do every day?  Make the bed – otherwise I cannot function!

9. Coffee or Tea?  Lots and lots of coffee!

10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?  New York because that is where my family is, but my dream place would be further south… maybe Virginia.  Of course, where I am now is not so bad if we didn’t have the Greek economic crisis.

11. What makes you smile faster than anything? The funny things my kids tell me every day.

chair covered in ikea fabric The Liebster award

Proof that I love Ikea fabrics!!

My questions for the nominees:

1.  Why did you start blogging?
2.  Do you have a favorite blogger?
3.  What inspires you for your blog?

4.  Do you ever get writer’s block (or blogger’s block), and if so what do you        do  about it?
5.  What  type of music do you listen to?
6.  Which do you prefer, the mountains or the beach?
7.  What would your dream house be like?
8.  Are you a cat or a dog person?
9.  What is your favorite hobby (aside from blogging)?
10.What is your favorite season and why?
11.If you inherited $50,000 what would you do with it?

Before I finish I would also like to add one more thing, I’d like to personally thank Lauren of Bless’er House and Liz Marie of LizMarieBlog, because they were the  first bloggers whom I started to follow and in their own way without even knowing it, they inspired me to start this little space of mine. And I’d also like to thank Larissa from Prodigal Pieces for being my furniture makeover Godess!   Girls, thanks from the bottom of my heart!  This little place is truly a haven for me!

That’s it for me.  I’d like to thank Katrin again for nominating me!  I can’t wait to see what the answers to my questions will be for my nominees!
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

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Monday 17th of August 2015

Congrats on you nomination - it was so fun getting to know more about you!


Monday 17th of August 2015

Thanks Amy, I hope everyone checks out all the other great blogs I have nominated as well!


Thursday 6th of August 2015

Thanks for sharing yourself. I always enjoy meeting the blogger behind the blog.


Thursday 6th of August 2015

Thank you Miss Steph for stopping by. It is always a prleaure to meet other bloggers!


Thursday 6th of August 2015

Hi Mary, I'm so happy I found you and your blog!!! This was so much fun and its nice to know a little more about each other!!! Cheers


Thursday 6th of August 2015

Hi Katrin, Yes, I had so much fun doing this as well, and I got a little carried away with my music as well. But it is definitely a nice way to meet new bloggers. Thanks again for the nomination!


Friday 7th of August 2015

Mary, thanks for the nomination!! What a great and fun way to build relationships with other bloggers!


Friday 7th of August 2015

I agree Keri, and there are so many new bloggers out there that deserve to be seen!


Friday 7th of August 2015

Ahhh! You nominated me!!!!! (lol well yes, you also messaged me about a week ago ... I'm working on it tonight!) Thank you so very much!


Friday 7th of August 2015

Yes I did, like I said I would, and you deserve it! Congrats, and I can't wait to see your post!

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