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Reorganizing the organizer

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A few weeks ago I made an organizer for my daughter’s desk, you remember this lovely.

Πριν από λίγες εβδομάδες έκανα ένα διοργανωτή για το γραφείο της κόρης μου.  Θυμάστε αυτό το όμορφο;

Reorganizing the Organizer
Well, that pink container was really bugging me.  You know how  you can get the silliest thing in your mind and it won’t let you rest until you correct it. That’s what happened with me. It  just would not do – the pink had to go! 

Λοιπόν, αυτό ροζ δοχείο ήταν πραγματικά ενοχλητικό. Ξέρετε πώς μπορείτε να  βάλετε το πιο ηλίθιο πράγμα στο μυαλό σας και δεν θα σας αφήσει να ξεκουραστεί μέχρι να το διορθώσετε. Αυτό συνέβη με μένα. Απλώς δεν γινόταν - το ροζ έπρεπε να φύγει !
Tin cans to be repurposed Reorganizing the Organizer
Enter these guys.  They are shorter than the originals. 


 αυτοί οι τύποι. Είναι μικρότεροι από ό,τι τα πρωτότυπα.
Reorganizing the Organizer

Let’s dress them up with matching contact  paper.

Ας τους ντύσουμε με αυτοκόλλητο χαρτί που ταιριάζει.

Reorganizing the Organizer
Don’t they look just gorgeous???  There is enough color in there with the markers, the black and white is perfect!

Δεν φαίνονται απλά υπέροχα ??? Υπάρχει αρκετό χρώμα εκεί με τους μαρκαδόρους, το μαυρόασπρο τέλειο!
Reorganizing the Organizer
Before:                                            Πριν:
before Reorganizing the Organizer
After Reorganizing the Organizer
Reorganizing the Organizer
And so I can sleep easily once again, knowing that I have banished the pink container from the room!  It’s the little tweaks that make me happy!  But what about that lamp shade with all those colors.  It  looks like it is having an identity crisis!  Back to work!!

Και έτσι μπορώ να κοιμηθώ ήσυχα για άλλη μια φορά, γνωρίζοντας ότι έχω εξορίσει το ροζ δοχείο από το δωμάτιο! Είναι αυτά τα μικρά πράγματα  που μου δίνουν χαρά!  Αλλά τι γίνεται με αυτό το πορτατίφ με όλα αυτά τα χρώματα. Μοιάζει να έχει μια κρίση ταυτότητας! Πίσω στη δουλειά!!

Upcycled tin cans for a desk organizer #tincans #upcycle #repurpose #backtoschool #deskorganizer #simplesolutions #storage
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Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

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  1. Jann Olson says:

    Yup, looks much better with the pink one gone. Love the b&w contact paper is perfect! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. I absolutely love simple ideas that completely transform something.

  3. Leanna says:

    I agree that new all matching containers looks nicer. So funny how one little pink container bugs you, but I truly understand. You like what you like.
    Great little makeover.

    • Mary says:

      I’ve become a pain in the butt is what I am Leanna. I used to be worse but then kids came along and messed up my perfectly color coordinated life. 😉

  4. Julie says:

    Isn’t it funny how little things can be SO irritating.
    I love simple fixes like this.

  5. Amber Harrop says:

    Love your re-do Mary and I have to redo my organizer too

  6. Maureen says:

    Wow, what a fabulous idea. They came out great. I like the contact paper design too.

  7. Karie says:

    What a great idea. And it looks beautiful,

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Karie, its a great way to use up all those old cans that normally we would throw out and then go buy more stuff.

  8. Silvia says:

    Really a neat and cute idea! I love it! #SeniSal

  9. I love upcycle crafts like this! Making something useful of leftover items.

  10. Mary, much better without the pink (I, too, get bugged by crazy little things!). But I think I’d leave the lamp alone – it’s really quite cute!

    • Mary says:

      I can get rather silly with these things sometimes Jean. Before kids I was even worse but now I’ve learned to let a lot of things slide.

  11. Sometimes it’s the smallest tweaks that make the biggest difference.

  12. The organizer looks very nice! I like the black & white pattern with the solid blue on the box. Just in time for back-to-school and all those wonderful homework assignments!
    Carol (“Mimi”) from Home with Mimi

    • Mary says:

      Exactly Carol. My daughters have desks full of useless stuff but at least they are organized!

  13. Karen says:

    What a smart idea to cover those with contact paper! They look grat!
    Thank you so much for sharing this at Something to Talk About!

  14. Elizabeth says:

    That is a cute idea and I love that you used contact paper. A great way to coordinate a dorm room too for all those heading away to school.

    • Mary says:

      Elizabeth, this could easy fit in a dorm room. Trying to coordinate as much as possible, I even painted the lamp white to match. Thanks for visiting.

  15. Jenny says:

    I couldn’t live with that pink container, either! It might function as-is, but I like everything to match 🙂
    Very cute idea!

    • Mary says:

      Jenny I’m not normally so crazy, but there were too many colors in the room already and it was making me dizzy…lol

  16. I love the decorative paper around the cans. Great way to add some pizzaz! Visiting from the Monday Linkup =)

  17. Aspen Jay says:

    Hi Mary!
    I am the same way with those silly little things. 🙂 It’s kind of annoying sometimes, but I admit things always look better after I take care of them! Thanks for partying with us at Talented Tuesday!

  18. Jodie says:

    It’s amazing how handy cans can be (great re-purpose) & how much better they look covered!
    Would love to have you join us at our first ever Reader Tip Tuesday:
    I know it’s wednesday, but we’re keeping it WIDE open this week & continuing the invites for our first couple of weeks to keep everyone’s posts getting more peeks. Have a great week & hope to see you there. Have a GREAT week

    • Mary says:

      Jodie I just popped over.. Good luck with your party and I will try and join up every week as long as I have appropriate content.

  19. I never thought about using contact paper on the cans (I’ve used duct tape before). Looks great!

  20. Ivory says:

    I adore this idea. Beautiful! What I like most, the fact I can create matching desk organizational sets, and matching book covers in our study.

    • Mary says:

      Yes Ivory the possibilities are endless! Just use your favorite contact paper and match it with some fabric if you want.

  21. Sally says:


  22. Such a simple idea but so effective! I’ve got to sort out all my pens and stationary so i’m off to look for some fancy paper 🙂 Thanks for linking up to #frifree4all

  23. It is funny when one little thing just doesn’t fit! The redo looks really nice. Thank you for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty. Looking forward to seeing you again next week.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Jane for visiting. Yes, this little pink container was bothering me to no end! I will see you at the wonderful link party as I have been for the past month now!

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