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The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the Best in the WOrld

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It is the tenth of the month and you know what that means.   I am joining  my friends today for another Ten on the Tenth project.  This time we have gotten together to share random acts of kindness.  Last time we shared  flower related ideas. 

A few weeks ago, I had promised all of you the second part of my New York Botanical Garden series and I felt it was a good a time as any. It is a bit lengthy but it is more photos and less blah blah. Because the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden is one of the best in the world. 

Be sure to scroll all the way down to see what my blogging friends came up with this month. 

Red roses, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Red and orange roses growing along the fence, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden is located at the north east corner of the grounds. It is situated in a valley and covers 1.04 acres of land. 
Looking into the garden from beyond the fence, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The visitor descends into the garden by way of a massive granite staircase. The garden itself is shaped into a loose triangle with a gazebo in the center. 
The main entrance to the garden The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
It was originally designed by landscape architect  Beatrix Farrand in 1916.   
Roses growing along the fence, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
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​It was completed in 1988 with the generous support of David Rockefeller who donated $1 million, and named the garden to honor his wife Peggy, a horticulturalist and conservationist, who loved roses.

plaque, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Pink Poses, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world

​Many of the roses are named after celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Julia Child and Paul McCartney.  This one is named the yellow submarine.

Yellow rose bud, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Looking up towards the stairs and the main gate. 
Looking up at the stairs and main gate, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
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Blush roses, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
During this renovation new gates, walkways, a new gazebo and new fences,were added to discourage the rabbits from feeding on the rose roots. 
Roses growing on fence, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The rose garden has 83 different garden beds, with more than 4,000 plants and almost 700 rose varieties. 
Soft pink and yellow rose, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The gazebo and fence could not be finished during the original construction in 1916 because of a shortage of iron due to the war. 
The main gazebo in the center of the garden, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Potted plants, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Purple flowers, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The rose garden underwent additional renovations in 2006-7 at a cost of $2.5 million with the help of Mr. Rockefeller. 
Soft pink roses, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world

​The variety of plants have been selected for their resistance to disease and pests, making it one of the most sustainably managed public gardens.

Soft coral roses, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
An automatic irrigation system has been installed to keep the roses watered in the summer heat.
Roses climbing the trellis of the fence, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Soft orange rose, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The fence serves as a trellis for the flowers to grow.
The fence with greenery, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Lilac flowers on the fence, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Wood Looks Better
White rose, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The roses are in peek bloom from mid-May till October.
Deep pink and coral roses, The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The Sister's Rose, #NYBG #NewYorkBotanicalGarden #ThePeggyRockefellerRoseGarden #Roses #Flowers #Photography #photoessay #NewYork The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden was inducted into the Rose Garden Hall of Fame in 2010.

It is recognized as one of the best rose gardens in the world!

Pink and yellow roses, #NYBG #NewYorkBotanicalGarden #ThePeggyRockefellerRoseGarden #Roses #Flowers #Photography #photoessay #NewYork The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
Pink roses on fence, #NYBG #NewYorkBotanicalGarden #ThePeggyRockefellerRoseGarden #Roses #Flowers #Photography #photoessay #NewYork The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
If you are interested in more, I found two short videos here and here
White Roses, #NYBG #NewYorkBotanicalGarden #ThePeggyRockefellerRoseGarden #Roses #Flowers #Photography #photoessay #NewYork The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
To see the first part of the New York Botanical Garden Series click here
Roses with gazebo in the background, #NYBG #NewYorkBotanicalGarden #ThePeggyRockefellerRoseGarden #Roses #Flowers #Photography #photoessay #NewYork The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden is one of the best in the world. But how does this post tie in with the theme for this month?  I believe it was an act of kindness for all the people who work there and all those who have contributed to create this magnificent garden so that we can have the pleasure of strolling through and admiring these mini-masterpieces. Because everyone who is involved must have great love for the flowers and plants. 

Now hop on down to see what my friends have in store for you today.

And if you’d like to subscribe to my photography posts,  click here. You can also see  more photo essay here

A visit to the New York Botanical Garden's Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden, Pink Roses, #NYBG #NewYorkBotanicalGarden #ThePeggyRockefellerRoseGarden #Roses #Flowers #Photography #photoessay #NewYork The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden: one of the best in the world
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I love it when I get your comments and I will try to reply to every one of them. ​Please do not add a hyperlink to your comment, otherwise it cannot be published.

  1. Linda says:

    This is breath-taking! I must add this to my list of places to visit. Thank you for sharing at What’d You Do This Weekend?
    Wishes for tasty dishes,

  2. Holy beautiful, is that garden amazing.

  3. Michele says:

    All of those pink roses are making me swoon! I would love to visit this garden some day. There is something both peaceful and inspiring about a rose garden. Thanks for sharing these photos!

  4. Michelle says:

    Gorgeous flowers, and colors, in these photos. Too bad you can’t smell photographs 🙂 Thanks for linking up today.

  5. Carol says:

    I’m a big fan of all flowers but a rose garden is the ultimate place of beauty for me. I love the idea of a “yellow submarine” rose. We all live in a yellow submarine….

  6. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …fabulous images of this beautiful place. Another spot to put on my to see list.

  7. What a beautiful garden. The roses are just gorgeous. What a treat! Thank you for sharing.

  8. betty - NZ says:

    What a spectacular place! I can see myself spending hours there enjoying the views and taking photos!

  9. When you think of NYC you think of tall buildings and concrete. This series is so refreshing and gives us a beautiful view of the city.

  10. I LOVE rose gardens, and this one is a winner, that’s for sure! We have a beautiful one located in Los Angeles at the Museum of Natural History. It’s much smaller than this one you feature, but it packs in a lot in a tiny space! Thanks for sharing, Mary… Pinning!

  11. Amy says:

    These photos are amazing, Mary! I love roses and would love to see this someday. I love the fact that many of them are named after celebrities. So fun!

  12. Oh Mary! I can smell the flowers!!! Perfect photographs, thank you for the tour 🙂

  13. What a gem of a place Mary! I always love your pretty photo tours! Keep up the good work, whether in Greece or NYC.

  14. Magical Mystical Teacher says:

    Lovely garden!

  15. What a delightful place and your photos do it justice, Mary!
    Thank you for participating in the Travel Tuesday meme.
    PS: You may like to see some photos of our Rose Garden here in Melbourne, Australia:

  16. Christine says:

    That gorgeous place definitely has to go on my bucket list to visit in person!

  17. What a beautiful place! It is so stunning, beginning with that spectacular entrance. Such a sweet way for David Rockefeller to honor his wife. Thank you for sharing at Celebrate It!

  18. Carol says:

    This is really beautiful and you’re so lucky to live near it. Thanks for sharing these beautiful roses with Share Your Style.

  19. Katerina says:

    Lovely tour Mary! I can almost smell the roses through my screen!

  20. I kept thinking how wonderful, although I would have been tempted to do a little deadheading for them!! I would really enjoy a visit here, lucky to have been able to visit with you. Love the yellow submarine one 🙂
    Wren xx

  21. Oh, Mary! I LOVE this garden… Such a beautiful place and the roses are lovely!!! So glad you were able to go there and enjoy this garden’s beauty. Shared to all three of my garden boards for you. <3
    Hope the evening scent was heavenly for you,
    Barb 🙂

  22. jeanie says:

    Oh Mary, I cannot resist pink roses. My favorites and the Guggenheim has them in abundance. I can only imagine the fabulous fragrance!

  23. Mary that is an amazing rose garden.
    Roses touch my heart so-
    and make me crazy in West Texas weather when they won’t grow!
    Happy Ten on the Tenth
    White Spray Paint

  24. Kim says:

    So beautiful, Mary, what a lovely place to visit. I’ve never been, but it’s on my list! Thanks for the pretty tour.

  25. Beautiful! I have only been to New York in the winter. I’ll have to plan a trip when the roses are in bloom.

    • Mary says:

      The fall is the best time to visit in my opinion because of the fall foliage. But May and September are great for the roses.

  26. Michelle says:

    Breathtaking flowers! I love the photos. Thanks so much for sharing 😊

  27. Oh my goodness Mary, what a stunning rose garden. I can just imagine how beautiful it must smell judging by your gorgeous pics. I’ve never had much success growing roses, but looking at these photos makes me want to try even harder to create a little patch of rosy heaven in our garden too.

  28. Lady Fi says:

    So very beautiful!

  29. Katrin says:

    What a beautiful rose garden and tour Mary, it sure is a lovely spot to visit!!

  30. Such lovely gardens – wish I had a green thumb – or a gardener!!

  31. Mary, how absolutely beautiful. Thank you so sharing because I don’t know if we would ever make it there. What a gift to the world and those who love flowers and roses. Just stunning.

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