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My Spring Roll Bottles – Τα Ανοιξιάτικα Μπουκάλια

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Spring is here and it’s time for another repurpose… after all that’s what this blog is mainly about. Now I have a great fondness for Chinese food and because I use soy and teriyaki sauce I have these bottles that I’ve hoarded… humm, collected over the last few months. I knew I had to do something with them because I had amassed way too many, but it didn’t come together till Spring rolled around.

Έφτασε η Άνοιξη και μαζί της η ώρα για μια άλλη επαναπροσδιόριση … έτσι  κι αλλιώς  το μπλογκ ειναι κυρίως για αυτό. Τώρα έχω μια μεγάλη αγάπη για κινέζικο φαγητό και επειδή χρησιμοποιήσω σόγιας και τεριγιάκι σως έχω αυτά τα μπουκάλια … εμμμ, τα οποία έχω μαζέψει κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων μηνών. Ήξερα ότι έπρεπε να κάνω κάτι μ’αυτά, γιατί είχα πάρα πολλά, αλλά δεν ήξερα τι μέχρι που ήρθε η άνοιξη.

empty soy sauce bottles, My Spring Roll Bottles
Along with my bottle collection I’ve also collected, thanks to my daughters, bottles of nail polish in strange neon colors.  The problem with them is that they’d started to solidify.   In order to solve this problem I added a little nail polish remover to the bottles and shook them.  This helped to liquify them a bit. 

Μαζί με τη συλλογή μπουκαλιών έχω μαζέψει, χάρη στις κόρες μου, μπουκάλια με βερνίκι νυχιών σε περίεργα νέον χρώματα. Το πρόβλημα με αυτά είναι ότι είχαν στερεοποιηθεί. Για να λυθεί αυτό το πρόβλημα πρόσθεσα λίγο ασετόν στα μπουκάλια. Αυτό βοήθησε στο να τους υγροποίηση λίγο.

bottles with nail polish and tape, My Spring Roll Bottles
 So now I had neon colored nail polish which my girls didn’t wear…and of course I don’t even wear normal colors so there was no way I was going to wear these. They were however, perfect for my Spring Roll Bottles!  I painted the bottles after I had put some tape on to make stripes. 

Έτσι τώρα είχα νέον χρωματα βερνίκι που τα κορίτσια μου δεν φορούσαν …και φυσικά  ούτε εγώ  Ήταν, ωστόσο, ιδανικό για τα Ανοιξιάτικα μπουκάλια μου! Έβαψα τα μπουκάλια αφού είχα βάλει ταινία για να κάνω ρίγες.

Bottles with wild flowers, My Spring Roll Bottles
I painted another bottle with white chalk paint and added some twine on the top for a rustic effect. 

Έβαψα άλλο ένα μπουκάλι με άσπρο χρώμα κιμωλίας και πρόσθεσα νήμα για ένα ρουστίκ αποτέλεσμα.

chalk paint bottle, My Spring Roll Bottles
The addition of the wildflowers completes the picture!

Τα αγριολούλουδα συμπληρώνουν την εικόνα!

Yellow wildflowers in bottles, My Spring Roll Bottles
This project took about 10 minutes in all, because the nail polish dries quickly.   The only problem was the smell, so I did it outdoors. 

Αυτό το έργο μου πήρε περίπου 10 λεπτά, διότι το βερνίκι νυχιών στεγνώνει γρήγορα. Το μόνο πρόβλημα ήταν η μυρωδιά, έτσι το έκανα σε έξω.

Nail polish painted bottle, My Spring Roll Bottles
Assortment of bottles with wild flowers, My Spring Roll Bottles
Ribbon on Bottle, My Spring Roll Bottles
Bottles painted with nail polish and chalk paint, My Spring Roll Bottles
Assortment of bottles with wildflowers, My Spring Roll Bottles
Bottles painted with chalk paint and nail polish, My Spring Roll Bottles
It was a very easy project with practically no cost and it added a lot of Spring in my home!  And I was able to repurpose all of my Spring Roll Bottles and make them into something pretty and useful.  What do you do with your empty bottles?

Αυτό ήταν ένα πολύ εύκολο έργο με μηδενικό κόστος και έφερε την Άνοιξη στο σπίτι μου! Επαναπροσδιόρισα όλα τα Ανοιξιάτικα μπουκάλια μου σε κάτι όμορφο και χρήσιμο. Εσείς τι κάνετε με τα άδεια μπουκάλια;

If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.

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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​

Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.

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Wednesday 6th of March 2019

Hi Mary, Well of course I had seen you were here from Greece, but until seeing this post it hadn't occurred to me that you know Greek! Wow! That fascinates me because of course the New Testament that Erasmus translated was Greek, and that is where we get our current English version! Are you familiar with those things? The bottles are lovely-- I have small syrup bottles from Cracker Barrel that I collect--- and I have a few ideas but haven't finished any quite yet....


Thursday 7th of March 2019

Thank you Liberty! I had some idea about Erasmus and the translation. I actually had forgotten my Greek because I grew up in the States and had to relearn it when we moved to Greece some 20 years ago. I kind of grew up with the kids while "helping" them with their homework. The kids still make fun of me because I mispronounce works.


Monday 21st of March 2016

They look so cute Mary! What a creative idea to use nail polishes! I have plenty of them but I don't have any bottles!


Tuesday 22nd of March 2016

Ntina, we all have bottles we just have to save them instead of recycling or throwing them out. Actually I think we can use nail polish on lots of projects.

All that's Jas

Monday 21st of March 2016

Great idea and lovely spring colors. I love your field flowers. Have a great week, Mary!


Tuesday 22nd of March 2016

Jas the fields are full of color right now. This is actually the best season for the flowers cause in the summer time everything is bare and dry.


Monday 21st of March 2016

Mary, this is a wonderful repurposed project!!! They look awesome!! Love the neon colors you used, perfect for spring!! Now I know what I'm going to do with all my teriyaki and worsterschire bottles!!


Tuesday 22nd of March 2016

You know that the kids would go and buy all these weird colors and then leave them behind for me to have to think of something like this, because there was no way I was gonna wear them.

Lynn Spencer

Monday 21st of March 2016

Mary, first of all...another trait we share...We love Chinese Food! Well, all Asian food for that matter. But as such, can so relate to growing stash of bottles. Second of all, what a great idea to paint them the bright spring colors. Gonna borrow that idea. Third...your photography in the post is just so pretty! You really captured some beautiful images. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful Monday! Lynn


Tuesday 22nd of March 2016

I was denied chinese for many years Lynn because when I first moved here they didn't have soy sauce. But now they have an abundance of everything. So I can indulge. Thank you for all your sweet words my friend.

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