I did a lot of work in this room but mostly I did a lot of thinking. What are the right colors within my limitations? How can I up-cycle the items I already have? But mostly I hung out with this little guy!
And I had a lot of help from you, my readers to create a calm look for a bedroom using vintage, thrifted and Ikea items.
The Sleep/Rest Area
I was worried that it would make the room look much smaller – if that is even possible. But guess what? It was not the case at all. In fact moving the bed away from the wall has made the room look larger! I have all of you to thank for that!
I also redid the bed skirt to go all around the mattress – not like I had in my original plans.
And I have no headboard that you can see. I think simple is the way to go here, besides those pillows add enough pattern.
Speaking of which, that lamp does not really go with the rest of the room but for now it fits well enough. At least it looks great on top of Hamilton!! I’ll be on the lookout for another one on my frequent garage sales.
The wall mounted shelf above was redone a few days ago, you can read all about the shimmer here.
Under the chair I’ve placed a basket I found at a garage sale for $3!! Stored are my medical things. Should I try to find another place for those? They kind of ruin the look of the room.
And those curtains? They were made from drop cloth! The easiest pleated curtains you will ever make.
The Storage Area
Before this makeover started I had the two MCM pieces in that corner. They hold the printer so it only made sense to move the whole thing closer to the desk.
In that corner I’ve placed the vintage white dresser. You may recall that at one point I had thought of stenciling the dresser, but I quickly came to my senses and realized it would be too much for such a small room. So instead I kept it simple and just added new glass knobs.
On the wall next to the window is a cubby holder which I found at a garage sale.
The corner also holds my stash of frames which will be used as needed.
I have dreams of a gallery wall one day!
This concoction here is actually an ikea picture ledge on the bottom and on top a cubby which I found at a yard sale. You can see what it looked like before here.
The Work Area
Soft colors really do make the room look so much larger. If you doubt me, take a look at what they looked like before here. A bit of blue color serves to punch up the place for a very neutral look. Now about that lamp that stick out like a sore thumb, should it stay or should it go?
The print is something I downloaded on the internet. Sorry I can’t remember where that was.
And finally we come to the workstation as I like to call it. I didn’t do much here except tidy up all those papers that were stuck on the wall. I did however paint the legs of the table white. That helps to unify it with the rest of the room.
And the chair is also a nice neutral grey. In fact it was one of the first items I bought for this room. And it along with the rug set the tone for the colors.
The self on top has been reorganized and I’ve added two shoe boxes. I painted them using milk paint and then just printed up some labels for them. I used the same color paint but different decorative wax and that makes all the difference.
A Calm and Relaxing Bedroom
You may also remember I had been thinking of adding copper as one of the colors. Instead I replaced it with the slate blue. The colors are all soft and relaxing which add to the calm feel of the room.
And now since everything has its place I am much more inclined to wake up and make the bed right away before Tatou has a chance to jump on it.
I was able to combine Ikea items with vintage finds and hopefully create a look that is not only calm and relaxing but also works so that the furnishings are in harmony! Did I achieve this? You tell me!
Now I would like more suggestions on anything else that I can tweak aside from all the lamps that need changing out.
You can see all the progress of the bedroom and the projects below.
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.
I love it when I get your comments and I will try to reply to every one of them.
Love that wall hanging you created, Mary. I may have missed where you got the bedding set? It’s very pretty!
Thanks Julie, it was such an easy idea. I have no idea where that bedding came from, maybe Macy’s.
Cozy and fresh, love it!
Lori Jo – 50 With Flair
Mary you always give me a laugh. You had me in mind when you purposely added a chair to hold clothes that I am too lazy to hang.
My favorite thing though is the tea towel. It looks great!
🙂 gwingal
Love all the work you put into your room. You are not alone in taking time getting stuff done. But life happens!
Hi Mary, you’ve done a good job. Judging by the photos you have managed to create a nice relaxed feel in the room whilst keeping it simple and practical. I’m not a huge fan of cork boards although we do have one, I find it gets cluttered and which puts me off looking at it.
So many great idea here Mary. I especially love the idea of creating a wall hanging behind the bed in lieu of a headboard. Genius!
Oh Mary, your bedroom looks fantastic! So calm and serene and you have everything you need in one room. I think it is your little oasis at the end of the day! You did excellent work my friend, Bravo!!!
You did a great job getting so many different spaces out of one room. Love the bed covers. Found you on Blogger’s Pit Stop Link Party.
Your room transformation looks fantastic! I love how everything goes together so well. I laughed when you mentioned the dish towel as a wall hanging. I have bought several dish towels to do just that, and now you have inspired me to get them out of the closet and hang them! Thank you for sharing at Celebrate It!
Wow Mary, I must admit I’m very impressed with how much you’ve managed to fit inside your bedroom. It all looks lovely and no wonder you wake up with a smile on your face. You’ve taken so many mismatched bits and pieces and added your unique style to create a little haven filled with character and love.
Thank you Michelle. It is all thanks to your suggestions and prodding. And the bed looks so much better in this position just like you said. I am so happy it is finally done and just the way it should be! 🙂
Sounds like you’re really enjoying those garage sales Mary! I like your bedroom, especially that thrifted mirror on top of your chest. That IKEA cart looks really handy too. I think you’ve inspired me to continue doing things around here.
Florence you have no idea what an organized room can do for your mind. I instantly feel relaxed when I walk in here as opposed to the rest of the house. And it is easy to keep it tidy now that everything has a designated spot.
Mary, sometimes a room just takes times. You’ve done a remarkable job pulling everything together.
Is a room ever REALLY finished? LOL
Lisa it was a big job because I wanted everything to look like it belonged here and did not stick out like a sore thumb. I guess that is my style a mix of everything. And yes there is always more to be done. I’ve gotta hit the sales to see if I can find more lamps.
What a lovely room. You’ve created a safe haven, calm and quiet, some kind of a retreat, very soothing.
Exactly Marjan. I feel so relaxed in here, and working is such a pleasure too!
The bedroom does look very soothing, and it looks like Tatou agrees with me. I like how you designated zones for relaxing and working. You have managed to organize the room and keep it stylish.
This has to be Tatou’s favorite room. As soon as he wakes up he jumps right on the bed! I am really happy with it and I think I’ve finally found my style… soothing eclectic Haha!
Mary you did exactly what is described in the tittle but also you created a very nice work-space. By the way I’m not sure If I am more jealous of your dog or your craft supplies!