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Snowy Mountains of Greece

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Last month before I went to New York I had the pleasure of taking a trip with the family, to the mountains.  The difference with this trip and another trip I shared with you last year, was that this time the mountains were covered in snow.  

Join my today as we take a look at the snowy mountains of Greece.   These are actually a fifteen minute drive from my tow

Looking over to the mountain range, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
We set out with nice weather but once we got to a certain altitude we saw these icicles which indicated that it was indeed cold up here. 
icicles, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
It was at this point that I had edited most of the  photos but some of them looked flat. Lots of blue, white, and grey.  And so I did something different.  I decided to channel my inner Ansel Adams and switched some of them over to black and white. I’ve never tried this before but there was a huge difference.

I first discovered Ansel Adams in college and was always astonished by his photography of nature and in particular Western America. He was a true environmentalist. 

looking down to the valley, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
Without that great big blue sky everything looks starker, there is more contrast. And let’s face it I’ve shown you that sky a billion times by now!  It was time to change things up.​
the road up the mountain, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
Below is a field with raisin bushes all lined up with the village right behind. Or as normal people call them “vineyards”!  The altitude here is 831 meters (2,726 feet) and there are only 15 residents.  This is actually very common for many villages.  Many of the home owners visit in the summer months and have these as their second homes. 
raisin fields near the village, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
Finally we reach our destination which is another village, this time at a height of 1,105 meters (3625 ft).  This one has only 4 residents.  But it has a cafe and a church.
final destination village up in the mountain, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
looking over the snow covered hedges, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
There is plenty of snow and ice here. 
frozen water faucet, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
And a spectacular view!
spectacular view below, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
water faucet with stone wall, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
I’ve always found the mountain ridges fascinating, as if something is hiding between the folds. 
ridges of a mountain, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
The rocky formations are very common in Greece. You’ll find rocks everywhere even in the farming lands. 
snow covered mountain side, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
In the last few years we have had quite a few fires in the area. The forests have thinned out.
bare trees burned in a fire, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
mountain view, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
A bit of greenery peeking through. 
greenery with patches of snow, Snowy Mountains of Greece,

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.  

                                                                                            - Ansel Adams
a boulder with views and patches of snow, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
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​A moss covered tree full of health despite the cold and snow. 

moss covered tree Snowy Mountains of Greece,
rock formations covered with snow, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
And the church.  Wherever you go in Greece you will find churches, big or small, no matter the size of the village. 
Church among the trees, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
the road back home, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
This view is from the village we visited looking down to the Corinthian Bay.  
view from the mountains to the bay, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
The same photo in color. And a whole different mood. You may also be able to discern the mountains on the other side of the bay.
color view from the mountains to the bay, Snowy Mountains of Greece,
It was a cold, brisk day but we had a lot of fun.  In fact my daughter the one who has the You Tube channel made a video.  You can check it out here to see her antics. 

I really enjoyed sharing this trip to the snowy mountains of Greece and paying homage to Ansel Adams.  And I hope you liked my unusual take on them in the form of these black and white photos. Are you a fan of black and white photos?  Which one was your favorite?

photo essay on the snowy mountains of Greece, #photography #photoessay #snow #winter #Greece #snowymountains #Travel
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest.  Above is a Pinterest worthy image!

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  1. Florence says:

    Beautiful photos Mary! I couldn’t possibly narrow down a favorite out of these! Maybe the church if I was pinned to a choice, but they are all great. Glad your family could do something fun together! Do you live anywhere near Rhodes, or at least the town that used to be called “Rhodes?” I don’t know what they call it now.

    • Mary says:

      Florence I live all the way on the other side, near the waters that wash up with Italy. Have you ever heard of Patra? That is the big city nearest to us.

  2. bettyl - NZ says:

    Your photos of Greece are just fantastic. I love the church steeple a lot. and those icicles are so huge!

  3. Lisa says:

    I wouldn’t think of Greece and snow. Such a neat post. And well done on channeling your inner Ansel Adams. He is my favorite photographer.
    Lisa @ LTTL

    • Mary says:

      Lisa it’s always nice to find a few surprises along the way. As a child I remember the snow in the villages but after Imoved to America I forgot. So when we moved back I was taken aback with all that snow and the mountains.

  4. Erlene Amat says:

    What a beautiful place. I can’t imagine living in a town with only four homes, but it must be so peaceful.

    • Mary says:

      Erlene there are 4 households year round but many more houses are used as summer homes. It would be a really small village if it only had 4 households. And it is never peaceful in Greece! We are a boisterous bunch!

  5. Michele says:

    I always enjoy your photos of Greece. I didn’t know that there were places in Greece that received snow! These are really great shots, they would make a lovely black and white display!

    • Mary says:

      Michele we have a mountain range that slices down mainland Greece beginning from southern Albania. Lots of mountains and hence the snow in the winter. Of course it doesn’t snow that often on the coastline.

  6. debbie says:

    Mary the scenery is so lovely. The church, the moss, the mountains. What a wonderful trip you must have had and of course the nod to Ansel Adams

  7. Ruth says:

    So lovely! I like when photos are presented in black and white. Because of that, you are forced to look a places and landscapes in a different way. Would like to see snow in Greece! #PhotoFriday

    • Mary says:

      It’s always fun to experiment and aim for something different Ruth. The snow is real and white but the blue sky had to go for once.

  8. Grammy Dee says:

    Great pics Mary, enjoyed seeing them. Brr! Sure looks cold there and the black and white pics make it look even colder. Sharing on social media. Saw your link at the I am Pinnable Link Party #30 🙂

    • Mary says:

      It’s true the black and white does make things look colder. But thank goodness it was a sunny day so while technically freezing it was still bearable.

  9. shelley says:

    I have to admit that I generally prefer color photos to black and white. But I have to admit that these are stunning. The B&W gives them a depth that I’m not sure the color could add to. Thanks for sharing at Over the Moon. We look forward to seeing what you have to share with us next week.

    • Mary says:

      Shelley in color they mostly looked washed out with the soft greys and the blue. Black and white was definitely the way to go. Thank you.

  10. I guess I’m demonstrating my ignorance or naiveté, but I was surprised to see wintry shots taken in Greece. I don’t think of it being that cold there!
    Thanks for opening my eyes a bit, and for these lovely shots. I hope you’ll come share at

    • Mary says:

      At sea level it doesn’t get very cold but when you go up to the mountains you have a whole different story. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Carol says:

    Wonderful scenery!

  12. Celeste says:

    Stunning pictures, Mary! What a gorgeous view! Greece is definitely on my must-see someday list. Until then, I live vicariously through you! 😉

  13. Pieni Lintu says:

    Beautiful! 🙂

  14. Mother of 3 says:

    Beautiful photos in both color and black and white!

  15. What breathtaking scenery!

  16. The black and white photos really give a beautiful contrast! You saw some beautiful sights! Thanks for sharing!

  17. A lovely place I hope to visit some day

  18. Magical Mystical Teacher says:

    Your snowy (and shadowy) shots remind me that winter is indeed just around the corner.

  19. the real cie says:

    What beautiful scenes! The snow looks so chilly. Impressive work!

  20. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …unexpected views of Greece! Thanks for sharing.

  21. April says:

    Breathtaking. I’m especially intrigued by the village of 4 residents, a cafe, and a church.

  22. molly says:

    Greece is such a beautiful country. Thank you for sharing

  23. Maria Brittis says:

    Wow, these are exquisite photos! I never thought of Greece with snow.

    • Mary says:

      We actually have lots of mountains in Greece Maria. And where there are mountains there is lots of snow.

  24. I forgot to let Snowey in Greece is one my feature for my party tomorrow.

  25. Amber Harrop says:

    I never think of Greece with snowy mountains but they look gorgeous Mary

    • Mary says:

      Amber we have something for everyone. We even have desserts if you think of the summertime and how it feels then.

  26. Jann Olson says:

    Hi Mary, just hopping back to let you know that you will be featured at SYC this week.

  27. Lady Fi says:

    Beautiful shots!

  28. I must admit I don’t feel envious looking at these wintry photos, but we’ve been in the midst of a brutally hot and humid stretch of weather – these photos formed a nice contrast. I’m ready for fall to come, but don’t look forward to the cold temps and slippery precip of winter.
    Thanks for sharing at

  29. Terri Lyon says:

    I didn’t know Greece had snow. Your pictures are beautiful. I prefer the color over the black-and white. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Poppy says:

    Beautiful photos, Mary, both the colour and the black and white. Personally, I prefer colour. Isn’t Greece so diverse? Here on Crete, our mountain peaks have a dollop of snow on them while our meadows are beaming with buttercups! It’s breathtakingly beautiful!!

    • Mary says:

      Greece is truly beautiful Poppy and that is what I miss so much when I’m away. At this time of the year the earth is awakening and like you said flowers are blooming while we have snow. It is such an incredible juxtaposition and we are lucky to be able to observe it firsthand. .

  31. Love your B&W’s Mary…you definitely awakened your inner Ansel Adams!!!

  32. Katrin says:

    Very very beautiful Mary! Wow, I’m really blown away, I wish we’d have a little bit of snow over here….just a little, cause chaos would break out, lol! Your photos are stunning as always and I love the black and white change up!!!

    • Mary says:

      Katrin that is exactly what happened in my town when it snowed. Because we are located at sea level we are not used to snow and the town was paralyzed for a week. I’m also liking this change and I’ll have to try it again. Thanks dear friend

  33. Beautiful pictures Mary! The black and white photos are really lovely. I Love seeing the snow on the rocks, the town on the side of the mountains, and the moss covered tree.

  34. Carol says:

    Gorgeous photos, Mary! I actually love your black and white photos more than the colored ones. Beautiful!

    • Mary says:

      Carol I think they add something special to the photos that you don’t get with the colored. Thanks for reaffirming this.

  35. Cindy says:

    WOW! What beautiful Pictures dear Mary. They are so magazine worthy! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  36. Michelle says:

    Whoa Mary, the photos are stunning, especially the black and white ones. Isn’t it amazing when you remove the color how the stark beauty of the landscape just hits you. Beautiful

    • Mary says:

      Exactly Michelle. That blue sky is beautiful but sometimes you want the dramatic lines of the mountains to shine through.

  37. Nice scenery, Mary. You always make me homesick.
    I’ve never heard of raising bushes. Aren’t raisins dried grapes? LOL

    • Mary says:

      You know I should have said vineyards. It just looks so weird with all that snow.

      • Well, maybe they’re already dry… I seriously thought there’s a new animal out there I haven’t heard of yet. We live and learn. Speaking of, I need to learn to proofread before hitting submit (‘raising’) lol.

  38. Jackie Smith says:

    Oh I love this post, Mary. As a journalism student in college (‘back then’) we had to take photography, both the taking and developing of film — which of course (‘back then’) was done in a dark room. We studied Ansel Adams as the master of the photo and I still kick myself for not going when he appeared in a town a few hundred miles away to talk about photography. My photo instructor used to tell us that anyone can take a good color photo, but a great photographer takes a good black and white photo. You’ve done just that!

    • Mary says:

      Jackie you have just given me the highest compliment. Thank you so much. I have loved his work since my early college days. There is such atmospheric beauty in his compositions. You may not have seen him live but at least we have his amazing photos to admire.

  39. Hi Mary, the scenery around you is simply stunning and put ours to shame. I can only imagine the eyeball rolling that goes on when the part time residence head back to their holiday homes, putting more than one car on the road at a time!
    Your photos are lovely and I do like black and white, my favourite is the black and white ‘there is plenty pf snow and ice here’ one.

    • Mary says:

      Debbie youknow how it is the locals resent the part timers but also look forward to a little life in the villages.
      I think after this I will be doing black and white more often.

  40. Leanna says:

    Snow is not something that comes to mind when I think of Greece. I love all the seasons (some more than others lol) but these photos prove that Winter can provide a beautiful landscape when we look for it.
    Lovely post Mary.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Leanna. Did you know that in addition to lots of coast line we have a mountain range running thru Greece. This is why we have lots of snow and also lots of ski resorts. Who would have guessed! 😉

  41. Marie-Anne says:

    Your black and white photos are just gorgeous, Mary!!!
    It must have been very cold up there!!!!

    • Mary says:

      It must have been around freezing maybe a little colder. But with the sun shining it was so beautiful. I think those black and whites make it look even colder.

  42. Alycia C says:

    What a gorgeous trip. I have Greece on my bucket list now. I adore Black and white, and have long tried to imitate Ansel as well – yours turned out great! I think one of my favorite has to be the line of snow on the bushes and the scenery behind – it gives great contrast

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Alycia. He was a remarkable photographer and we can all learn so much from him. Of course it was easy for me to do these since they are mostly covered in snow. I’ll have to try this with a different landscape.

  43. Kellie says:

    I’m still in shock it snows in Greece at all. It has changed my perception, and I’m not totally sure how to handle it. I have traveled the Mediterranean, and Greece is so close to the hot hot dessert and equator. I just really had no idea. I feel educated, but I’m not sure how to handle the education. I live in Utah at the base of the mountains and it snows a lot. We even get snow in June (rarely, but it happens). But south, its not supposed to snow.

    • Mary says:

      Kellie we have lots of beaches but there is a mountain range that runs the length of Greece starting up in southern Albania. It is about 160 kilometers long. So you see we have plenty of mountains on the mainland. Lots of opportunities for snow. As long as you have altitude you have snow.

  44. Ivory says:

    Beautiful locations, just wish I could someday visit there. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures.

    • Mary says:

      Ivory I too wish the same for you. You would love it and now prices are dropping more and more so you never know.

  45. Such a stunning landscape Mary, you must never tire of gazing upon it 🙂 I love the black and white photos – they really give you a feel of the atmosphere.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Sarah, I know that you have seen your fair share of beautiful landscapes. I have a big window in my kitchen and just stare out of it when I’m doing the dishes … sometimes they don’t come out so clean!

  46. Mary, I am a huge fan of black and white photos, if you saw our art wall you know that. If you would have asked me before I saw these if I would like your Greece images in black and white I would have said no. I love all the color and sunshine that your images show, I would love to live by the ocean and you take exceptional photos! But, you’ve changed my mind. There is so much depth to the images without being distracted by the gorgeous blue sky! I am amazed! I love them both and I couldn’t choose one over the other. You have a great eye! Should we call you Ansel Jr.?

    • Mary says:

      Haha!! From your lips to Ansel Sr.’s ear!! Thank you so much for your sweet compliment. I did this as an experiment because let’s face it that blue sky really was hogging up all the attention. And it worked because there’s a lot of snow in the photos.

  47. Dear mary,
    soooo many beautiful pictures. I especially like the black-and-white ones and the one of the mosscovered tree.
    Have a great day,

  48. Beautiful photography! Such gorgeous scenery! I’v never been to Greece but my husband has. It is a beautiful country.
    I love the black and white photos. I must try some of mine in black and white.
    Thank you for your visit. It was great to meet you.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Bonnie, I’m sure your husband must have been raving. Althought we are famous for our beaches, I prefer to show another side of Greece. Good luck with your black and whites. I had so much fun doing this.

  49. Just last week I saw a couple of videos on Ansel that were produced by his son. It was very interesting to see how resourceful he was with his post production techniques. We are truly spoiled with tools like LR and PS!
    Greece never fails to mesmorize me, whether it’s in color or black and white.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Doreen. It’s always interesting to see things from a different light, or a different altitude for that matter. As for technology, well you know I would not be able to spend all that money on developing my mistakes. haha.

  50. Beautiful photos, Mary! I love the dramatic affects of black & white photography. I so enjoy your photographic tours of Greece. Now I’m heading over to YouTube…

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Marie. It was a new thing for me. And I’m really glad I tried it. Because I was not expecting such a huge difference in the images.

  51. Keri says:

    Mary, what a great idea to switch it up and do black and white photos. I love seeing the view through this colorless aspect.. Your pictures always look beautiful. I think my favorite is the photograph of the road.

    • Mary says:

      It was alot of fun and full of surprises Keri. You never know how it will turn out until you try. But it looks way colder than it actually was. The neverending road. I was lucky there wasn’t that much traffic up there.

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