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Two Year Blogoversary and My Favorite Posts

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I cannot believe I just typed that!  Has it been two years already? Yes, it was two years ago today that I started this blog.  In fact you can see my first ever post here.  It didn’t look like that when I first posted it.  I had no photography skills to speak of back then. Time sure has flown by fast. 

​Last year on my one year Blogoversary I talked to you all about my life and how I came to be a blogger. 

Today I’d like to review the past year and talk about what I have done and also share my favorite posts which by the way are not always the most popular. But more importantly I’d like to discuss what is important in blogging. I always manage to go overboard with these milestones, so grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s talk. 

The Projects

Blogging is much more than just a job.  It is a passion.  At least the part where I get to do the projects. That is pure joy. You’ve already seen my most popular projects of the year. Now I’m going to share my favorites.  

The year started off with a Spring project that really surprised me. It was a spring wreath.  I have made wreaths before but this was the first time I incorporated many different elements, from nature and from the house.  Those branches you see below came from my almond tree.

April was a very busy month.  Along with my friends, we started the Sweet Inspiration Link Party!  It’s been going strong ever since.  And we have met so many wonderful bloggers and become good friends with them.  In fact one of them, Michelle from A Crafty Mix,  joined us as hostess later on in the year.  

This was also the month that I tackled my ugly fireplace.  I had been inspired by another blog post, but it was the gentle nudge of my friend Kim that helped me to finish it. I met her on Facebook and she is not a blogger but an artist  This is another happy byproduct of blogging – connecting with amazing people who inspire. I painted the fireplace in two stages and below is the final result. I am so proud of this project.  When I walk into the house this is the first thing I see and it is something that will be here for years.   Had I not been blogging, I would not have attempted such a big project. 

May came around and I made my favorite wreath ever… at least till the next one. This May Day wreath was absolutely free, just flowers and branches picked at the farm. I still go back and look at this one and worry that I will never be able to replicate it. Once it dried, it took on a nostalgic beauty that stayed for months.
May was also the month the International Bloggers Club attempted their first furniture makeover. We started this group at the beginning of the year and have learned so much about each other’s countries and cultures.  In the end, we are all fruit, as the wise old man from “My big fat Greek wedding” says. These projects and the club have only served to bring us closer together as a tribe.
Another favorite was the photo displayer made from barbecue grill parts.  I gave this as a gift to my husband for Father’s Day but of course it can be used for much more than just photos. And the grill parts were used in a few more projects. I believe I got much more mileage out of that grill than anyone has a right to. 
Over the summer I slaved away at this vintage suitcase makeover, which proved to be much harder than I anticipated. I first painted the outside and then decoupaged the inside with maps, as you can see below. It was also the beginning of my participation in the ArtDeco blogger outreach program. They have so many different types of paints. 

 I use this suitcase now to keep all of my sewing notions and ribbons.  It’s nice to have everything in one place. And it’s even better to know that my basement has one less occupant.  
I guess the summer is when I do my organizing because I also tackled this easy project which I gifted to myself. A framed jewelry organizer. This was part of the yearlong blog hop I participated in where we made gifts each month for Christmas 2016.  How did that go, you ask?  Well, I kept most of them for my family.  But that is perfectly fine with me.
And we come to October where … well I really don’t know how to explain this one.   A pumpkin took over the blog and took on a life of its own.

Mr. Paranoid Man Pumpkin became so popular that he appeared in five of my posts. He has won all of our hearts and he is sitting on my living room table as I write this. There have even been requests for a Facebook fan page. Oh and let’s not forget that he even has a portrait of himself painted by the lovely Michelle, of A Crafty Mix. 

In November the International Bloggers Club held a gift swap. Each one of us chose something to make over and then gifted it to ourselves.  The catch was that the other members had to choose which project we would work on. The ladies picked this antique cauldron for me and I was able to spruce it up for Christmas.  But you can bet I’ve been using it a lot since then.

​And what a special gift this was, from friends that are spread out all over the world.  Had it not been for them, this old beauty would still be in my basement hiding in a corner. 

The photography

It’s no secret that I love photography, I even have a gallery just for photos. And I work hard to improve even if I have a simple camera.  What matters is what you do and not so much what type of equipment you have.

In June I began a series to share my most popular Facebook “photos of the day” with all of you who do not live on Facebook – like I do – and to say thank you.  The whole series is in the gallery.

My personal favorite has to be the Top of the World photo essay. My husband and I drove up the mountains as it was raining and when we reached the top we saw a sunset. To this day I thank him for that magical drive. 
And my second favorite, the boat ride into the sunset. Whereby we set out in the opposite direction from the previous year’s Magic in the Morning sunset trip. 
And let’s not forget the sorts blogoversary where I showed you my door collection

The Blog

I was very lucky to participate in the blog series “Between the Lines” hosted by Katherine of Kathrine’s Corner where I talked about what it means to be a blogger “of a certain age”.  Much of what I wrote still applies today. I was also astonished by how many bloggers there are out there that are like me.  
I even learned how to semi-handle slippery Facebook and I wrote a guest post about it on Nikki Frank-Hamilton’s  blog. That was a first for me, since I’m more comfortable writing about DIY projects.

And sadly because of my ever increasing obligations I had to eliminate the Greek translating that I was doing. I made the decision to concentrate on the projects and good quality photos, but I did write a tutorial on how to translate


As you can see it has been a very busy year.  Blogging is time consuming, and hard work.  Like I said before, the projects and photography are just the tip of the iceberg.

It is all the rest that we need to learn, Codes, and Social Media, Algorithms and pixels. The list goes on and on.  I was finally able to tackle the beast that is known as SEO. Yes, I went back to the beginning of my blog life and redid everything. That was a major goal for me this past year.   It turns out I was so clueless at the start that Google did not even know I existed! And where would I be without Google? 

I was also able to monetize my blog. Getting paid, even if it is a little is rewarding when you think that I put 60 plus hours into this blog every week. No one wants to work for free even if they love their job.  

This is the hard part and I am so grateful to my tribe, Pili, Katrin, Keri and Michelle for their continued support.  I also want to give a great big shout out to my favorite blogging guru and friend Nikki.  And to my WAYWOW tribe. And my Blogging Fifty group.  I can go on and on, but it would not be fair, I’d end up leaving someone out. 

Have you noticed a pattern here?  What has made me stronger and helped me to improve my blog in these two years has been my blogging community. This is the same community that I did not know existed in the beginning. And now I am in daily contact with them as if they are my neighbors and we share daily cups of coffee together (hi Lisa)! Yes we may all complain about Facebook but for me it has become the great unifier.  And no, I do not have shares at the stock market. 

Looking Ahead

And what does this coming year hold for me?

Since I am a big believer in the power of paint, I look forward to getting to know the Old Fashioned Milk Paint Co.s products much better now that I’ve become a Brand Blogger for them. It will be a learning curve, but we’ll enjoy the ride together. 

And I want to continue to share my surroundings with you in photos.  And of course to keep on improving those photography skills. 

Improving the look and navigation of the blog is also very important. Your experience here should be user friendly.  So if you have any problems or suggestions, please feel free to let me know in the Contact me section above.  I am learning new things every day and the old brain cells are doing the twist now!!

But mostly, I look forward to continuing with my repurposing and upcycling projects and I want to stress here that I always make things that a regular person can tackle.  I don’t have any special training or skills.  And I certainly don’t have any fancy machinery.  The never ending economic crisis here in Greece has limited my budget but not my imagination.  So with a bit of elbow grease and a lot of inspiration I will continue to share my sometimes wacky ideas with you. And I hope that you will try some of them too.  Not only do they make your home more pleasant, but they are also good for our environment. 

Thanks to all of you for putting up with this ridiculously long Two year Blogoversary post.  I only get a few times a year when I pour my heart out. Let me know which of my favorite projects were yours too. And if you have anything at all you wish to say reach out to me.  

Some more about me:
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Linking up to these Link Parties

This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will try reply to them or visit you on your blog. ​Please do not add a hyperlink to your comment, otherwise we cannot publish it.

  1. Jann Olson says:

    Congrats on your two year milestone! I enjoyed the look back at your favorite posts. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. We have many of the same interests. I agree, blogging is more time consuming than most readers realize. Congratulations on being able to earn a bit of money without cluttering up your blog with popups!

    • Mary says:

      Carole thank you for saying that. You don’t know how much I appreciate it. I always get annoyed when I go to other blogs and have to sit there and get rid of all those pop ups and so I made some changes a few months ago and eliminated a few things. I want this to be a pleasant experience not an obstace course. Thank you.

  3. Pili says:

    Two years is quite a long time and you have done and shared so many beautiful, creative and inspiring things. Not only your photography skills have improved, but now you are tackling major projects as a pro. Would you ever have imagined updating your son’s bookcases, or the bed your kids used to have? Of course, that fireplace is a piece of art and you should be proud of yourself for everything you do. Happy blogoversary my friend!!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you dear friend for sharing all your wisdom with me when I had no idea what I was doing! I think blogging is so much more than just the projects. It helps us to conquer our fears and go for it. Take a chance to try something new and if we mess up well, it is only paint. Thank you for traveling along this path with me and the rest of the tribe.

  4. Mrs. A. says:

    Congratulations!! Very inspiring to stick with it as a new blogger. Thank you.

    • Mary says:

      Good luck to you and remember we always do it for the love of the projects first. That is what drives us.

  5. debbie says:

    Mary Happy Anniversary! Isn’t it satisfying to look back and see all that you accomplished in posting and making projects as well as the friends that came along the way. YAY!

    • Mary says:

      I am lucky to know all of you ladies Debbie. It is such hard work and knowing that a friendly face or a kind word is on the other end of the internet can make all the difference. Plus the house is full of one of a kind pieces.

  6. Happy Two Year Blogaversary Mary! How the time does fly! I remember you making the spring wreath and painting your fireplace like it was last month.
    Your photographs are lovely, I would never have guessed you weren’t into photography before, in fact I thought you were an old time blogger (as in blog age, not personal age!).
    I think my favourite upcycle of yours was the little barbecue grill thing that you turned into a decoration for the balcony. I thought it was very clever and effective.
    Wishing you many more years of blogging!

    • Mary says:

      Hah Debbie. It’s only been two years but I’ve managed to pack a lot of learning into them. When I was young before kids I had an interest in photography but had such a hard time learning and then developing all those bad photos was costing me a fortune. So I gave it up. But now with digital cameras it is so much easier. It is a pleasure to play with the images.
      Looking forward to many more years of photos and visits back and forth.

  7. Keri says:

    Mary, Happy Two Year Bloggiversary!!!! That’s so awesome that you’ve been blogging for 2 years! It’s great to look back and see all the wonderful things you’ve made, learned, taught and accomplished, that’s pretty fantastic! You even made a pumpkin famous! 🙂 Mary, you’re an amazing blogger and an even more amazing friend!! I’m so glad to know you and that we’re in a tribe together!!! I pray God’s deepest, richest blessings on you, your family and your blog!!! 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much dear friend. It has been an honor and a pleasure to grow this blog alongside you and the other ladies. Blogging is certainly hard and without all of your support it would have been easy to give up. But knowing that my friends get what I am going through makes it so much easier. And of course there are the laughs that we all share. I am looking forward to many more years as a tribe.

  8. Is it really a year since you shared your door essay – unbelievable how time flies, I love all these projects, but it was Mr Paranoid Man who made me smile the most 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Sarah my door essay was a year and a half. I take every opportunity possible to celebrate and to do more photo essays.

  9. Congratulations. We are close. I hit my 2 years last October! Yay us!

    • Mary says:

      And here I thought you had been blogging much longer Michelle. Your projects are amazing. Yay to us indeed!!

  10. Maya says:

    Happy blogoversary Mary!

  11. Happy-Bloggy Birthday! You’ve accomplished so much in just two short years. I love all of your projects. Best wishes for continued fun and success in the coming year!

    • Mary says:

      Carol thank you so much for your well wishes. I feel as if I am just getting started. In the beginning I knew nothing about all those wonderful products out there. I had to make do with whatever was in my home. But now I can do so much more and have fun with all the crafting products that are available.

  12. Happy blogoversary Mary! I ‘m wishing you all the best and waiting for your new imaginative projects! The only thing I wanted to say (since you given us permission to speak haha) is to check the Website field of the comment form that doesn’t seem to support auto-fill (maybe it’s my browser? pls let me know if it works on other ppl PCs)

    • Mary says:

      Katerina, thanks for the feedback. I asked around and heart that on some browsers it is supported and others it is not. I think Chrome might support it. Thanks for your well wishes.

  13. Diana says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary, Mary–it’s been a pleasure watching you grow and getting to know you 🙂 Wishing you many blessings in the year ahead! Thanks for linking up your posts with us at Vintage Charm–

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Diana for your sweet words. I am also looking forward to the year ahead and improving my painting skills.

  14. Laurie says:

    Mary, A very happy two year anniversary to you! You are an inspiration to so many and passion in your heartfelt posts – such a pleasure to read. Your creativity in up-cycling and re-purposing with simple items is as admirable as the peek into your world through your photography is beautiful. I can’t wait to see what year three and beyond brings.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Laurie. You have been an inspiration to me when I first started you would feature me in your parties and encourage me to move ahead.

  15. Eilis says:

    Happy blogoversary. Great review of your inspiring posts.

  16. Congratulation on 2 years of blogging. I am so glad I have gotten to follow you during this 2nd year. It has been so much fun. Looking forward to seeing where blogging life takes you next year.

    • Mary says:

      Life certainly has become a lot more fun with blogging. Who else is going to put up with all this DIY obsessing but other fellow DIYers! Thank you Melissa.

  17. Lisa says:

    Congratulations on reaching the two year mark Mary.
    You are an inspiration to all those who repurpose things.

    • Mary says:

      Lisa pretty soon the ho use will be so full I won’t know what to do with all this stuff. Thanks dear friend!

  18. Leanna says:

    Two years and already a mentor. I believe you were one of the very first bloggers I ever connected with 8 months ago. Your blog has evolved lots since then. I love the old cauldron post, but if I had to choose just one, its the suitcase with the map lining. I never see an old suitcase without thinking about you Mary.
    Glad I came across your blog.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Leanna for your kind words. My first year was full of sputters and mistakes. But this second year was much better in terms of the actual business. As for ideas I think once you jump into blog land you are so inspired that the ideas sprout in your sleep.

  19. Congratulations on two years of blogging! How exciting! I am so glad to have met you. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  20. Pam says:

    Congratulations, Mary! I would have never known you were only in your second year. Sara and I started in earnest a little over one year ago, and if we could make great strides like you have by the end of year two, I would be thrilled! You should be very proud.
    By the way, I love the photos of the doors 🙂

    • mary says:

      Pam I pretty much wasted my first year. I had no idea I was supposed to be on Google Analytics or Webmaster. All the basic things that we first do when we start a blog. So I did a lot of catching up on my second year. You’ll do great!!

  21. Amber Harrop says:

    Happy Anniversary Mary I love visiting your blog 🙂

  22. Nadia says:

    Happy Blogoversary, Mary! You are very inspirational! Good luck to you in the future!

  23. Botanic Bleu says:

    Happy 2nd Blogiversary. Thank you for sharing on Monday Social all your posts.

  24. Michelle says:

    Happy blogoversary Mary, wishing you so very many more. I remember your fire place so well. I think it was one of the first times in my life that I commented on a blog. I was always too petrified to do it before, but what you did was so wow and you were so friendly and down to earth. Such a truly real and amazing person and now I’m one of the lucky ones who can call you a friend. Thank you for being you and for always being there for everyone. <3

    • Mary says:

      It is only fitting that you should be the first to comment dear friend. This is an incredible journey we are on. It defines us and how much stamina we have. But having a friend like you makes it a pleasure.
      And I learned something new about you today! And now you’ve become the commenting queen!! 😉

  25. krista says:

    Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! I have enjoyed all your projects. You are so creative. However, I really enjoyed how you transformed the fireplace. It was amazing. Looking forward to your 3rd year.

    • Mary says:

      Krista I thank you for all of your support you have been here from my first year if I remember right. Yes that fireplace will last for a while. I’m not about to climb on a ladder to do that again.

  26. Cindy says:

    Congratulations sweet lady on your 2nd year of blogging. It’s funny to look back and then to now isn’t it. But I must say, you are an amazing blogger and you share so many things that seems to spark a lot of interest. I am so glad that I am getting to know you more. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Cindy. Although we have not know each other for long, I really enjoy visiting your blog for the huge variety of topics you write about. Hugs back!

  27. Florence says:

    Happy 2 year bloggerversary Mary! You started about a year before I did. Interesting post & that fireplace of yours is beautiful! Must have missed that somewhere along the way. Enjoyed reading about your journey. Seeing your projects. I’m still struggling to grow…it can be super slow sometimes. Love you!

    • Mary says:

      Florence don’t be discouraged. The first year was very hard for me too. I made so many mistakes because I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing. I didn’t know about Google Analytics, or SEO. And I had to go back and add all that stuff.
      But as you already know the best thing is the support from the community. We belong to a wonderful group full of wise ladies. Hugs,

  28. Congrats, Mary!!
    It is way more time consuming than you even realize, huh?
    But you’ve been so busy and you’re so creative. It’s so nice that you share these ideas with the rest of us!!

    • Mary says:

      Jodie you are a different type of blogger but no less busy. You have to plan out your outfits and get them photographed and then edited. That is a lot of work. And then there is all the other stuff, it never ends. 🙂

  29. Nancy Andres says:

    Happy 2nd Blogoversary Mary. Way to go. I sure have enjoyed your creative, earth-friendly make-overs. Keep up the good work. Your enthusiasm is delightful. Keep that up too. Hugs, Nancy Andres

    • Mary says:

      Nancy I’m so glad my enthusiasm shows. I really love doing all these projects and even when I flop it is a lesson well learned. Plus we are all here to have fun.

  30. Time goes by soooooo fast Mary, especially when we are having fun, and it’s clear that is exactly what you’re doing.
    I didn’t realize you put so much time into your blog! Kudos to you my friend. You’re an inspiration.
    I don’t remember the fireplace, but most everything else I do. I’m going to hop on over…

    • Mary says:

      Doreen, there is so much to learn that every free minute I have has to be spent studying. Also you know we have to jump through hoops to play the social media game.
      Thanks for your encouragment. Have a great time.

  31. Happy blog anniversary! I am so glad I found you this year. 🙂

  32. Kellie says:

    Two years and your a pro. I really thought you had been blogging for years. Such a large following and such success, that goes to show you love your passion.

    • Mary says:

      Well I wouldn’t go that far Kellie, but thank you for the encouragement. I do love what I do and it’s all because of the projects and the community.

  33. Zenda says:

    Congratulations on blog year number 2! You have such neat ideas and I love reading about them. I’ve taken a few months off but am ready get back on the blogging track and your creative blog is one that inspires me! Wishing you a busy and happy year 3…and many more!!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Zenda. I am really looking forward to following along on your blogging journey to see what you will do with that gorgeous house of yours.

  34. Gabi Ralea says:

    I’m so glad I found you! It was the article about the cauldron the first that I read here, and I haven’t miss a post since then. Happy blogoversary, Mary!

    • Mary says:

      Oh Gabi, we have so much in common and I am really glad we connected. It’s all about the community.!!

  35. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging Mary! You have been such an encouragement to so many and I appreciate you amongst the blogging community.

    • Mary says:

      We began at the same time and although we don’t have the same types of blogs I’ve learned a lot from you Erin. You’ve also been through some major changes. I wish you a wonderful third year and lots of growth.

  36. Emily says:

    Congrats, Mary, on your blog anniversary!

  37. Katrin says:

    Happy 2 year Blogoversary Mary!!! I’m so happy about how much your blog grew and love “hanging out” with you! I love all of your posts and stories and of course your photos!! You’re one of a kind dear friend!!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Katrin. You were my first internet friend. Did I ever tell you that? I remember you gave me the leibster before I even knew what it was. It is an honor and pleasure to be on this journey with you. May we continue for many more years.

  38. Marie-Anne says:

    Congratulations on your two years blogiversary, dear Mary!
    I always enjoy reading your posts and I admire you for your ideas and creations! Keep on with the good work!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Marie-Anne. It makes me so happy to be able to share these projects with everyone. I feel so lucky when the community shares all their amazing creations with me.

  39. Pat says:

    Congratulations of your blog anniversary, Mary! I’m amazed at all you accomplished in only 2 years!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Pat. I love blogging and that is what keeps me going every week. And the opportunity to meet so many wonderful bloggers keeps me moving forward.

  40. Here’s to another amazing year of blogging and friendship! Cheers!

  41. Happy anniversary, dear Mary!
    Hope you’ll keep on blogging many more years, indulging us with your love, your ideas, your enthousiasm and your life-affirming optimism!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much sweet friend for your kind words. I think the optimism part describes me to a letter! And I always like to encourage people to follow what they love. Hugs back,

  42. Beautiful – Happy 2 Year Blogoversary Mary! It’s been a joy watching your blog grow and being blown away by your creative way to repurpose found treasures around your home. Here’s to an even better year #3!

    • Mary says:

      Marie I am happy to be on this journey surrounded by friends like you. When I first started I remember going to your blog and reading all about the furniture painting and what to avoid and what to do right. In fact there was one MCM that was such a stickler. We have had quite a few laughs these past years. Thanks for all your support my friend!

  43. Cristina says:

    Happy aniversary Mary! Keep up the good work, and all those amazing photos!

  44. Uwe says:

    Hello Mary,
    Congratulations to the blogoversary,
    In the two years you have done really many great things,
    Best regards

  45. Happy Blogoversary. I always look forward to seeing your projects. You are so right when you say blogging is hard work. I am glad you aren’t afraid of a little hard work. I look forward to tagging along on your blogging journey.

    • Mary says:

      Debra it is hard work but also very rewarding. I was thinking the other day that we are all lucky to be able to share so much with each other because who else is going to understand our enthusiasm for milk paint or our obession with tables? All that and the other hard stuff like SEO and Pinterest which is really a lot harder than it seems. Thank you for your support friend!

  46. Πέρασαν κιόλας δύο χρόνια Μαίρη μου;;;; Πόσο γρήγορα περνάει ο καιρός. Πόσα όμορφα και διαφορετικά πράγματα έκανες μέσα σε αυτά τα δύο χρόνια! Εύχομαι να είσαι πάντα τόσο δημιουργική για πολλά χρόνια ακόμη να μας χαρίζεις ιδέες και όμορφες εικόνες! Είσαι τόσο γλυκός κι ευγενικός άνθρωπος κι αυτό είναι που μετράει περισσότερο… συνέχισε έτσι 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Αχχ Χριστινα μου, σε ευχαριστω παρα πολυ για τα καλα σου λογια. Νομιζω αυτο ειναι ποου μετραει παν’απ ολα ! Να σεβομαστε τους ανθρωπους που μας επισκεπτονται.
      Εχω μαθει τοσο πολλα απο σενα και το υπεροχω μπλογ σου.

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