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A Repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas – Int’l Bloggers Club Challenge

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Disclosure: I was compensated for doing this post with product.  However, all the opinions stated here are my own. I only use products I love and would recommend to my viewers. 
It’s my favorite time of the month again, the Int’l Bloggers Club Challenge. Each month five friends get together and share different topics from their corner of the world.  In the past we have talked about Halloween, Fall and Summer.  But this month we are doing something totally different.  We are doing a “Thankful for Friends Gift Swap.”  For the swap I have chosen to repurpose an antique cauldron for Christmas. 
Int'l Bloggers Club Logo, the boondocks blog
But let’s take it from the beginning. From time to time we bloggers like to do swaps where we send different items to one another and we repurpose them.  However in our case, we could not do this because we all live very far from each other.  

Instead of sending items to each other we opted to take pictures of things in our homes that needed makeovers or repurposing. Below are the items that I submitted. An antique cauldron, an electric roasting pan and a paper punch with missing pieces.
Selection for the gift swap, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
We then had to vote on each other’s submissions and the item with the most votes would be the one that we would have to work on. The consensus was that I should repurpose this cauldron.  It would then be a gift to me from my dear friends of the Int’l Bloggers Club.

As you can see below, this cauldron was nasty.  It was found in my basement, and probably would have stated there forever if it was not for this challenge.  Full of rust and dirt, it was not something I would want to display in my home.  In fact, I found out that it had been used in the past to dye fabric.

Apparently it has been around in our family since before the Revolution of 1821.  So it really is an antique, at least 200 years old. It is a Turkish Copper pot cauldron with cast iron handles. Thanks to the hubs for all this info. 
The antique cauldron before, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
The first step was to give it a good cleaning. I poured lots of vinegar on it and scrubbed it with a soapy solution. Lo and behold I found lots of beautiful patina underneath all that black dirt. 
After it was cleaned, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
The patina was nice but I wanted to preserve the old antique look with a bit more color so I added some burnished brass from DecoArt  Metallic Lustre.  You may remember when I used this particular product on my vintage suitcase and on the tin can repurpose. I’ve added Amazon links to these products below, if you’d like to purchase them. 
Burnished brass, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links and link to If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.

​I watered it down a little and lightly dabbled it on. I also added some acrylic bronze color. 
Brushing on the brass, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
And this is how my antique cauldron looked after I was done with the dabbling. It certainly brings out the beauty of the metal. But I was not done. 
Adding more metallic color, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
I found this cake stand…
A cake stand, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
…and placed it inside the cauldron and added a black fabric on top. You can actually add anything at all, I was just looking for something to add height. 
the cake stand placed inside the cauldron with a piece of fabric on top, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
And because Christmas is right around the corner it was only natural that I’d want to make a decor using mini-Christmas trees and a Santa snow globe. 
Adding trees and a snow globe, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
I added some gold strings onto the trees and placed stars at the top.
gold accents, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
I liked the metallic look so much that I added this Christmas tree… 
A gold tree, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
…and a small tealight holder with a pinecone inside. 
tealight with pinecone, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
But I didn’t like the tea light holder so I switched it out for this votive with the pinecone. 
red votive, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
And for some more interest, a candle inside the gold Christmas tree.  Don’t worry I promise not to light it. 
a white candle is placed under the gold tree, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
And this is the Christmas gift given to me by my dear Int’l Blogger Club friends. And I have to stress here that it really was given to me by them because I would have never in a million years dragged that old metal heap out of the basement had they not prompted me to go looking for something.  And I would also not have found out that I have an antique in my possession.  It’s good to have friends like these who push you in the right direction!
Christmas decor, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Gold accents, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Taking my cue from Santa’s snow globe, I also sprayed the trees and ground with Ice Crystal spray.  You can read all about my accidental discovery of  the snow spray that wasn’t here
Santa's snow globe, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Snow on the ground, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Cauldron handle, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Trees with snow, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
How much did all of this cost me?  Only the price of the candle!  Look around  your home and use what you have.  You would be amazed at how many things can be used over and over to create new looks and vignettes. 
Christmas vignette, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
This project was done on a rainy morning outside on the balcony.  The photos are not the best.  But today I took the opportunity to take some more shots in sunny weather so you can actually see the beauty of the antique cauldron and how it shimmers. 
Shimmering cauldron, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Detail of antique cauldron with red votive, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
The shine of the antique cauldron with patina, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
Detail of handle and patina on antique cauldron, A repurposed Antique Cauldron for Christmas theboondocksblog
And so I have a repurposed antique cauldron for Christmas!  This was the best challenge yet.  Not only did I get a great gift from my friends in the Int’l Bloggers Club.  But I also had the opportunity to see this antique cauldron for what it really is – a genuine treasure. I guess from now on I need to have more respect for that basement of mine.  

​Happy Holidays everyone!!
a repurposed antique cauldron for Christmas, theboondocksblog
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest.  Above is a Pinterest worthy image!

​If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox. The form is on the sidebar and your e-mail will never be shared with a third party.
Meet the bloggers, Int'l Bloggers Club Challenge,
It is now time to visit the other ladies and see what they have prepared for this month’s “Thankful for friends Gift Swap” Challenge. Simply click on the images below my name.  If you’d like to see more past challenges click here.
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links and link to If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.

More Int’l Bloggers Club Crafts:
<<Sweet Inspiration Link Party #32    HOME   Easy Green Christmas Centerpieces>>  

This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

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  1. Nikki says:

    Holy smokes! That old beat-up cauldron looked like it was used by a witch. But you cleaned it up and added that patina and it looks fabulous. It is the perfect container for the Christmas trees and the snow globe. What a great decoration for the holiday season. You ladies of the Int’l Bloggers Club Rock!

    • Mary says:

      Well, I don’t want to say that any of my past relatives were witches but yes, it does look like it belong to a witch.

  2. Michele says:

    I love it that this cauldron has been in your family forever and that you were able to give it new life. Now that I see it dolled up, I see the rustic beauty of it.

  3. marjan says:

    Mary this turned out absolutely awesome! The cauldron is one of a kind and the patina adds the right touch to it.

  4. debbie says:

    You have such an imagination! I could have never come up with that. I love that you didn’t just paint it all up but gave it a soft touch. Such a cute display

  5. Kim says:

    How cool is that cauldron! You really have the neatest stuff. Love what you did with it…a Christmas cauldron…love it!

  6. Cindy says:

    Love that cauldron. WOW! You can use that beauty all year round. Somehow I have this feeling that you will do lots of great things with that beauty. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. What a nice transformation of the old cauldron. The gold accent was a perfect choice. Love the way you designed the Christmas display in it.

  8. Gabi says:

    Mary, I love your project! It reminds me that I have two old clay pots still waiting for an updo.
    And I love Greece a lot, it’s my favorite summer holiday destination. Actually, discovering your blog gave me a new idea about decorating in colors of Greece.

  9. Melissa says:

    Love the history behind this piece. You did an amazing job with the restoration. I love how you are using the cauldron for a Christmas vignette. You can use it year round and change out the cauldron. How cool is that!? I wish I had a cauldron hanging around my basement. Pinned and shared! Melissa from

  10. Florence says:

    Mary, I must say I’m impressed. My eye glanced at the first few words of this post which said “I found…” I finished the sentence…”in her basement…” LOL. What treasures your basement holds! That is a beautiful cauldron, and you have made it into a versatile piece now. I love its rusticity. The Christmas display is inspiring too. I’m going to look around here to see what I can create with what I have on hand.

    • Mary says:

      Florence although we “met” not too long ago I feel as if we have become fast friends. And you can even finish my sentences for me.

  11. Melony says:

    Love, love, love this cauldron. I can’t imagine finding something this old in my house- that is so wonderful!!

  12. I love your Christmas vignette! What a great find and Christmas present to yourself. I like how you added some orf your burnished brass, and bronze to the cauldron. Would love to find a cauldron in my basement, oh wait! I don’t have a basement. Can I come look in yours?

  13. Mary, your cauldron is just lovely! Such a pretty vignette you created. You are so lucky to have a magic basement! LOL Hope you have a lovely week, Cynthia

  14. I love the cauldron and the mesh Christmas tree.

    • Mary says:

      I had to leave the cauldron in Greece when we moved but it is still there somewhere. And I’ll always have the photos. 🙂

  15. maria says:

    This is so creative. You never know what you find. the cauldron turned out special. Love it.

  16. You did a beautiful job on this already gorgeous piece! I love the burnishing polish, that made it look even better!

  17. What a beauty Mary! Glad you were persuaded to go into the base. I love the antique cauldron, and it cleaned up nicely. Adding the metallic to it was a nice touch, and the Christmas scene is lovely with the metallic.

  18. SONJA HANSEN says:

    I have a copper pot (I will now call it a caldron.) that I got on eBay. It looks almost exactly like yours. I keep it by my front door with petunias in the summer, pumpkins in the fall and scented pine cones in the winter. I think I will follow your lead and add to the patina here and there to make it sparkle just a bit.

    • Mary says:

      I am so happy to hear that I’m not the only one with a cauldron Sonja. Enjoy yours and yes the patina does make a subtle difference and in the sunlight it sparkles.

  19. Julie says:

    You really do take things that that the rest of us would just leave in the basement and you breath new life in them!

  20. Carol says:

    Mary, I would love to see your basement and everything that’s in it. I sounds like it’s filled with lots of potential items just waiting to be repurposed into a new creation that you’ve come up with. This was a great idea for your cauldron. I’m pinning and sharing. Great job, my friend!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Carol. It is so full of stuff, even I don’t know whats in there. Case in point this treasure which I thought was ready for the dumpster.

  21. Jann Olson says:

    I love how the cauldron turned out! I have a similar one that I got at a yard sale. The top is quite worn, but I loved the patina. I plant it each spring and use it out on my deck. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. Diana says:

    What a lovely Christmas display, Mary, and SO creative. Thanks for linking up both your posts with us at Vintage Charm 🙂

  23. I just adore that cauldron, Mary! You have come across some of the most unusual things … I’d be interested in seeing how old it is. It looks like it was hand forged xo

  24. Heidi says:

    Beautiful metal on that cauldron! Great idea on how to repurposing it!

  25. Carol says:

    Not only do I like the Christmas decor, I just plain love the antique cauldron. You’ll find other uses for it in other season – you are so creative!

  26. Lisa says:

    This is such a great piece. You added just the right amount of lustre to make it look authentic.
    Happy Monday!

  27. I love this holiday vignette, Mary! It’s adorable and quite unique! You can find the best in your basement – your very own antique flea market – to make into whatever you want! So creative and classic!

  28. To tell you the truth I was expecting a plant or something in there but I love it as with the Christmas decoration! It seems now something magical!

    • Mary says:

      Well I was thinking that Christmas is all about magic and a sense of dressing up the house with things we wouldn’t otherwise have. So that is how I decided to go in that direction. Plants are for the rest of the year.

  29. The cauldron is beautiful and I am sure you will use it year round. The Christmas decorations in it are very lovely and a nice kick off for the holidays.

    • Mary says:

      The cauldron was truly a find. I had never paid attention to it till Michelle came up with this challenge. I guess when you are forced to come up with something that is when you see the beauty in the junk.

  30. Very cool Ms. Mary. Pinned and shared. 🙂

  31. Katrin says:

    Mary, I would have used your lovely antique cauldron for the exact same idea! I love little vignettes and the cauldron is perfect for it, and you can use it all year round, which is great! You really gave it some glam with the brushes of brass to it but without taking away it’s antique look which I love!

    • Mary says:

      And to think Katrin that I had it in a corner as a piece of junk. Blogging really does help us to see things in a different light and to appreciate the cast aside thing.

  32. Pili says:

    Mary, that cauldron is a gem!! Love the patina it showed after you cleaned it, and the addition of the metallic cream is just perfect!! I will look awesome displaying Christmas stuff but not only for that, I think it is gorgeous to be used all year round. The shades of blue it has will fit any summer and beachy stuff too!

  33. Mary says:

    What a clever idea. I love anything repurposed.
    It being from your family with such a remarkable age is such a gift in itself. Well done

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Mary. It truly was an unearthed gift for me because if I hadn’t done this project I never would have realized what a treasure it was.

  34. Renee says:

    It is beautiful! How nice of a wayto together with friends if not in person! I love the idea of the get together and how you made a place for this beautiful antique again!

    • Mary says:

      Renee we do this every month but it was the first time we gave gifts to each other in this most unusual form.

  35. What a special cauldron indeed! It’s amazing to have it along with the story after all of these years. It looks stunning!

  36. Maria Brittis says:

    Love the new look to your blog! And I love what you did with the tree in that pot! You are so imaginative.

  37. krista says:

    Apparently your basement holds a whole host of treasures! I really like what you did with the caldron. It is so awesome that it has a long history. The bronze was a good choice.

  38. Lynn says:

    It’s a good thing I’m not the coveting kind, because I could very easily covet that pot!!!! It’s beautiful. And you’ll be able to use it year/round…sans the Christmas trees!!! Really so lovely and what a great find.

  39. I would love to see a picture of your basement Mary! You seem to have a never-ending supply of treasures down there you lucky girl :).
    I can imagine so many uses for this beautiful piece, one being a base for a Christmas tree. It’s amazing that it’s 200 years old!! So cool!

    • Mary says:

      Doreen I think I need to spend more time in my basement. I hate going there because it is so dusty and dark, almost like an attic but the treasures I find are so worth it.

  40. Poppy says:

    Mary, what an amazing transformation! You really made this antique cauldron shine! Very pretty decoration to top it off and put us all in the Christmas spirit, (still too early, in opinion, though). Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  41. What a wonderful Cauldron, and with such history, can you imagine all the things it must have seen over all those years? That old paper punch is quite a piece too! Love your vignette, starting to feel quite christmassy now 🙂

  42. Josephine Howland says:

    Mary, that is gorgeous! I love that the cauldron was used for dyeing fabric, as I have a degree in Fashion and textile design. Of course the cauldron also appeals to the witch in me! You could use it year round for all sorts of things, such as holding kindling near a fireplace, or magazines near your favorite chair. Enjoy!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Josephine. It really was a treasure unearthed from that basement of mine. I can’t wait to repurpose it now that the holiday season is over.

  43. Keri says:

    Mary, wow the history of this cauldron makes it that much more special! I love how you added some detail to take the piece from great to awesome. The Christmas vignette is beautiful, what a perfect way to display the decorations!

    • Mary says:

      Keri when I put this together it was raining and I was out on the balcony. You can imagine my excitement when it all came together.

  44. Michelle says:

    What a beautiful find Mary and with so much history too. That basement of yours is an absolute gold mine of hidden treasures and weirdly wonderful things begging to be discovered. I can’t believe how beautiful the cauldron looks after you cleaned it and added the Metallic Lustre and it’s so clever to use it as a base for your Christmas vignette. Love it!!

    • Mary says:

      Michelle, if it hadn’t been for your idea that cauldron would still be sitting in the basement. Thank goodness you came up with that challenge. Now I see what a treasure that was.

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