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An Easy Repurpose of a T-shirt into Wall Art

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Today I have a super quick project. Now I know that normally I don’t do these quick projects, but in this case it was necessary. If you’re looking for a diy craft project for your old tshirts or other clothing, learn how to easily upcycle a t shirt into wall art.

upcycled tshirt placed into the embroidery hoop and hung on the wall.

My sweet daughter made this t-shirt years ago.  

Oh did I ever tell you the girls had a t-shirt business? The older one was in charge of the finances and the younger one was the creative genius.  She would sit there and painstakingly copy images onto t-shirts. It was a lot of work, and she burned out after a few months of doing it. But it was her first taste of running a business. 

Back to the tshirt. Of course she’s all grown up now and she doesn’t wear it any more. She wanted to get rid of it. But I, being the proud mama, was not about to let her throw it out!  Instead I did an easy tshirt upcycle and made fun wall art. 

Old white tshirt with a circle and an image of a girl character in the middle.

Just look at that cute face!  No way was that going into the recycling bin!

Close up of a head of the character on a tshirt.

I noticed a stain on the t-shirt and instead of doing the logical thing and washing it, I covered it up instead.  In my defense, it was a nasty smudge, so I don’t know if it would have come out.

Instead I sewed some pretty buttons on top of the smudge.

Close up of three buttons sewn onto the white t-shirt.

How to Upcycle a Tshirt into Wall Art

I had this embroidery hoop lying around the house and figured I’d use that.

I used to do a lot of embroidery when I was younger (read before kids) but now I don’t have time at all.  It was always a fun and relaxing activity for me.

Wooden embroidery hoop.

I placed the tshirt through the hoop and tightened it.  I didn’t even bother to cut it into a circle. But I did fasten the fabric in the back with a stapler. This ensured that it wouldn’t be flying all over the place.

upcycled tshirt placed into the embroidery hoop and hung on the wall.

​I also added a brown cord and a black ribbon so I could hang the hoop on the wall. The brown cord matches the wood of the hoop and of course the black goes with her drawing.

Cord and ribbon added to the top of the hoop.

You have to admit, I did a pretty good job of hiding the smudge on the tshirt.

Close up of three buttons sewn onto the white t-shirt.
Close up of the girl character drawing on a white tshirt.

How could she have thought I’d let her throw out this little masterpiece?  

Close up of hoop wall art made from an upcycled tshirt. It shows a girl character and three sewn on buttons.

And so the day was saved and so was that awesome (according to me) tshirt that I easily repurposed into wall art!  

​Now spill the beans!  I know your kids or nieces and nephews create masterpieces all the time.  What do you do with them? Are you a hoarder like me or do you get rid of little gems like this?

For additional t shirt upcycle ideas, check out this easy upcycled tshirt bag as well as t shirt yarn you can make!

Close up of hoop wall art made from an upcycled tshirt. It shows a girl character and three sewn on buttons and text overlay "T-shirt easily repurposed into wall art"

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  1. June Rostad says:

    Came over from nifty thrifty. Sew cute! The embroidery hoop makes a good “picture” frame. I want to run out and buy a bunch of sharpies for my daughter now, so she can draw me a good picture on some fabric!!

    • Mary says:

      Sharpies would be a great idea. Mine used fabric paint and that is how she got that thick texture. I think anything they draw for us is a masterpiece.

  2. This is genius Mary, I so wish I had thought of it when the kids were little and I had to get rid of all their adorable little T shirts with pictures on, as they grew out of them. Will definitely keep this in the back of my mind for when an opportunity pops up 🙂

    • Mary says:

      I’m sure many opportunities will pop up they are still young. And you’ll be able to preserve these moments in time.

  3. What a sweet way to preserve such a treasure! Good work Mama! I’m sure your daughter feels so loved and you get to keep a special memory front and center!

    • Mary says:

      She is at an age where she is happy but she is “so over it”. You know the stage. I’m sure she’ll be happy that I did this later on.

  4. Hi Mary, your daughter is so talented, I wonder where she gets it from? I’m surprised you don’t go into business together. I like what you’ve done with the teeshirt too. I have kept things my children made, but none of them are show worthy, they are just the sort of things a Mum keeps. We did make one of my daughters favourite tee-shirts into a cushion when she outgrew it though.

    • Mary says:

      Debbie everything is show worthy if it has value for you. Art doesn’t have to be fancy it has to have meaning for the viewer and be loved. I think you can find lots of special things to put on display.

  5. debbie says:

    Mary, what a wonderful way to keepsake any tee shirt for a child. It is a really sweet illustration and has so much sentimental value for you both.

    • Mary says:

      Yes it does Debbie. And although she may not appreciate it now she will thank me later.

  6. Keri says:

    Mary, this is such an awesome tshirt! Your daughter is quite the artist. What a fantastic idea to frame the shirt. I love how you hid the stain, very clever! I think this is a sweet way to save a treasured project.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Keri. Pretty soon you’ll have more special things and keepsakes, more than you’ll know what to do with and where to store them. So much joy and so many memories.

  7. That is adorable Mary. What a wonderful keepsake!

  8. Rebecca says:

    What a cute t-shirt! Your daughter is very talented. She must get it from you. That’s a beautiful, and very sentimental, wall hanging

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Rebecca. I really wanted to hold onto this to show her that even when she was younger she still had talent.

  9. Such a talented daughter you have, Mary. I love how you repurposed her artwork! I have a talented daughter, as well. Unfortunately she’s a minimalist and wants to throw everything out. While I can’t keep everything, I at least get a picture of her work before we pass it on for someone else to enjoy 😀 Wouldn’t it be great if we’re both working for our daughters some day?! 😀 Have a great weekend!

    • Mary says:

      Ahh you feel me Cynthia. Just the other day she said to me in our next house we should do minimal! What do I say to her now?? I think we would drive each other crazy! haha!

  10. Maya says:

    It is a gorgeous drawing Mary and I wouldn’t have thrown it either. Making it into a wall art is a fantastic idea – you’ve got a piece of your child’s art to treasure and enjoy. I also checked out Ina’s you tube channel – she is doing a fantastic job!

    • Mary says:

      Thank youso much Maya. She works so hard at making those video’s. It;s her way of expressing herself and I am really proud of her because I could never do what she does. It takes even longer than to write a blog post.

  11. Nadia says:

    Mary, I love this graphics! I would absolutely wear it! Did your daughter draw it? I would not get rid of it neither – great idea to turn it into a wall art!

    • Mary says:

      Yes Nadia, she saw the design somewhere and drew it onto the t-shirt. She used fabric paint. But I really liked it and although she doesn’t wear it anymore I wanted to preserve it.

  12. Celeste says:

    You and your daughters are so creative, Mary! I just love this! What a great way to preserve a special t-shirt and turn it into wall art!

    • Mary says:

      Celeste, start taking notes. Your house will be full of keepsakes and special sentimental things before you know it.

  13. Mary, this is so special. First of all your daugther is so talented, takes after Mom. And to save a special project like this is so meaningful. It is a great way to display that special tee shirt.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Debra. If it was up to me I’d save everything but there really isn’t enough room with all the things they create.

  14. Amber Harrop says:

    I adore that image you have used Mary and it is such a clever idea to make the shirt into a picture 🙂

  15. Cute project. great repurpose.

  16. Michelle says:

    What an adorable upcycle! I like the buttons. They add a bit of whimsy.

  17. What a great idea!! Love it!

  18. Thid is a very creative design and loved the DIY Wall art.

  19. Great Job Mary! I have chosen your project to feature for this weeks WNW

  20. Kim says:

    This is a great way to preserve your daughter’s artwork Mary. I love it! So special in so many ways!

    • Mary says:

      Kim it was so easy to make and now I can hold onto the t-shirt without it looking like I’m hoarding. 😉

  21. What a fantastic idea and a great way for a keepsake and to brighten a wall well done

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Jennie. I at least am glad I won this battle and get to keep the t-shirt.

  22. Mary you are a perfect proud mother! This is so cute and beautiful! I really need to get some hoops!

    • Mary says:

      Katerina thank you for your sweet words. I’m just happy we get to keep the t-shirt. 😉

  23. Laurie says:

    The T-shirt art is fantastic. Your daughter is very talented and takes after her very talented mom! This is a great idea to preserve a wonderful memory!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Laurie. It was super easy to do and I got to keep the t-shirt, with no more complaints from her. .

  24. Leanna says:

    Hi Mary: This is an adorable little character, it would have been sad to toss her out. You can certainly be proud of her drawing skills. This is a wonderful way to preserve the memory. Congratulations, teenagers working on their own business is not a common thing. No wonder your so proud.

    • Mary says:

      The business didn’t last for long but it did give them a taste of the real world. Thanks you so much Leanna!

  25. Diana says:

    A great way to save a precious memory, Mary. I visited Ina’s YouTube account–she is both beautiful and talented, like her mother 🙂 Thanks for linking up with Vintage Charm!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Diana. It means a lot for me to hear that. I always try to encourage her to follow her muse.

  26. Michelle says:

    That’s just the cutest little drawing ever Mary. Your daughter is truly very talented. That little face and body posture is adorable and good one you for seeing and celebrating her lovely talent and the way you hid the stain is just perfect. You’ve create a family masterpiece that will be enjoyed for years to come.

    • Mary says:

      Michelle she just told me that she copied the idea. But she is one of these artists that can see something and copy it. I am in awe of that. I would have to do a transfer or something. Still it does not take away from her ability to draw. I’m going to take this one with me wherever I go to preserve a moment in time.

  27. Ellen says:

    I agree – this is a work of art that just has to be preserved and you did that beautifully!! The embroidery hoop is a genius idea and the buttons are a sweet touch. I think that your daughter will be very happy that you thought of this preservation for her T- shirt. Thank-you for sharing this lovely repurpose.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Ellen. I am very happy with how it turned out and she even glances at it on occassion.

  28. How cute Mary! Your daughter is very talented, and you are brilliant hiding the stain the way you did. Adding the t-shirt to the embroidery hoop is a great way to enjoy your daughters art work for years to come.

    • Mary says:

      I noticed the stain only after I had placed the t-shirt in the hoop and no way was I going to remove it and wash it. Anyway it does look better with the buttons. Thank you Linda!!

  29. Katrin says:

    I love the beautiful little drawing your daughter made Mary and of course you would want to keep this forever and framing it in a beautiful embroidery hoop is perfect! I’ve been on the lookout for one of these hoops for a while and can’t find them here…

    • Mary says:

      Katrin have you tried the sewing shops or shops that sell fabrics. I got mine from one of those craft stores that sell yarns and needlepoint threads. I’m sure they must have them in Spain. All the older ladies love to needlepoint.

  30. Florence says:

    That is a cute little drawing! Lots of expression in it, I think. Yes, you had to save that! And I know the button trick! I had this denim dress. First time I wore it, I dropped grease on it…right in front, of course. So I went out & bought some red decals and scattered them on the dress, covering up the spot in the process. We are very clever, aren’t we?

  31. Cindy says:

    Mary, you sound like me…such a mama’s heart! I still have paintings, little whatchmacallits and etc. that my girls have made. Just can’t part with them. Your little tee shirt art project turned out so cute. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    • Mary says:

      Haha Cindy. The house has been threated to be taken over by all these watchmacallits. What’s a mama to do?

  32. You’re right Mary. The face on that drawing is precious. Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree ;).

    • Mary says:

      Doreen you are too sweet. I think she is far more talented than me, she just needs me as her manager. 😉

  33. Cheryl says:

    I love it and think it is a masterpiece also! My daughter used to draw people in an interesting way and I wanted to preserve it so I had her draw on a little dresser I redid just for that purpose! My dad took a drawing of both her hands and cut them out of metal and I put them on the dresser as pulls to open the drawers! So glad you kept it. I still have the dresser and cherish it every day! Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful day!

  34. It would have been a shame to throw that pretty t-shirt away! How fortunate you came up with this idea and knew how to preserve this memory.
    Have a great day,

    • Mary says:

      Marjan, I was lucky because I had that hoop just taking up space really. Till one day it hit me that I had to find a place for the t-shirt and then it all came together.

  35. Lynn Spencer says:

    Mary, how perfectly charming! Not only the drawing, but that you were able to save it as a wall hanging. That girl of yours has some serious talent, so I don’t blame you at all for holding on to it.
    Several of the pictures hanging in my home are art work that my children did in elementary school and that I framed. I never get tired of seeing their artistic adventures.
    Neither of them have pursued art since elementary school, so I’m glad that I didn’t wait!
    Have a fantastic day my friend.
    Hugs, LYnn

    • Mary says:

      Lynn, to me they are little moments in time. You are capturing a small window of how they were and will never be again.
      I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. But I know your home is full of beautiful and heartfelt artwork.

  36. krista says:

    It turned out nice. The buttons actually added to the texture appeal. Some day she will be glad that you saved it!

  37. Claire says:

    What a lovely idea! A great way to preserve a lovely family memory. I’m all for having personal meaning things on the walls that have a story behind them.
    I have a few of my kids artwork framed on the walls. I even turned some of their art work from when they were very young into one large embroidery which hangs proudly in our living room.

    • Mary says:

      It’s things like this that make a house a home, right Claire? That embroidery must be a masterpiece!!

  38. That’s gorgeous Mary. I love the black circle the girl is in and how it looks in the embroidery hook. A circle in a circle!

    • Mary says:

      Zografia I have been hiding this t-shirt for years wanting to do this. If my daughter had her way it would have been long gone.

  39. Jennie says:

    What a great idea! My daughter has several one-of-a-kind clothing items that would work perfectly for this project. And you’re right, I wouldn’t throw out that masterpiece either! Too cute!

    • Mary says:

      Jennie you see now you too can turn one of a kind clothing items into art. Who says art has to be only painted or images on paper?

  40. Andrea says:

    Wow! That’s such a lovely project! I’m so glad you were able to save the art and the memories that come with it…. The wall art turned out fantastic! Wonderful idea!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Andrea. I imagine it can be done with any sentimental piece of clothing that you don’t want to get rid of.

  41. What a great way to preserve fond memories. The little painted figure is charming and whimsical. Covering the stain with buttons was a stroke of genius. This is such a sweet project!

  42. First Mary–how wonderful that your girls worked together for the t-shirts!!
    And what a great idea of covering the stain with buttons. This could totally work even for a piece of clothing!!
    The result turned out great!!
    I know many quilters who take t-shirts and make them into a collage quilt!

    • Mary says:

      I was thinking the same thing Jodie. An interesting pattern on a piece of clothing would make wonderful art.
      As for the quilting, if only I could!! Thanks for stopping by.

  43. Pili says:

    She is talented as her mom!! No way you could get rid of that t-shirt and I am sure she’s happy now to see it framed. Good idea to hide the stain, it seems impossible in my house to have immaculate clothes. I did something similar with a Hello Kitty t-shirt of the girls, nothing goes to the landfill 😉

    • Mary says:

      I don;t think she cares right noe (typical teen) but when she gets older she will change her mind. Oh Hello Kitty is a great idea. And you are so right Pili, nothing goes to the landfill.

  44. I love the artwork on the shirt! I makes such a cute wall hanging. Thanks for the idea….I have a similar t-shirt I have never worn but just can’t get rid of. As far as whether I keep stuff like that… girls are 35 and 32 and I still have their grammar school drawings and papers in an envelope in the attic 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Ann Marie it is hard to part with sentimental stuff and little treasures. I fully understand you.

  45. Ivory says:

    I love, love, love this Mary. So beautiful, and I would love having a picture like this hanging on our wall.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment Ivory. I have to find a suitable place to hang it since my walls are pretty full right now!

  46. Mary,
    I think your daughters design is adorable and your project is fabulous! It’s made even more special because the subject has sentimental value!

    • Mary says:

      Jeannee this house is turning into one big homemade experiment. Everything is one of a kind and every time her friends come over they marvel at the stuff we have, because no one else has them as kooky as they are.

  47. What a clever way of repurposing your daughter’s adorable t-shirt art. This idea could be used for any form of children’s drawings that we don’t want to part with. Love the story you shared about their being young entrepreneurs. Sounds like the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree! Pinned

    • Mary says:

      I’m sure when they are older they will remember it and laugh. Even now the older one remembers how they made about 50 euros profit.

  48. Daphne says:

    Good Evening Mary, Oh what a treasure. I love how you saved your daughter’s design and framed it using an embroidery hoop.
    It is these special little memories, which make us smile throughout the years.
    Best Wishes to you.

    • Mary says:

      Indeed they brought me back to the time when my girls were business women! And when they are older I will make sure to remind them of those days.

  49. You are the queen of repurposing Mary! So simple and so gorgeous!

    • Mary says:

      Aww thank you so much Christina. If only my kids thought I was a queen then I’d be happy! 😉

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