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How To Save A Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

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I am getting ready for a yard sale, in fact I was supposed to have it last month but we had torrential rains and so I still have a house full of things I don’t really need – read too many cups and saucers that don’t match! 

Another thing I have is this awful oval mirror with a plastic frame.  Honestly, I wouldn’t have given it a second glance except that the kids took all of the mirrors from my room and so I made myself a bet. I would give it one last shot and try to up-cycle this sad sack of a mirror and if I don’t like it, then I can still sell it at the yard sale. Now let’s see how I intend to save the plastic mirror from the clutches of the yard sale. 

Plastic oval mirror with details before, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
Disclosure: I was compensated for doing this post with product.  However, all the opinions stated here are my own. I only use products I love and would recommend to my viewers. 
The truth is, this mirror was a yellowish color before.  You know the bad kind of yellow from too much exposure to the elements.  Or maybe it was always meant to be this way.  Whatever the truth is, I did not like it one bit.  If you look at the photo below you can instantly see what a difference a coat of white paint makes. 
Painting the mirror with chalky finish paint in white, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

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What I Used:

The Americana Chalky Finish paint in Everlasting took all that yellow away and laid the foundation for what was to come next!
Detail of paint going on mirror white over the yellowish plastic, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

The How To:

I ended up adding a second coat of the Americana chalky finish paint, because I wanted to have a clean canvas for the next step.   You see, I was going to try and add depth to this plastic and also highlight all those curves and swirls. 
White mirror painted with chalky finish paint, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
Using the White Everlasting chalky paint as a base, I mixed some of the Raw Sienna in and came up with this lighter color, a peach,  which I softly brushed onto the “rope” you see below. 
Adding a peach color to the ropes of the oval frame, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

​I also mixed the Neutral Gray into the Everlasting chalky finish paint to come up with this soft gray which I then applied to the 5 rope pieces going around the oval of the mirror. 

Finally using the Raw Sienna mixture I painted over the scallops and the framed piece which was right next to the actual glass, on the right side of the image below. 

Adding grey to the mirror frame, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
I kept on repeating this process over and over with a dry brush technique.  That means that I would apply a little bit of paint to the brush and then dab it onto a paper towel, leaving just a tiny bit of paint on the brush to be applied to the mirror. 
using the dry brush technique, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

​You can still see lots of the white peeking out from underneath the brushstrokes. 
Peach and grey with white showing through, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
The final step was to take the metallic black and thin it out with water.  This created a sort of glaze.  I painted this onto the 5 ropes you see below which are vertical. 
Detail of grey color on mirror, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

​And here they are on the top of the oval. It’s starting to look very shabby chic!
Top of oval frame, How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
The final step was to thin out the metallic black even more and brush the whole frame with it.  Again, using it as a glaze. Normally when using chalky finish paint I’d need to add a top coat to seal it in.  But in this case I used the acrylic paints as sealants. 
Oval plastic mirror frame painted with white, grey and peach, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

​And now I have a new mirror!

Is it shabby chic?  Does it look vintage? I don’t know what to call it.  You can see the  drop cloth pleated curtains that I made a few months ago,  reflected in the mirror. 

Oh and the object next to the oval mirror, on the right, is the farmhouse chippy mirror I refinished a few months ago. The actual mirror has fallen off – talk about Murphy’s Law, after all that work – but I will find a way to glue it back on. 

Oval Plastic Mirror frame in shabby chic, vintage style, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
The oval frame has a very soft look  with lots of shimmer. 
Detail of Plastic mirror frame, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale

​And it’s certainly a much more robust frame that really shows off all those twists, turns and scallops. 
Vintage, shabby chic look mirror with oval frame, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
See how the grey blends into the sienna.  I randomly brushed the watered-down grey on top of the scallops. 
Details of vintage, shabby chic mirror, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
Now you might be wondering why I chose these two colors and not something else.  This room seems to be coming along slowly and the grey and peach are the predominant colors so far. 

​I’ll be showing you more of the furniture as we go on.  Or maybe I’ll even be brave and make a mood board.  I’ve never made one before.  Any advice on how to do it?  

Details of vintage shabby chic mirror, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
And lest we forget what a boring yellow plastic frame it had been before…
Oval plastic mirror before, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
Will this be my new mirror for the bedroom?  Or should I demand that the kids give me back the old one that they confiscated?
Vintage look, shabby chic mirror transformed with paint, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
And that is how I am going to save a plastic mirror from the yard sale!


Ok now I need an honest opinion here.  Should I keep this plastic oval mirror, or should I sell it at the yard sale?

And while we’re at it, do you want to see a mood board for this grey and peach bedroom?

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Vintage look, shabby chic mirror transformed with paint, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
Vintage look, shabby chic mirror transformed with paint, #Mirrorframemakeover #Shabbychicmirror #Vintagelookmirror #chalkyfinishpaint #paintingoverplastic #easyupcycle How to Save a Plastic Mirror from the Yard Sale
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  1. Beverly says:

    Love how you updated this mirror. Fabulous job. Stop by Over The Moon party tomorrow since you are being featured.

  2. Kathy A says:

    WOW! I wish you could set up a camera and film people who are gonna come up to it and tap it and say, “Oh, it is JUST plastic. It looks SOOO real! Great save. The peach is an awesome idea. I know I’ve past by them in yard sales and GW; I’m gonna buy the next reasonably price (read cheap!) one I see. I love drybrushing…white and aqua for a beachy vibe…shades of brown for rattan…hmm!

    • Mary says:

      You’ll have a lot of fun doing one Kathy. I really enjoyed all that dry-brushing. I hope you find one soon.

  3. It looks great! I especially love the little empty frame beside it too!

    • Mary says:

      Amber that used to be a mirror but then the glass part fell out. It still looks pretty though.

  4. Amy says:

    LOVE!! It looks like real basket weave now with a lot more dimension. Very chic.

  5. Haley says:

    This is such a beautiful upcycle!! You were featured on our Link up this week and we’d love to have you join us again! Our inspired Collection Link Up!

  6. Awesome Mary. You’ve added detail and layers that a “flat” plastic frame could never get close too. It looks beautiful now and I really love the way you mixed the different effects to create a frame within a frame -hope that makes sense.

    • Mary says:

      I think so Michelle. I really went all out and had fun with this one, thinking that if it worked fine, but if it didn’t that was fine too. I guess sometimes you get it right.

  7. Julie says:

    It’s a keeper as far as I’m concerned. It looks so different.
    A mood board is easy, just get a bid ol’ piece of cardboard and start sticking pictures of things you like. Add some fabric, ribbon, buttons, old jewellery, photos …. whatever. If you call it a mood board then it is! Enjoy!

    • Mary says:

      I like your idea Julie. I think I’ll take photos of what I have since I’ll be working with that and just create a virtual one on Pic Monkey.

  8. Cecilia says:

    The updated patina looks great! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  9. Michelle says:

    I’d definitely say, “Shabby Chic.”

  10. Pam says:

    That looks amazing! I love it when people revive things from yard sales!

    • Mary says:

      It is always a shame to just throw useful things away when you can give them a new look with a bit of paint.

  11. Heidi says:

    Mary, I love the character and patina you gave your mirror. What a beautiful transformation. So fun to give an object a whole new life, and you’re always very good at that! It’s funny, we both posted mirror rehab projects this week on Waste Not Wednesday 🙂

  12. Leanna says:

    I know exactly that burnt yellow colour your referring to and it’s awful. Your new vintage mirror looks wonderful Mary worth every dry brush stroke.

  13. Great makeover, from drab to fab. Pinned

  14. julie says:

    Yes love what you did and should be a keeper as not likely you would get the $$ if selling at a sale anyway. Question…….I bought one of these from a resale shop for cheap, however, the mirror has been impacted with specs of some kind – I think the mirror needs to be replaced……how else to address sprucing the mirror so I can then do what you did to the frame?

  15. What a great save and transformation Mary! Don’t you just love the power of paint!

    • Mary says:

      I swear by the power of paint Sam. It’s transformative powers are extraordinary!!

  16. Jelica says:

    This is a great makeover, Mary! I love the subtle details you added with the chalk paint. It creates a bit of drama and turns that plain old mirror into a vintage treasure. Beautiful!

  17. Carol says:

    Mary, I love how your mirror turned out. It looks like real wicker vs the fake plastic looking wicker!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Carol for that. I wasn’t even thinking of wicker when I was painting it, I was just trying to get rid of all that yellow.

  18. Florence says:

    Your mirror looks so good now, your kids will probably steal it too Mary! Ha! You’ve worked a miracle on it even though it is plastic, it’s still very cute. I like the mix of colors you used, and I would definitely keep it (if you can.)

    • Mary says:

      Florence you are too funny. I will not let them steal it. Anyway if it isn’t blue or black they don’t want it. It fits in perfectly with my bedroom so that is where it is staying for now.

  19. I’m glad you’re keeping it. It looks almost like a rattan piece now!
    I think I gave you a rundown on how to do a moodboard, but if you need some more details let me know. It’s easy!

    • Mary says:

      Doreen yes you did. I’ll have to go over it so I can finally be organized instead of flying by the seat of my pants.

  20. Agnes says:

    Definitely a keeper. Too beautiful to sell…Can picture it in an entrance way….so creative, wish I was..

    • Mary says:

      Agnes you are creative too, you just don’t know it yet. I only started getting good at this after I started my blog. 🙂

  21. Penny says:

    It looks great and I’d keep it. I have one just like it
    that I’m going to paint, also.

    • Mary says:

      That is really wonderful that you are also going to paint yours Penny. We have to banish all the ugly plastic from the world one project at a time.

  22. Runningonempty says:

    Well I think it doesn’t look plastic anymore. Looks pretty.
    I don’t know how to do a mood board online, but if you get a benefactor to pay the fares, I can lend you my moody teen, and mid week grumpy husband for a few days.
    Won’t make it permanent due to tariffs 😉

    • Mary says:

      Haha, you are so funny. I have a couple of those moody teens at home too. And a puppy that is going through his toddler phase. I think the mood board will be a breeze in contrast to that.

  23. Marie says:

    You did a fabulous job on this mirror, Mary. You’d never know it was plastic now! I think it’s a keeper 🙂 You’re a brave woman tackling another room makeover so soon after finishing the girl’s room. Yes, I’d love to see a mood board.

    • Mary says:

      Marie I try to go at my own pace and not pressure myself like they do in those room challenges. We are still in the process of getting the house settled in. Sometimes you have to life in a place for a while before you know what you want and how it all fits together. And now with the addition of Tatou things have really changed around here. Haha!

  24. Gail says:

    I love any type of mirror – the larger, the better! There’s something about having mirrors throughout the house that opens up the space! I wouldn’t sell it. It looks fabulous since you refinished it!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Gail, I am definitely going to keep this one. I agree about mirrors opening up spaces, this room is so small but having the mirror there makes a difference.

  25. Cindy says:

    Well as always you do such a good job with your makeovers. I love the shape of the mirror. My MIL used to have one that looked like that in one of her bedrooms years ago. Hugs and blessings to you dear lady.

    • Mary says:

      Cindy we must have had this one quite a long time too. I just never paid any attention to it because, well you saw the before. haha!! Stay well my friend.

  26. I say it’s a keeper. Your paint technique adds texture and interest to the mirror. You did a great job in making it over.

  27. Fantastic! I think there are lots of mirrors like that floating around. You are saving them. We have one in a closet that is gold…like Midas gold! It needs some help.

    • Mary says:

      Ha! Stacey some need toning down and others need a breath of life like mine did. It was so boring before.

  28. Katrin says:

    Mary I would by it in a heartbeat at your yard sale, I love how this turned out. It might be my favourite make over of yours ever! It looks like rattan now and has that beach vibe going on. Don’t sell it, except to me, if I ever come by your house, please!!!

    • Mary says:

      OK Katrin, I’ll hold onto it and when you come to visit it will be a gift from me to you!

  29. Jolene says:

    I think you did a wonderful job with this transformation. It looks so light and airy and quite stunning! I would never suspect it started out as a yellowish, plastic mirror.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Jolene. It was a last minute project, but sometimes those can be the best.

  30. Kim says:

    There is no way that I would ever know it was plastic unless I touched it. That looks like wood. Amazing and a definite keeper. Here’s to a sunny sale!

    • Mary says:

      Kim it was the awful yellow color that was killing me. You know that look of plastic that’s been sitting out forever yuk!

  31. Keep it! Oh, please do! The mirror is so lovely! You did a marvellous – do not give it away now!

    • Mary says:

      Ok I will keep it. I guess now that it no longer looks like plastic I can find a place for it at home. 🙂

  32. Julie says:

    Oh, Mary! It looks wonderful now….like a lovely distressed wood. Vintage shabby!!!! Great job. 🙂

  33. MAria says:

    This is a keeper it looks like rattan! Love what you have done! It will look great any place!

  34. Very nice project. Looks great in your display.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you so much Cheryl. I really wanted to try my hand at giving it some dimension.

  35. Looks lovely, Mary! Great job!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Julie, and to think that I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to tackle this project.

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