This old metal trunk makeover, using vintage papers and decoupage, transformed a neglected, unused pieced into a beautiful side table for the living room!
DIY Metal-Covered Trunk Makeover
This trunk is a much traveled trunk. It was born in New York many many years ago. And as time went on it moved to Greece.
It has held many pretty things. Things such as curtains and a multitude of fabrics, pillow cases and the like.
But it is mostly remembered for having held a thing once known as a dowry. Now if that concept is not vintage, well I don’t know what is. It held lace doilies and needlepoint works and other handmade objects that were made by my mother a life time ago.
The metal covered trunk was old and not in fashion any more. And in great need of some sort of repair, or at least camouflage.
So I embarked on this DIY old trunk makeover with a few supplies and a lot of imagination.
What I Used for This Metal Trunk Makeover:
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- Mod Podge Water based Sealer
- Scissors
- Retractable Utility Knife
- Book Pages from Old Book or you can use this
- Varnish to seal in the pages
For the longest time I did not know what to do with this old thing, till one day I chanced upon an equally old book, with old yellowed pages.
Now this could not be a coincidence, that a book of chivalry should cover a trunk full of things from days gone by when chivalry was still prevailent.
The How to:
Using Mod Podge decoupage medium, I placed the yellowed paper on all the surfaces of the trunk that did not have metal. I used a utility knife to cut around the metalwork.
But that was not enough. I wanted it to look still older, and so I painted it with a walnut tinted varnish. This was in Greece so I guess the closest you can get is this product. The best solution would be to find yellowed pages.
The handles were also brushed with the varnish. I really liked that patina on the metalwork.
And here it is with the varnish, it makes the pages look even older.
And now I’d like to show you just what I keep in that old chivalrous trunk of mine. These are my mother’s treasures, which she left to me 35 years ago when I lost her.
This is my way of honoring my mother, who was an exceptional lady. Only a chivalrous trunk can hold the treasures of a lady. My thanks to all of you for bearing with me today and taking a walk with me to my past.
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.
Saturday 6th of April 2019
I love your trunk but even more I love seeing your mum's items, What treasures!
Saturday 6th of April 2019
Thank you so much Julie, my mom was so talented. I don't even have a fingernail of her talent.
Monday 2nd of November 2015
Mary, what a wonderful job you did with that trunk!! I love how it looks now, still looking old but with charm. And your mother treasures are lovely, it takes a lot of work to make those doilies.
Tuesday 3rd of November 2015
Pili, this post evolved. It started out with me wanting to save the trunk and then when I emptied it I realized there was a hidden treasure inside.
[email protected]
Monday 2nd of November 2015
Oh Mary how beautiful, because of what you did with it and because of your memories about your beloved mom. And the doilies are so special and this way you can show them and see them every day! I have treasures from my mom and I love remembering her that way. Covering the trunk with those book pages is a fabulous idea! I would love a trunk, even thought right now I don't have room for it.
Tuesday 3rd of November 2015
Katrin, for years I had used it as a coffee table in the living room. I didn't have a coffee table and that was the right size. So the y are very versitile. Thanks for your very touching comment.
Monday 2nd of November 2015
Mary, I love this trunk!! Fantastic idea to cover it with book pages! Also those treasures your mother left you are beautiful! She did a wonderful job crocheting those doilies!! What amazing heirlooms to pass down.
Tuesday 3rd of November 2015
Keri, she had tried to teach me how to make them when I was young , but it was very hard, I ony learned a bit, and now I don't remember. At least I have the doilies.
Monday 2nd of November 2015
Such a lovely story! I've always loved trunks like these. You did a wonderful job and its such a nice tribute to your mother xokathleen
Tuesday 3rd of November 2015
Thank you so much Kathleen. I had that trunk sitting in the living room half finished and it was glaring at me. Sometimes it's hard to finish a project for no known reason. But I'm glad I finally got it done.