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As some of you may know I’ve had an endless supply of dresser drawers in my basement. I’ve turned them into a table, a tray and storage for under the bed. Well, the time has come for me to reveal that I have run out! This is my last one! I had covered it with contact paper and used it this way for a while. But now that I’m an, ahem, experienced and knowledgeable blogger I decided to upgrade it.
Όπως κάποιοι από εσάς ίσως γνωρίζετε, είχα μια ατελείωτη ποσότητα συρτάρια στο υπόγειό μου. Τα έχω μετατρέψει σε ένα τραπέζι, ένα δίσκο και για αποθήκευση κάτω από το κρεβάτι. Λοιπόν, ήρθε η ώρα για να αποκαλύψω ότι έχουν τελειώσει! Αυτό είναι το τελευταίο! Το είχα καλύψει με αυτοκόλλητο χαρτί και το χρησιμοποιούσα έτσι για κάποιο διάστημα. Αλλά τώρα που είμαι μία, εχεμ, έμπειρη και καταρτισμένη μπλόγκερ αποφάσισα να το αναβαθμίσω.
The first step would involve removing the contact paper. This proved to be easier said than done. It took me a total of 3 days, with procrastination and frustration in between, to get the contact paper that wouldn’t leave, off of my drawer.
Το πρώτο στάδιο ηταν να αφαιρέσω το αυτοκόλλητο χαρτί. Αυτό αποδείχθηκε ότι ήταν πιο εύκολο στα λόγια παρά στην πράξη. Μου πήρε συνολικά 3 ημέρες, με πολύ αναβλητικότητα και αγανάκτηση, να το αφαιρέσω από το συρτάρι.
And after all that, there was still glue on the drawer. I had to overcome my fear of power tools and man up! The hubs was away and I needed to get this project moving along. And so here is the proof that I used the nasty sander to remove glue and green paint.
Και μετά από όλα αυτά, εξακολουθούσε να υπάρχει κόλλα στο συρτάρι. Έπρεπε να ξεπεράσω το φόβο μου για τα ηλεκτρικά εργαλεία! Ο σύζυγος έλειπε και έπρεπε να προχωρήσω με αυτό το έργο. Και εδώ υπάρχει η απόδειξη ότι χρησιμοποίησα το δυσάρεστο τριβείο να αφαιρέσω τη κόλλα και το πράσινο χρώμα.
I decided to paint it using black chalk paint, because that was what first caught my eye. Notice how it doesn’t fully cover, but lets the wood show through.
Αποφάσισα να το βάψω με μαύρο χρώμα κιμωλίας, διότι αυτό ήταν το πρώτο που τράβηξε την προσοχή μου. Παρατηρήστε πώς δεν καλύπτει πλήρως, αλλά αφήνει το ξύλο να φαίνεται.
I painted the outside with 4 coats and then sanded it lightly to give it a distressed look.
Έβαψα το εξωτερικό με 4 χέρια και στη συνέχεια το έτριψα ελαφρά για να φαίνεται παλιό.
For the bottom of the drawer I used some masking tape and created a frame of sorts.
Για το κάτω μέρος του συρταριού χρησιμοποίησα κολλητική ταινία και δημιούργησα μια κορνίζα.
I replaced the original handle and added another one on the other side to make a tray.
Επανεφάρμοσα το αρχική χεράκι και πρόσθεσα άλλο ένα από την άλλη πλευρά.
And now for the dilemma. What would I add to this drawer. We all know that vintage is all the rage right now. But I decided to go a bit further back than 50 years. How about a few thousand to Ancient Greece. And for all of you who think that I can’t find my books now because I’ve flipped them over, well, this book has been sitting in the same spot for 20 years. And it was so easy to find. Maybe it was time to take some use out of it.
Και τώρα για το δίλημμα. Τι θα μπορώ να προσθέσω σε αυτό το συρτάρι. Όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι τα παλιά είναι στην μόδα αυτή τη στιγμή. Αλλά αποφάσισα να πάω λίγο πιο πίσω από 50 χρόνια. Τι θα λέγατε για μερικά χιλιάδες στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα. Και για όλους εσάς που πιστεύετε ότι δεν μπορώ να βρω τα βιβλία μου τώρα, γιατί τα έχω αναποδογυρίσει, αυτό το βιβλίο είναι στο ίδιο σημείο εδώ και 20 χρόνια. Το βρήκα με ευκολία και ήρθε η ώρα να πάρω έμπνευση!
Here is Zeus, looking upon me and sending lightening bolts of inspiration my way. I also had help from my tribe (thanks ladies) because Zeus was preoccupied with one of the nymphs.
Εδώ είναι ο Δίας, που με κοιτάζει από ψηλά και μου στέλνει κεραυνούς έμπνευσης
. Επίσης είχα βοήθεια από τις κολλητές μου, επειδή ο Δίας ήταν απορροφημένος με μία από τις νύμφες.
A bit of distressing to give it that ancient look.
Λίγη φθορά να του δώσει αυτή την αρχαία εμφάνιση.
But we’re not done! When I flip it over I have a surprise.
Αλλά δεν τελειώσαμε! Όταν το αναποδογυρίσω έχω μια έκπληξη.
Now you must be scratching your heads and wondering why I would paint the bottom of a tray. You see, when it is flipped over and placed on a small stool it can be used as a side table.
Τώρα θα πρέπει να ξύνεται τα κεφάλια σας και αναρωτιέστε γιατί θα ήθελα να ζωγραφίσω το κάτω μέρος του δίσκου. Βλέπετε, όταν αναστραφεί και τοποθετηθεί σε ένα μικρό σκαμνί μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως ένα βοηθητικό τραπεζάκι.
I took an old drawer and turned it into a table…
Πήρα ένα παλιό συρτάρι και το μετέτρεψα σε τραπεζάκι …
and an ancient tray….
και σε ένα αρχαίο δίσκο…
Vintage may be in, but for me, it is ancient all the way! I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my reversible decoupaged drawer repurposed into a tray!
Το παλιό μπορεί να ειναι στη μόδα, αλλά για μένα τα αρχαία ειναι το παν!
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.
Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.
I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them.
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.
I love this up-cycle project. How clever to make it reversible too. Happy Spring, Kippi #kippiathome
Thanks so much Anne. I am very happy with my little tray!
Really cool idea, Mary! LOVE the reversible idea!
When you visit me then I know I’m doing something right. Thanks for your sweet comment.
Nice makeover! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!
Thank you T’onna. So glad you could drop by.
Very clever use of your last drawer. It looks really good.
Sally @ Life Loving
Sally I’m so relieved they are finished, but at the same time I feel that I was just getting warmed up.
This is very pretty! I love all your projects! Thanks so much for linking them up to my craft party!! Hope to see you this Thursday at 7pm EST. again!
Thanks you Denise, and have a happy Thanksgiving.
What a great update it looks fantastic – thank you for join in Pin Worthy Wednesday 🙂
Thank you Amberjane.
Mary, this is beautiful! Love that it can “serve” double duty 😉 Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Charm! Blessings, Cecilia
Cecilia, I figured since it was my last one, I had better make it do double duty!
lovely, just lovely. It has a nice rustic feel to it and is so original. Thank you for sharing it / linking this up with us at FINECRAFTGUILD.COM A new party will open later today/tomorrow. Please come shower us again with your wonderful ideas then!
Thank you Rose.This one is very special to me too, I had never done anything with a Greek theme before .I’ll be over to see you later today.
You are so clever! I love both views! Thank you for sharing at Celebrate It!
I haven’t seen this before…that’s totally clever Mary! I must say I really liked that green paint that was on there, but you took that off & went in direction I wasn’t expecting. Really cute now as a table tray!
I l just love this!! what a great idea and new to me and looks so unusual. I Just found your blog now so I’m looking forward to having a good read. Have a great weekend.
Thank you for your sweet comment. It was a fun project and in the end we can say we have one of a kind pieces in our homes. Your blue table with the clay carvings is amazing.
Your projects are all so “one-of-a-kind.” I always feel inspired to think outside the box when I visit your blog.
Thank you Sara. That is the highest compliment I can receive.
You’ve inspired me to use so many of the drawers that are out sitting in the garage. You’ve come up with some really great idea on how to use them!
Cathy I’m so happy to hear that. Now if you would send some more drawers my way I can inspire you even more. I just love working with them.
I wish I had half the imagination you do 🙂 Great upscale! Thanks for joining in with #frifree4all
Thank you Hayley, that little tray is sitting by my side keeping me company right now.
What a great idea Mary! I love that you are able to use both sides of the drawer. Brilliant. (I am also totally in love with the colour!) Thanks so much for linking this up at the Bewitchin’ Projects Block Party… I always love to see what you’ve been up too. Hugs, Lisa
Thank you Lisa. It is always a pleasure to visit blog parties that care about their visitors. I’m definitely getting lots of use out of this little guy!
Mary, your mind amazes me. You can come up with so many ways to repurpose something into a treasure. I love the prints you used, they are very interesting and they elevate this drawer into something really special. The way that you painted the drawer accents the prints perfectly. You can use this in so many ways, a table, a serving tray, art. You inspire me each week and now that the drawers are gone I cannot wait to see what you come up with next!!!
Nikki I swear it’s not my fault. Zeus seduced me into it !!
You really created a versatile piece of furniture. I enjoyed reading about the makeover from a drawer with contact paper to a tray or a table.
Thank you Debra. I really enjoyed this process, and let the drawer take me where it wanted to. I had no idea where I would end up with this when I started peeling off that contact paper.
Now that is clever! Love the duel purpose, and it looks great. Ancient is always in!
Thanks Amy!! Zeus and I have to agree with you on this one.
This is such a great idea! I love the pictures you added to it. So creative and unique!
Thank you Celeste. I was agonizing over it for weeks. You know how we bloggers obsess over every little detail. Well, I was dreaming about this drawer… is that normal?
Oh Mary its wonderful! The vases are just amazing with the distressed look of the wood. And I enjoyed reading through your post so much, you wrote it very entertaining and fun. (The flipped over books made me laugh) cause you just did that the other day… The tray/side table very unique!!!
Thanks Katrin, I think my projects are full of fun, weather I intend for them to be or not! Thanks for your help in this project.
I was hooked from the beginning 🙂 I love the drawer makeover! Congrats on using the power tools. I laughed that you were easily able to find the book you were looking for . . . I was worried about that being a problem! Have a super week!
Thanks Laurie, It all turned out well in the end.. oh but to get there… Projects should be drama free. But they never are in my house…lol
Mary, I love how this drawer turned out!! The ancient look fits this drawer. Great idea to make it a dual purpose drawer-tray and table!! It looks fantastic..great job!!! 🙂
Keri I agree. I’m really happy with how it turned out. And thanks for your help too!
Hi Mary! Popping over (again) to say thank you for linking up with us at Brag About It! I really love it so I’ll be pinning and tweeting, ’cause a great project needs to be shared! Have an amazing week!
Thanks for dropping by again! You are one busy lady! And thank you for pinning and tweeting and all those lovely things. You have an amazing week as well.
These are very beautiful!
Thanks so much Lisa, too bad I don’t have any more.
Love the ancient Greek! Awesome way to use the drawer – 2 for 1 🙂 and the images from the book. I haven’t used chalk paint, i love how the wood grain shows through!
This was my first time using it as regular paint and not to write on it. It came out really nice and it has a smooth quality to it. Now that my drawers are finished what am I to do?? 😉
what a great idea! Upcycling win! 🙂
Tania, I have to agree with you on this one!! 🙂
Well aren’t you clever Mary – I LOVE your vintage looking reversible tray!
Marie Zeus would frown up on the word “vintage”, he only likes ancient.
It’s beautifull Mary! I love the photos, and I especially love the colors of the photos. They compliment the black paint quite nicely, and add to the ‘old’ feel.
You have a lot of patience to work on that drawer for three days sanding! My hat’s off to you.
Doreen I learn new things every day and am trying to step out of my comfort zone. Plus I had old Zeus giving me the dirty eye.
This is amazing Mary, I’m very impressed! And I always enjoy reading the story behind every one of your projects!
Thanks sweet Ntina. I had to do one with Zeus! He’s so much fun, how could I leave him on the sidelines.
First let me say I’m SO proud of you to have used a power tool! I knew you could do it!! Plus, I love your dual purpose table/tray! The base fits perfectly! Now that your out of drawers in your’ll need to start building some! LOL
Wendi that reference to the power tools was just for you! (wink) As for building one well, if I can mange not to cut any fingers off, I’ll try. More likely I’ll end up gluing my fingers together…lol.
I love the surprise ending! It looks great. Very creative – double duty out of an old drawer.
Krista, it was all Zeus’ doing! (wink, wink) I honestly have no idea when I start where I’ll end up with these projects.