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 Hiding the washing machine – Κρύβοντας το πλυντήριο

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Today I would like to go back in time to about a year ago when I was working on a spare room, that functions as a laundry/family room.  It is a medium sized room but I have the washing machine in here and unless I break down the door frame to the bathroom, there is no chance of moving it.  My solution was to disguise the washing machine.  Here is how I did it.

Σήμερα θα ήθελα να πάω πίσω ένα χρόνο πριν, όταν δούλευα σε ένα διαθέσιμο δωμάτιο, το οποίο λειτουργεί ως πλυντήριο / οικογενειακό δωμάτιο. Είναι ένα μεσαίου μεγέθους δωμάτιο, αλλά έχω το πλυντήριο εδώ και δεν υπάρχει καμία πιθανότητα να το μετακινήσω. Η λύση μου ήταν να κρύψω το πλυντήριο. Εδώ είναι πώς το έκανα.
Creating a screen panel, Hiding the Washing Machine
This is what is hiding behind that partition. 

Αυτό κρύβετε πίσω από το διαχωριστικό.
I hid it behind a wall partition that I made with the help of hubby.  Basically what this is is 3 pieces of laminate board covered with batting and fabric. I used 2 different fabrics and once I glued them on, I attached the 3 boards using hinges.

Το έκρυψα πίσω από ένα διαχωριστικό που έκανα με τη βοήθεια του συζύγου. Βασικά αυτό είναι 3 κομμάτια κοντραπλακέ καλυμμένα με βαμβακερό γέμισμα (όπως είναι στα παπλώματα) και ύφασμα. Χρησιμοποίησα 2 διαφορετικά υφάσματα και τα αφού κόλλησα επάνω, τα ένωσα με μεντεσέδες.
covering laminate board in batting and pretty bird fabric, Hiding the Washing Machine
Here is how it looked before:

Έτσι φαινόταν πριν:
Before the partition, Hiding the Washing Machine
The washing machine is hiding behind this partition, but that is not all…

Το πλυντήριο κρύβεται πίσω από αυτό το διαχωριστικό, αλλά δεν είναι μόνο αυτό …
Partition and washing machine covered in plaid fabric,Hiding the Washing Machine
I used the same fabric that went on the back side of the partition to cover the washing machine, so it all ties in together.  

Χρησιμοποίησα το ίδιο ύφασμα που έβαλα στο πίσω μέρος του διαχωριστικού για να καλύψει το πλυντήριο, έτσι όλα δένουν μεταξύ τους.
I  also have a little stool covered in the same fabric, that I use to put the laundry basket on when I’m working. 


πίσης έχω ένα μικρό σκαμνί καλυμμένο από το ίδιο ύφασμα, και το χρησιμοποιώ για να βάζω το καλάθι ρούχων όταν δουλεύω.
This has been a very easy way to hide the washing machine in plain sight.  When I need to use it I simply remove the fabric cover.

Αυτός ήταν ένας πολύ εύκολος τρόπος για να κρύψω το πλυντήριο μπροστά στα μάτια μας. Όταν χρειαστεί να το χρησιμοποιήσω απλά αφαιρώ το υφασμάτινο κάλυμμα.
Using laminate boards to create a folding panel partition to hide the washing machine in the room, Hiding the Washing Machine
So that was my solution to hiding the elephant in the room,  er,  hiding the washing machine – well, it sure feels that way to me. If you are interested in doing something like this contact me and I will find the link where I got the tutorial.  


 ήταν η λύση μου για να κρύβεται ο ελέφαντας στο δωμάτιο – καλά,  έτσι  αισθάνομαι εγώ. Αν σας ενδιαφέρει να κάνετε κάτι τέτοιο επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου και εγώ θα βρω τη σύνδεση όπου πήρα τις οδηγίες.
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest.  Above is a Pinterest worthy image!

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Other posts with fabric:
Κι άλλες προτάσεις  με ύφασμα:
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  1. Faye says:

    I would like to get pattern for washing machine cover up. Thanks

    • Mary says:

      Faye, do you mean the fabric (it was an old heavy duty sheet) or how to make the cover for the washer?

  2. Leanna says:

    This is fantastic example of making the most with what you have. So very well done Mary.
    I have a treadmill in my craft room that I am wanting to hide (athough it should be out to prompt me lol)
    Very timely and helpful. Thank so much for the share.

    • Mary says:

      Now that is a dilemma Leanna. To hide the tread mill or not to hide it. I used to have a stationary bike. All it did was act as a catch all for my clothes. 😉

  3. I love that fabric with the birds, and it goes so well with the blue and white plaid fabric. This was a creative way to hide your washing machine when not in use.

    • Mary says:

      Carol that washing machine really is an albatross! I love that fabric with the birds and was looking for any excuse to use it.

  4. Kileen says:

    I love this idea for small spaces and you fabric choices are lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Amber Harrop says:

    This has to be the prettiest way to hide a washing machine Mary !

  6. Pili says:

    This is a creative solution to hide that washing machine and making a coordinate cover makes not only looking it good but prevents it from dirt and dust.

    • Mary says:

      Pili, we are in the stages of renovating this apartment so I have decided to repaint the washing machine since it is a fuss to take the cover off all the time. Everything changes.

  7. Julie says:

    A pretty solution to your problem. Your elephant looks much better now!
    Your patten matching on that beautiful bird fabric is pretty impressive too.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Julie. It’s been a few years since I’ve done this and now I’ve decided to paint the elephant and make her all bright and shiny!

  8. It looks great
    I liked your cover before also very creative
    seen you on My Romantic Home blog post

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Janice. It gets the job done! The screen panel has the birds on one side and the plaid on the other… to keep me guessing. Thanks for visiting!

  9. Carol says:

    Love the bird pattern on the screen. You’re always so creative.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Carol. I think I secretly did this just to be able to show off that lovely pattern.

  10. Nikki Gwin says:

    That is a great idea to make a utilitarian object more beautiful. I love the fabric you chose.
    🙂 gwingal

  11. What a clever idea! It would work for so many other things you want to hide too 😉

  12. What a great idea! It looks nice also… it wouldn’t work at my house… the whole covering it when needing to use the washer would be a problem… w/ 7 of us, that seems to be all of the time! 🙂

    • Mary says:

      I have since changed my mind too. I am going to paint it so I won’t have to bother with the cover too!

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