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How To Make A Sea Glass Mosaic Table

Sharing is caring!

It looks like February is my month for trying out new things. So in this spirit, I have invited a dear friend to visit today and share one of her projects with us. Millie of 2 Crochet Hooks is going to show us how to make a stunning Sea Glass mosaic table.

Sea glass mosaic table beside two folding chairs.

It reminds me of the sea and of the beach, both of which are close to my heart and between my toes. So I’ll shut up now, and let Millie take over. 


Hey everyone! Millie here from 2 Crochet Hooks!  First let me extend a huge thank you to Mary for letting us craft with you all today! I ran into Mary’s blog last year and became a stalker follower real quick! I love her wonderful sense of humor and her shining spirit just comes through. You all know what I am saying! Anyway I asked if she would mind sharing one of our projects over here and she graciously said yes!! Today I want to share with you this lovely Sea Glass Mosaic Table I have created!

Collage of a sea glass mosaic table by 2 Crochet hooks guest post.

How to Make A Sea Glass Mosaic Table

This table all started innocently enough – we decided to have our front porch redone as the wood was getting pretty ugly. When the contractor pulled all the old wood up we found some very interesting things stored under the porch – tons of flower pots, an old battery, an old military cot, tons of trash and this beige table stand or maybe it’s a flower stand or a bird feeder? I wasn’t sure but I liked it! ​

Green painted base of a table.

​I slapped on some neon green paint but thought it needed more so added a few bright blue stripes. LOVE!! The frisbee is not staying in there….. but what to do with it now? I tossed around a few ideas but had no real plans until hubby and I returned from a beach trip. While there I had picked up some sea or beach glass to do something with for Kristina’s beach themed new home. I decided instead to use that glass to make a mosaic table top for my rescued table bird feeder plant stand thingy. ​

Grout on pizza pan.

​I snagged a used pizza pan that was the exact size of the table opening and slathered it with grout. I really really tried to make it even across. 

Adding marbles on the grout topped pizza pan.

​Sorry for the shadows – I was not crafting alone! My son and his girlfriend were helping and blocking the light…and it’s about 10pm at night….Next step we starting arranging the glass marbles – these are the marbles with a flat side that are used in flower arranging and various crafts. Wanting a beachy feel I had bought 2 bags with different shades of blue and one with greens (and other colors). ​

Pizza pan covered with grout and decorated with sea glass and marbles.

​I was attempting to make the center a nice circle of color….as you can tell it’s not very circular nor is it in the center. We added the sea glass and then if you can tell (don’t worry I know you can’t) in between the sea glass are spirals of the marbles. Okay, I realize now that it looks quite the mess but I still love it!

spreading grout on sea glass and marbles.

After the first layer of grout dried, we went back over the mosaic, spreading an evenish layer of grout into all the crevices, nooks and crannies. Hubby helped with this step, isn’t he a sweetie!

Close up of the sea glass and marble table top.

​Then I was the lucky one to use the sponge and wash off all the excess grout so the marbles and glass could shine through!! Beautiful!  

Adding polyurethane to the top of the table top.

​I wanted to add that hard clear finish you see on these types of projects and hubby said he knew just what I needed. Unfortunately he was wrong. He brought home some polyurethane instead of the epoxy. He insisted it would work and proceeded to pour most of the can onto my beautiful sea glass mosaic! After 6 hours and we checked back on the project, he admitted he might have used the wrong stuff…so we poured off all the excess and left a light coat to dry and seal the project. I still plan to get the epoxy to finish the table off. ​

Finished sea glass mosaic table top next to two folding chairs.

​But in the meantime, I thought I would go ahead and share with you my sea glass mosaic table! Don’t the two pieces look beautiful together? One of hubbies co-worker’s son (say that three times fast) is having a fundraiser for the FFA (Future Farmers of America) and they are building Adirondack chairs. I placed an order for two and plan to paint them to match the table! Until then we can use these chairs.

Sea glass mosaic table beside two folding chairs.

​We had a great time working on this project as a family and I think it shows. Yes it was a bit chaotic and technically the table isn’t done yet but overall A+! 

Top view of a sea glass mosaic table.

Hope you take the time today to share a bit of love with your family and the world! We can all use it for sure!

Thanks for crafting with me, Millie

Millie & Kristina blog over at where they share their original crochet patterns, adventures with yarn and other crafty materials and share as they learn the art of being self-sustainable. Stop by and visit us sometime! ​


Wow what a beautiful beachy mosaic table! Now if only I had an old porch where I could dig up forgotten treasures! I want to thank Millie for joining me here today and sharing her sea glass mosaic table. Be sure to stop by Millie’s blog and see what she is up to. She is a wiz with the needles. Oh and Millie, that table would look gorgeous on my balcony (wink, wink)!!  
Summer is right around the corner.I can smell the salty sea air from now! Are you all getting ready and preparing your outdoor spaces?

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  1. Charlotte says:

    this is so beautiful! it turned out amazing! i’m not sure I would have the creativity to make this (and if I did I guarantee it wouldn’t look like this :p )

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Charlotte, the credit goes to my friend Millie who did such a wonderful job and has now given us inspiration.

  2. I love your table, so fresh. Thank you for sharing on #overthemoon

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Jennifer, yes Millie bought a fresh air to my blog with her lovely table, something I desperately needed because I’m still stuck in winter…lol

  3. Laurie says:

    Mary/Millie – I loved this table the first time I saw it and am delighted to see this wonderful project shared on your blog and then shared with us at Brag About It! Have a wonderful week! Pinning and tweeting to share!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Laurie, I am so happy to have worked with Millie, she is inspiring me to step outside my comfort zone and cracking the whip! Just kidding, it is a real peasure for me to have her on the blog and show her beautiful table and her great sense of humor. Thanks for the pin and tweet.

  4. Lindsay says:

    awesome tutorial! I’ve always wanted to know how to make this type of table! thanks so much for sharing at #funtasticfriday

  5. How lovely! I am a big fan of sea glass and collect it when I can, but never quite know what to do with it.

  6. ΤΕΤΑ says:

    Πολύ όμορφη δουλειά!!!

    • Mary says:

      Σας ευχαριστω! Η φίλη μου έκανε θαύματα με το θαλασσινο γυαλί.

  7. I love your table Mary! You did a great job, it turned out really pretty! That is something I have tried yet, but it’s on my craft to do list. I want to make some mosaic planters. I think that would be cool. Thanks for sharing!

    • Mary says:

      Linda, I was fortunate to have Millie guest post this beautiful beachy piece. Makes me long for the Summertime.

  8. Millis did a wonderful job on this mosaic table! I love the sea glass and flat marbles together. Now I want a mosaic table! Hmmmm…. I could definitely use one on my patio!

    • Mary says:

      They look great together don’t they T’onna? I want a mosaic table too, I’ll have to go visit Millie and see if I find some sea glass.

  9. Great project and guest post. Thanks for sharing @Vintage Charm!

    • Mary says:

      Millie did such a great job Cecilia, it makes me want to go out to my balcony and start cleaning up for Spring…lol.

  10. julie says:

    I love that you had issues along the way and yet persevered to make a really pretty unique table.
    My favourite line in the whole post is “he admitted he might have used the wrong stuff” – bless!

    • Mary says:

      Millie has quite a way of telling a story! Great sense of humor and a really terrific job on that table, so much so that she made me jeleous! 😉

  11. Life Loving says:

    This looks awesome Millie. I’d love to give this a go and recreate it. It’s such a perfect and stylish outdoor table. Thanks for having Millie over Mary, it’s lovely to see such a nice craft. Compliments your blog perfectly.
    Sally @ Life Loving

  12. Michelle says:

    Those are so pretty and I love all of the creative things out there people do with their things! The colors are so nice too. It makes me think of the ocean! Thanks so much for linking up with #manicmonday

  13. I love anything mosaic and this is something I love! Thanks for bringing it to the party!

  14. Kim Six says:

    What a great project, and so colorful and friendly. Perfect for outdoors! Thanks for linking up to You’re Gonna Love it! Pinning!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Kim, I had a great guest with tis mosaic table and the result was perfect. Makes me lomg for summer to start… and I hate the summer time.

  15. Love this table! The uniqueness of it attracts the eye. Thanks for sharing, i might have to make my own.

  16. Omg this is so beautiful! It reminds me of a seaside hotel in west Greece! Great colors!

  17. Wow! That looks beautiful… I can’t believe how quick and seems easy to make it, it does come out unique, stylish and really lovely. Thanks for sharing! #LifeLovingLinkie

    • Mary says:

      My friend Millie did a spectactuar job with the base that she found. Too bad we can’t find any bases like that.

  18. Linda says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! Shred on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Best wishes, Linda @Crafts a la mode

  19. Μarie-Anne says:

    I love sea glass and I have gathered a lot of pieces which I am also planning to use on a small table! I really liked Millie’s project, although I would not use a neon paint for the table.
    Thank you for sharing, Mary!

    • Mary says:

      I love her project too Marie-Anne, I’m just sad that I’ve never found any sea glass at my beach. I only find pebbles and garbage. I would love to see your table when it’s finished.

  20. What a nice project. I love the idea of using the old pan for the table top. It turned out so cute,

    • Mary says:

      Debra that was clever thnking on Millie’s part.It turned out fantastic! I never would have thought to repurpose a pizza pan. I like my pizza!

  21. Keri says:

    Mary, how fun to have Millie do a blog post!! I like how she made the tabletop with grout and sea glass! Very cool!! I’ve been meaning to try something like this, Millie just inspired me into “get it done” mode!! 🙂

  22. Krista says:

    That looks great! I pick up various pieces of sea glass on a regular basis. Currently they live in a clear glass jar – looking pretty but not very functional. This type of project would be perfect for some of those pieces. Thanks for sharing your project.

    • Mary says:

      We don’t have anything like that here Krista. But they are so beautiful they can stand on thier own as art. I’ll wait to see what you do with yours.

  23. Very impressive! I love the colors your selected…thanks for sharing your creativity with the Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Mary says:

      Pam Millie has such a great eye for these things. The table top is gorgeous. It must be even prettier and shinier in person.

  24. Pili says:

    Millie did a wonderful job with that table!! It looks awesome!! If you don’t have enough room on your terrace you can send it over here, I can make room 😉

  25. hey Mary!! Thanks for letting us craft with you today 🙂 When you visit us in the US we will make your own sea glass table with North Carolina beach glass! woot!!

    • Mary says:

      Millie I’m so happy to have you visit. This turned out so well, I think you can go and work with Bob Villa on his show. I’m definitely coming to visit and to collect some sea glass.

  26. Katrin says:

    Mary wow you’ve picked awesome company, the little table is beautiful! Millie did a great job! The sea glass is beautiful, I bet it shines nicely in the sun! And what fun that must have been for her, to find treasures underneath a deck, hey? Almost like your magical basement!…

    • Mary says:

      Millie has such an eye for these things. The colors are perfect for that beachy feel. Now, I’ve got to go to the basement looking for something, anything that I can turn into a table.

    • Kristina & Millie says:

      Thanks Katrin for thinking the table is beautiful! it does sparkle in the sun 🙂

  27. Ntina says:

    This looks amazing! I’m amazed of how easily you girls take something from trash and turn it into treasure!

  28. Eleana A. says:

    Great project, the table is lovely!! I like mosaic, it reminds me of the summer. I did try last year and it came out realy nice! I want to try with the sea glass but I need to find a table!!

    • Mary says:

      Eleana you need to find a table, I need to find the sea glass. I’ve never seen it at my beach. Maybe it’s time to take a trip to some other beaches.

  29. Poppy says:

    What a beautiful creation! I absolutely love it when a project or a poem or a story or a song is inspired from such spectacular circumstances! You never know what treasures surround you until they stare you in the face:))

    • Mary says:

      What you say is very true Poppy, I also find inspiration strikes me in the strangest moments. I hope you are well dear Poppy!!

  30. Kim says:

    LOVE the colors!!

  31. Teresa says:

    The table would be a beautiful addition to any porch, deck or patio! I would love to live close to the beach so I could walk along it everyday and find treasures. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Stella Lee says:

    Millie! This is wonderful, I can’t tell from the pictures that your hubby used the wrong stuff. And I can totally see the swirls. I’ve always wanted to do a mosaic craft but have never gotten around to it. You’ve inspired me to get planning!

  33. Leigh says:

    I love it! Love it! Love it! I’m hoping to try something similar with broken plates. Thanks!

  34. Celeste says:

    This is gorgeous! I could definitely do this with all the sea glass we have around here! I love how this turned out! It’s so pretty!

  35. Sarah Eliza says:

    Lovely, lovely table!

  36. I love seaglass, and have many fond memories of walking the beach as a kid with my grandparents and collecting all the different colors. This is so pretty…and would look great on our back patio too! LOL

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Wendi. Millie did a fantastic job and those colors are so gorgeous.Now I’ll have to go back to my basement and see if I can find a base for a table like this.

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