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Metal Milk Storage Crates - Μεταλλικά κιβώτια αποθήκευσης γάλακτος 

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A lovely day to everyone.  Life just keeps on getting more interesting.  I found 3 metal milk storage crates (one was turned into a stool) in our basement the other day.  I did not even know what  they were until my husband told me. They were in bad shape, rusted over and broken here and there. But what sort of blogger would I be if I could not find a way to save them from basement hell??

Μια όμορφη μέρα σε όλους. Η ζωή συνεχίζετε και γίνετε όλο και πιο ενδιαφέρουσα. Βρήκα τρία μεταλλικά κιβώτια αποθήκευσης του γάλακτος 

(το ένα είχε μετατραπεί σε σκαμνί) στο υπόγειο μας την άλλη μέρα. Εγώ δεν ήξερα καν τι ήταν μέχρι ο σύζυγός μου μου εξήγησε. Ήταν σε κακή κατάσταση, σκουριασμένα και σπασμένα εδώ και εκεί. Αλλά τι είδους blogger θα ήμουν αν δεν μπόρεσα να βρω έναν τρόπο να τα σώσει από την κόλαση του υπογείου.
crate before, Metal Milk Storage Crates
I immediately got to work painting these vintage pieces. Did you know they actually sell these?  Mine were in bad shape, not for sale! I painted them on the outside using grey rust proof paint. 

Αμέσως ξεκίνησα να βάψω αυτά Vintage κομμάτια. Γνωρίζατε ότι στην  πραγματικότητα πωλουνται αυτά; Τα δικά μου ήταν σε κακή κατάσταση, άρα δεν είναι προς πώληση! Τα έβαψα απ έξω χρησιμοποιώντας γκρι χρώμα.
Painting the metal crate, Metal Milk Storage Crates
Then it got interesting.  Did I mention that I have 2 of them the same exact size.  What if I were to stack them one on top of the other?   How can I keep them together?  Of course…twine (insert sneaky “twine lady” smile here). 

Η συνέχεια έχει ενδιαφέρον. Ανέφερα ότι έχω δύο από αυτά ακριβώς το ίδιο μέγεθος. Τι θα συμβεί αν ήταν να τα τοποθετήσω το ένα πάνω από το άλλο; Πώς μπορώ να τους κρατήσω μαζί; Φυσικά … σπάγγος (εισάγετε ύπουλα “κυρία σπαγγου” χαμόγελο εδώ).
Wrapping the crates together with the twine. Metal Milk Storage Crates
Yes, I could not resist… I spent 2 hours of my life wrapping up the milk crates. Oh, but how nice they looked in the end.

Ναι, δεν μπορούσα να αντισταθώ … Πέρασα δύο ώρες της ζωής μου, τυλίγοντας τα κιβώτια γάλα. Ναι, αλλά πόσο ωραία θα φαίνονται στο τέλος.
Wrapping crates together with twine, Metal Milk Storage Crates
Why yes, I would love to share my wrapping pictures with you!  

Μα βεβαίως,

 θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ τις φωτογραφίες τυλίγματος  μαζί σας!
Using twine to attach crates together. Metal Milk Storage Crates
Here we have the two milk cartons all wrapped  up – I did such a good job, they are united for life!

Εδώ έχουμε τα δύο κιβώτια τυλιγμένα μαζί - έκανα τόσο καλή δουλειά, που θα είναι ενωμένοι για μια ζωή!
 Twine wrapping completed, Metal Milk Storage Crates
Once the wrapping was done, I had to decide what to do with this “base”.  Not to worry, I still had plenty of plywood saved from basement hell.  

Μόλις έγινε η περιτύλιξη, έπρεπε να αποφασίσω τι να κάνω με αυτή τη «βάση». Μην ανησυχείτε, είχα 

 κόντρα πλακέ που έσωσα από το υπόγειο κόλαση.
Cut plywood to fit shape of crates, Metal Milk Storage Crates
After it was cut to size, I drilled some holes in it and then used my trusty furniture wax to give it some sheen. I debated whether to paint the wood or leave it natural, and decided to go with the latter, as it complements the twine on the crates. 

Μετά που κόπηκαν στο σωστό μέγεθος, ανοίξαμε μερικές τρύπες  και στη συνέχεια χρησιμοποίησα  το έμπιστο κερί επίπλων μου να δώσει λάμψη στο ξύλο. 
Αναρωτήθηκα αν πρέπει να βάψω το ξύλο ή να το αφήσω φυσικό, και αποφάσισα να κάνω το τελευταίο, καθώς συμπληρώνει το σπάγγο των κιβωτίων.
Drill holes into top of crate, Metal Milk Storage Crates
And last but not least, I used some more twine to wrap the wooden top to the crates.  

Και τελευταίο αλλά όχι λιγότερο σημαντικό, χρησιμοποίησα λίγο περισσότερο σπάγγο για να τυλίξω το ξύλο προς τα κιβώτια.
Attach the plywood using twine, Metal Milk Storage Crates
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links. If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.

Another one for the balcony!  It’s starting to get crowded out there!

Ένα άλλο για το μπαλκόνι! Έχει γεμίσει με πολλά έπιπλα εκεί έξω!
Completed outdoor table, Metal Milk Storage Crates
Outdoor table, Metal Milk Storage Crates
And there we have it a table out of junk – but good junk! My kind of repurpose. 

Και έχουμε, ένα τραπέζι φτιαγμένο  από σκουπίδια – αλλά καλά σκουπίδια!  Δικό μου είδος επαναπροσδιορισμού.
Crates as table, Metal Milk Storage Crates
using crates to make an outdoor table, Metal Milk Storage Crates
I have since updated this little table.  You can see how it looks now here.
 Repurposing milk crates to make an outdoor table, Metal Milk Storage Crates
My son jokingly said to me, “If you have visitors and they see all your new furniture on your balcony they’ll think you’re rich!”  Little do they know.  This is my own way of combating the economic crisis!!

Ο γιος μου αστειευόταν και μου είπε, “Αν έχετε επισκέπτες και δουν όλα τα νέα έπιπλα στο μπαλκόνι σας θα νομίζουν ότι είστε πλούσιοι!” Λίγο ξέρουν. Αυτός είναι ο δικός μου τρόπος για την καταπολέμηση της οικονομικής κρίσης !!
 Repurposing milk crates to make an outdoor table, #repurpose #outdoorfurniture #outdoortable #vintagemetalmilkcrates #newlife #trashure #outdoortable #DIYproject Metal Milk Storage Crates
If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest.  Above is a Pinterest worthy image!

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Κι άλλες προτάσεις  που θα σας αρέσουν:
<< A milk Crate Turned Stool               HOME                 A Corner of My Balcony >>

This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.

  1. Rebekah says:

    I love this! I can never just look at an item and come up with a way to re purpose it without looking for ideas first. I love how you kept true to the vintage feel of the piece by using the rope and keeping the wood. Lovely!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks so much Rebekah, I usually stare at a piece for a while before going ahead with the rep urpose, jjust to get a feel for it. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Chas Greener says:

    Brilliant idea and so useful! Thanks for sharing on To Grandma’s House We Go! I’ll be featuring you next week!

  3. candy says:

    I two of these on my porch, perfect idea to use them. Found you on Simple Homestead Blog Hop.

  4. Lisa says:

    This is absolutly adorable. Personally, I think the older lookin and beat up they are, the better they look.
    Love this idea. I have some old baskets that I was gonna hang in my bathroom but realized they are just too heavy. Mine are rectangle instead of square. Thanks for sharing your cool idea.

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Lisa. Are you also going to make a table with yours? That would be so cool.

  5. This is such a great upcycle project. Thanks for sharing with us at #CCBG

  6. Maria says:

    I have several storage crates in the attic, Yours came out really pretty! I’m inspired how quick you come up with ideas.

    • Mary says:

      I think you and I both know the more we surf through blogland the more creative we end up becoming.

  7. This is great, I really like how you created a table using these metal crates. Smart thinking!

    • Mary says:

      Thanks Carol, I always try to repurpose old things, and I find I’m getting more and more creative (or crazy) as I go along…lol

  8. Katrin says:

    This is so cool Mary! You’re brilliant! Love this idea and how rustic and industrial it looks!!!

  9. Mary, this is sooooo clever of you! I love it! The twine is perfect. The top is perfect. Love it.

    • Mary says:

      Jean this was the original post when I came up with the idea. A year later I had to redo it because silly me, I had left it out on the balcony all winter.

  10. Pili says:

    This is a great repurpose Mary! Using twine to attach both together is not only practical but it adds visual interest, love the mix of metal and twine and wood. Your basement is like heaven for thrifters!

    • Mary says:

      Pili I always try to be practical when it comes to these projects. And of course you know how much I love twine!

  11. Amy says:

    When I saw these metal milk storage crates, they brought back some memories. I love that you repurposed them. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make,

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