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A New Year and New Faces!

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Happy New Year’s friends of The Boondocks Blog! With the changing of the year and decade, we thought it would be a great time to introduce you to us, the new faces of The Boondocks Blog.

Hello! Nice to Meet you

We’re Jane and Sonja, two sisters who love to craft, DIY and upcycle. We’ve had our own blog Sustain my Craft Habit for nearly five years now.

It is through our own blogging that we e-met Mary, creator of The Boondocks Blog. We hit it off right away as we share similar interests and styles. We’ve always been in awe of Mary’s talent for creating beautiful items for the home by DIYing, repurposing and upcycling.

So when, by chance we found out that Mary was stepping away from her passion project, we just couldn’t let all of her creative ideas and posts go. We made her an offer to keep The Boondocks Blog going and she accepted!

A Little More About Us

As a way of introduction, here are five fun facts about us:

  • we live in nearby towns just outside of Toronto, Canada;
  • Jane has four kids between 5-13 years of age and Sonja has one 10-year old daughter;
  • we both have day-jobs: Sonja as a designer and product developer in the apparel industry and Jane as a director of research in a large teaching hospital;
  • we started Sustain My Craft Habit in March 2015 as a way of sharing our love of nature-inspired DIY, craft and home decor ideas;
  • our mom Branka joined our blogging team about a year ago and we launched Sustain My Cooking Habit to share her amazing recipes and tips for gardening and modern homesteading;
  • Jane’s a bit addicted to Netflix and Sonja’s still a huge fan of Survivor 😀 .

We invite you to stop by Sustain My Craft Habit to explore the DIY, craft and decor ideas we share there. Here are some of our top posts on the blog (click the images to take you there):

What are We Planning for The Boondocks Blog?

To be honest, we don’t have any specific plans to change things here at The Boondocks Blog. We think of it as a great resource and just want to keep it available for people to be inspired to re-imagine and re-love the items in their home.

So, over the coming months we will be revisiting Mary’s top projects and sprinkling in some new crafts and DIY’s here and there. We’ll also be Pinning ideas and inspiration on The Boondocks Blog Pinterest account, so be sure to give it a follow!

To get started, take a stroll through The Boondocks Blog’s top 5 posts:

We are looking forward to getting to know you over the coming months. Please leave a comment letting us know where you are reading from and a fun fact about you!

Happy crafting friends!

  1. Nippon says:

    You rock with your writing!! Spectacular one for sure.

  2. Hi, girls! I have been visiting this blog couple of years now. Its so nice that you are taking forward this content that Mary has been creating for long. I have found many interesting ideas here. Looking forward to upcomming projects!
    Many regards from Croatia!

  3. Liberty says:

    Reading from southern PA. Nice to meet you.
    Liberty @

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