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Storage Unit Up-cycle No more Red Plastic  - Κοκκινη Αποθήκευτικη Μονάδα

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I have kept old furniture from a lifetime ago, always trying to re-use it over the  years.  I had this particular piece for over  22 years.  It was a storage unit for my kids’ toys and such.  But after so many years I had grown tired of the look.

Έχω φυλάξει παλιά έπιπλα, προσπαθώντας πάντα να τα επαναχρησιμοποιήσω όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Είχα αυτό το συγκεκριμένο κομμάτι για πάνω από 22 χρόνια. Ήταν μια μονάδα αποθήκευσης για τα παιχνίδια των παιδιών μου. Αλλά μετά από τόσα χρόνια είχα βαρεθεί την εμφάνιση.

Storage unit updated using twine
As you can see, it would have been perfect for a kids room, but I have teens.  Anyway it was time for a change.  I wanted to put it under a desk  I have and use it for storing boxes and things, but it had to be nice enough to match the black and wood decor of the room.  I also wanted to remove the top shelf so that if I needed to store bulky items there would be room for that on top.

Όπως μπορείτε να δείτε, θα ήταν ιδανικό για ένα παιδικό δωμάτιο, αλλά έχω έφηβες. Τέλος πάντων ήρθε η ώρα για μια αλλαγή. Ήθελα να το βάλω κάτω από ένα γραφείο που έχω και να το χρησιμοποιήσω για την αποθήκευση κουτιά και πράγματα, αλλά θα έπρεπε να είναι αρκετά καλό για να ταιριάζει με την μαύρο και ξύλινη διακόσμηση του δωματίου. Ήθελα, επίσης, να αφαιρέσω το πάνω ράφι, έτσι ώστε αν χρειάζεται να αποθηκεύτουν τα ογκώδη αντικείμενα από πάνω.

Storage unit updated using twine
detail of red plastic storage unit, upcycled using twine
Here is what I did.  I found a few pieces of wood, and had the hubby cut them to size.  Then he drilled them into the back of the storage unit. They would provide much needed structure to the piece. 

Βρήκα μερικά κομμάτια ξύλου, και είχε το σύζυγος να τα κόψει στο σωστό μέγεθος. Τότε τα βίδωσε στο πίσω μέρος της μονάδας. Θα παρέχουν την αναγκαία δομή για το κομμάτι.

adding wood to the back of the storage unit for support
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detail of added wood to the storage unit for support
I then removed the top shelf.  Here is what it looked like so far.

Στη συνέχεια αφαιρέθηκε το πάνω ράφι. Έτσι  έμοιαζε μέχρι στιγμής.

removal of the top shelf of storage unit
I then proceeded to paint the wood a black color, to coordinate with my desired scheme. 

Στη συνέχεια ζωγράφισα το ξύλο μαύρο χρώμα, για να ταιριάζει με το επιθυμητό σχήμα μου.

painting the wood black Storage Unit Upcycle
painting the wood black, Storage Unit Upcycle
At this point I knew I would have to do something about that red plastic.  I have been wrapping everything up with twine lately and I figured let’s give this a try.  It may be crazy but it just might work.  So slowly, very slowly I began to wrap the shelves up in twine.

Σε αυτό το σημείο ήξερα ότι θα πρέπει να κάνω κάτι με αυτό το κόκκινο πλαστικό. Έχω τυλίξει τα πάντα με σπάγκο τον τελευταίο καιρό και σκέφτηκα ας το δοκιμάσω. Μπορεί να είναι τρελό, αλλά αυτό ακριβώς θα μπορούσε να λειτουργήσει. Έτσι, σιγά-σιγά, και πολύ αργά άρχισα να τυλίγω τα ράφια με σπάγγο.

Storage unit updated using twine Storage Unit Upcycle
Needless to say, it was a long and tedious project.  And it took me a while to find some sort of system on how to do it so that it would look uniform. 

Περιττό να πω, ήταν ένα χρονοβόρο και κουραστικό έργο. Και μου πήρε αρκετό χρόνο για να βρω κάποιο σύστημα ώστε να φαίνεται ομοιόμορφο.

 twine details Storage Unit Upcycle
twine details, Storage Unit Upcycle
This went on for quite a while, until I ran out of twine… A trip to the store, and back to work….

Αυτό συνεχίστηκε για αρκετό διάστημα, μέχρι που έμεινα από σπάγκο … Μια βόλτα στο κατάστημα, και πίσω στη δουλειά ….

 More twine, Storage Unit Upcycle

​I figured I would take many pictures of this, because it was not going to happen again any time soon!!

Σκέφτηκα να τραβήξω  πολλές φωτογραφίες, γιατί δεν επρόκειτο να συμβεί και πάλι σύντομα !!

twine wrapped around the plastic shelves of storage unit, Storage Unit Upcycle
Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links and link to If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission, that way I can continue to provide you with lovely content.  There is no extra charge to you for purchasing through my affiliate links.

And then one day …. I finally finished!!

Και μια μέρα …. τελείωσε!!

Storage unit updated using twine Storage Unit Upcycle
Initially I styled it like this, but it was too bland. 

Αρχικά το διακόσμησα έτσι, αλλά ήταν πολύ βαρετό.
attempt at styling the storage unit Storage Unit Upcycle
But then I came up with this idea.  I had previously covered all the boxes in this lovely black/white fabric.

Αλλά τότε κατέληξα σε αυτή την ιδέα. Είχα προηγουμένως καλύψει όλα τα κουτιά σε αυτό το υπέροχο μαύρο / άσπρο ύφασμα.
Storage unit updated using twine
‘m sure that by the end of this post you will not remember the horrible red plastic.  I think it looks much more rustic and chic at the same time. Now it will not be an embarrassment if I choose to put it in the living room.   What do you think?  Was it worth all that work?  I think so!!  Let me know your opinion.

 Είμαι σίγουρη ότι μέχρι το τέλος αυτού του post δεν θα θυμάστε το φρικτό κόκκινο πλαστικό. Νομίζω ότι φαίνεται πολύ πιο ρουστίκ και κομψό ταυτόχρονα. Τώρα δεν θα είναι μια ντροπή αν επιλέξω να το βάλω στο σαλόνι. Τι πιστεύετε? Άξιζε όλη αυτή η εργασία; Εγώ νομίζω πώς ναι!!

Storage unit updated using twine to hide the plastic underneath, #upcycle #furnituremakeover #storageunit #usingtwine #DIYproject Storage Unit Upcycle

If you like what you see, share it with your friends, or save it on Pinterest. If you really like what you see subscribe to my blog and get my adventures twice a week in your mailbox.

Αν σας αρέσει αυτό που βλέπετε, να το μοιραστείτε με τους φίλους σας, ή να το αποθηκεύσετε στο Pinterest. Επισεις μπορείτε  να εγγραφείτε στο blog μου και να λαμβάνετε τις περιπέτειες  μου δύο φορές την εβδομάδα στο e-mail σας.
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This blog is for entertainment purposes only; my DIY tutorials are not professional advice. Read my full disclaimer here.

I love it when I get your comments and I will reply to each and every one of them. ​
Μ ‘αρέσει όταν παίρνω τα σχόλιά σας και θα απαντήσω σε καθένα από αυτά.


Tuesday 14th of August 2018

Hi Mary, you'd never know it was the same piece! It was well worth the trouble to transform it... I did just have a funny thought... Did you move back to the US because you were all upcycled here? A bit like starting with a new canvas?... When we moved here we had some bits bought over and one was an old draw/ shelf unit I had as a child. My husband tunred it into separate drawers and a book shelp for what was going to be the childrens room. The shelves are still going strong over 40 years later, but the drawers sort of past the point of no return. xx


Wednesday 15th of August 2018

You are so funny Debbie. I think that we could have upcycled forever. There was a great big metal gate that we had and I wanted to turn it into a foyer ornament and a table attached to it. I still wish I could have done it but no time. You see how even your husband has the right idea!


Monday 26th of October 2015

This turned out really neat! :) Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!


Tuesday 27th of October 2015

Thank you for stopping by Jess. Your visits are always appreciated!


Monday 26th of October 2015

What a fabulous idea. I love that you used the string to make the shelf look amazing! great job!


Tuesday 27th of October 2015

Thanks Suzie, it took forever to make because I didn't want to burn out on twine wrapping but it was so worth it. Thanks for your sweet comment.

Celeste @ Decor by the Seashore

Wednesday 28th of October 2015

What a cute and creative way to give new life to an old piece of furniture! I love the twine!


Thursday 29th of October 2015

Celest this thing took me two months because I did it a little at a time. It was a lot of work, but well worth it in the end to get rid of that red plastic which I hated. Thanks for the visit.


Thursday 29th of October 2015

Another interesting project for our #tiptuesday. Thanks a lot for sharing it, Mary!


Thursday 29th of October 2015

Always happy to visit you Debbie.